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Star Trek Voy - Season 3 - Episode 13

Star Trek Voy - 3x13 - Fair Trade

Originally Aired: 1997-1-8

Neelix gets involved in a narcotics ring. [DVD]

My Rating - 1

Fan Rating Average - 4.78

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Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 14 8 3 10 10 9 18 14 11 6 3


- Chakotay and Paris bought bio memetic gel in this episode.

Remarkable Scenes
- The plasma explosion.
- Janeway confronting Neelix.

My Review
This episode is particularly annoying. Neelix' sudden lack of self confidence is explained well; he doesn't know anything about space beyond this point. Unfortunately, it takes him the entire episode to talk to Janeway about it. Janeway had every right to be angry with him. I would have been too.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Shooter on 2010-09-01 at 6:27am:
    I actually liked this episode quite a bit. Who doesn't have one of those old friends from high school, or from their past, whom you owe dearly, but might put you in this kind of impossible position because you're not the person today that you were back then?
  • From SWs on 2015-08-21 at 12:02am:
    You're underrating the episode by a fair margin. The most impressive thing about this episode is the atmosphere it creates with it's detailed scenery (the interior of the station, bar)and the varied and colorful aliens that stand out from the usual slightly modified humans of other episodes. Even background aliens have extensive make up like the couple in the bar for example.

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