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Star Trek Voy - Season 4 - Episode 25

Star Trek Voy - 4x25 - One

Originally Aired: 1998-5-13

Seven faces her deepest fears alone. [DVD]

My Rating - 3

Fan Rating Average - 5.04

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- Once when Seven of Nine was a drone, she was separated from the Collective for two hours. She experienced panic and apprehension.

Remarkable Scenes
- Seven of Nine interrogating the holographic crew.
- The false alarm.
- The glitchy computer.
- Seven of Nine sucking the air out of the bridge.

My Review
A respectable episode with a decent premise but a poor execution. I was looking forward to watching Seven of Nine and the doctor maintain the ship as it passed through the nebula, but the writers unfortunately had to lean on the illusions crutch again to spice up what they perceived as a dull plot. With a little more effort, the premise would have been all the plot we needed instead of relying on cliches. That said, even the premise can be attacked somewhat. I find Voyager's "the only way out is through" mentality annoying. Space is incredibly vast. If there's no way around something, it must extend in every direction for hundreds, probably thousands of light years, and Voyager must be approaching it from its center. This happens routinely; alien territories, spacial anomalies, and Voyager always seems to clear it by the end of the episode. It gets old. Based on the diagrams shown in astrometrics, I don't see why Voyager couldn't have flown above or below the nebula; it was clearly longer than it was tall. This episode does, however, contribute to Seven of Nine's personality development. After this experience, she understands the need for companionship and doesn't consider it as trivial as she did at the beginning of the episode.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Dstyle on 2015-06-16 at 12:59pm:
    Why does Seven (and sometimes Harry) seem to be the only person who ever does any work in the astrometrics lab? It's like that room was just empty space until Seven arrived. I mean, do the Delaney sisters EVER show up to their shifts?
  • From Jadzia Guinan Smith on 2015-06-16 at 1:34pm:
    Lal + Hugh = One
  • From Dstyle on 2015-06-16 at 3:52pm:
    Seven of Nine rushes to the bridge with a dermal re-generator after the ship flies into the nebula and the crew starts reeling from the effects. She flips over a nameless red shirt, face horribly burnt, and looks up as the camera zooms in on her face. "He's dead," she says. The music swells dramatically and the scene ends, unfortunately cutting off the rest of her speech. "He's dead," she says. "Fortunately I have already demonstrated that my superior Borg technology can bring him back from what you call 'death.' Hopefully he doesn't suffer a tedious crisis of faith, like Nelix did a dozen episodes ago, earlier this season. Hey, you guys remember I can bring people back from the dead, right? Guys? Seriously, it was just a couple of episodes ago. [looks down at the crew member again] Oh wait, this one isn't important. I don't even know his name. Never mind."
  • From tigertooth on 2017-05-29 at 3:17am:
    To me, the worst part of the premise is: what would they do if something went wrong? If there was another anomaly within the nebula or they got attacked? Or if there was a problem with the stasis units that they never used before?

    Once they're inside the nebula, you can't take people out of stasis for any reason. You're counting on the month-long trip through this nebula -- that has already shown itself to be unlike anything they've seen before and they're unable to scan -- to go extremely smoothly.

    Way too risky. An extra 11 months is a small price to pay.

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