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Star Trek Voy - Season 2 - Episode 08

Star Trek Voy - 2x08 - Persistence of Vision

Originally Aired: 1995-10-30

A mysterious force puts the crew in a delusional state. [DVD]

My Rating - 2

Fan Rating Average - 4.31

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- When Janeway becomes catatonic, why did Chakotay disappear behind her? He was in the turbolift too...


Remarkable Scenes
- Busy Janeway.
- Small doctor.
- Kes seeing things. Strange things.
- Everyone becoming catatonic.
- Kes saving the ship.
- Janeway: "Why did you do this?" Bothan: "Because I can."

My Review
I like how the issue of transferring the doctor to the essential parts of the ship is revisited in the beginning. Nice to see it's taking some effort to actually implement. Sadly, not much else is interesting in this episode. I rather liked the detail concerning Janeway getting overworked and stressed out. The little doctor was amusing too. But we've seen far too many hallucination plots already. This episode is really a blatant rehash. The only thing I liked about the main plot as it developed was that Kes saved the ship. Go Kes!

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Freddie Katz on 2015-03-10 at 8:41am:
    Not only a rehash of other Voyager episodes, but a a rehash of what has now become a running Start Trek joke; the chief medical officer ordering the captain to take a vacation due to overwork and high stress levels. We had "Shore Leave" on TOS, and "Captain's Holiday" on TNG...I believe that Deep Space 9 was spared.
  • From Damien Bradley on 2017-01-06 at 8:48pm:
    At first I was going to complain that it all came down to some mysterious alien trolling the crew for funsies. What? But then I remembered that that's pretty much all Q does in TNG. :)

    I do like how Kes' character is being developed. She has powers not shared by the others, and in this episode she was forced to rise up and save the day. I like how, while at first, she was just kind of the "emotional relief" of the ship -- the warm, caring (not to mention attractive) person anyone can talk to, clearly she isn't just that, and she's becoming much more. Again I'm curious if other Ocampa share her telepathic abilities, or if she's exceptional in some way. This is the farthest I've gotten in Voyager so far, so no spoilers please!

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