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Star Trek DS9 - Season 5

Star Trek DS9 - 5x01 - Apocalypse Rising

Originally Aired: 1996-9-30

Sisko approaches Starfleet Command with Odo's suspicion that Gowron, the Klingon leader, is really one of Odo's people -- a Changeling. [DVD]

My Rating - 7

Fan Rating Average - 5.5

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 48 2 9 2 1 8 8 20 42 26 19

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.


- Season 5 begins a trend of very cool episode names. Granted there were a few creepy cool episode names before this one, I like to officially designate this as the first such episode.

Remarkable Scenes
- Kira telling Dukat who the father of her child is. I love the confused look he gets on his face when she tells him O'Brien, a married man, is the father of her child. :)
- Sisko, O'Brien, and Odo as Klingons.
- Bashir and Kira arguing about her pregnancy.
- Worf training his crewmembers on how to act Klingon.
- Dukat destroying a Klingon Bird of Prey.
- Klingons bragging about killing Starfleet officers. One Klingon mentions killing a Tellarite and a Benzanite. Sisko attacks him "because he's in the way of his blood wine" but really because the captain of that ship was his friend.
- Martok seeing something familiar in O'Brien.
- Martok discovering the intruders when Sisko is nominated for an award.
- Odo discovering that Martok is the Changeling.
- Hoards of Klingons killing the impostor Martok.
- Morn Appearances; 1. Just after the opening credits.

My Review
Odo is feeling sorry for himself now that he's no longer a Changeling. Starfleet is planning to expose the fact that Gowron is a Changeling. Sisko is stuck with the job of implementing this plan. Their spy mission doesn't go precisely as planned; because Martok is the Changeling, not Gowron. Despite a distinct lack of lines, this is really Odo's episode, not anyone else's. For he has regained his confidence in this episode. He may no longer be a Changeling, but he's still a fantastic observer of human(oid) behavior and that makes him a brilliant investigator. Odo expertly discovers who the real Changeling is.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From JRPoole on 2009-06-09 at 6:54pm:
    Good episode. I don't have much of a comment except to say that O'brien makes one ugly Klingon.
  • From Jaap on 2010-09-21 at 7:27pm:
    There is a problem: how come Gowron and a lot of other Klingons did not recognise Worf?
  • From Christopher Wright on 2011-12-05 at 5:35pm:
    So if Odo is a solid now, does that mean a Changling can harm and kill him? I guess it does because Odo would have killed had the Changling attacking him not been killed. If Odo isn't considered a Changling anymore then why did the fake general hold him back and let the others in the room (other than it being a plot device)?
    Overall, a great episode, and I love the new Dukat with his Bird of Prey. The consistency of writing in the characters so far has been amazing, considering all the different writers and directors. By the way, I am just now, in late 2011, seeing DS9 for the first time via Netflix.
  • From Selador on 2013-04-24 at 8:10pm:
    This is not a good episode - it's full of problems, is completely unrealistic and the actual story is lame. One problem was that the Klingons didn't seem to notice that the DS9 crew didn't speak Klingon (except for Worf but he didn't say much). I undertand that the Universal Translator would translate their English into Klingon but doesn't answer the problem for two reason: 1. They would still know that they're speaking a different language because of mouth shapes ect. 2. They actually say some Klingon words... then switch to English.

    Another problem was how easy the crew got into the Kingon base. If their intelligence and epionage skills are that good then how did they not know of the Klingon plot to attack Romulus and the countless other things that they don't know?

    Also the whole Odo being down thing is getting really old. It's about the fifth time he's told Sisko that he's not up to the job for various reasons.

    A really annoying episode and it didn't even include Major Kira.
  • From L on 2013-07-25 at 11:24am:
    The exposition in the opening scene was really forced and obvious.
    But when this happened,
    - "Tough assignment. Who are they sending?"
    - "Me."
    all was forgiven.

    They really over-did Jake's teeth.
    Must have been an in-joke among the crew or something.

  • From L on 2013-07-25 at 12:03pm:
    (whoops, wrong Sisko. *Benjamin's* teeth.)

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Star Trek DS9 - 5x02 - The Ship

Originally Aired: 1996-10-7

While exploring a Gamma Quadrant world, Sisko, Dax, Worf, O'Brien, and Muniz -- one of O'Brien's men -- watch as a Jem'Hadar warship crashes into the planet's surface. [DVD]

My Rating - 8

Fan Rating Average - 6.06

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 47 3 3 5 4 3 19 13 29 48 33

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.


- This is the first episode that features the inside of a Jem'Hadar ship.
- This episode establishes that Jem'Hadar weapons unleash an anticoagulant in the victim's blood so that the bleeding never stops.

Remarkable Scenes
- The crew all baffled at the technology and layout on the Jem'Hadar ship.
- The Vorta commander contacting Sisko and their subsequent first in-person meeting.
- Worf and O'Brien arguing about how everyone is treating injured Muniz.
- Jadzia, speculating what the Vorta is looking for aboard the ship: "Maybe she lost an earring."
- Worf: "Commander." Dax: "What is it?" Worf: "It may have been the Vorta's computer console. I found it in one of the upper compartments. But the power grid is offline in that part of the ship." Dax: "So you ripped it out of the wall. Very nice! So what do we do with it now, use it for a doorstop?"
- The Vorta and Sisko's meeting again after the founder died.
- Worf and O'Brien honoring Muniz together in the end.

My Review
A Jem'Hadar ship crashes before Sisko's eyes. A fantastic opportunity to explore the Dominion from within; used well in this episode. Muniz was a great temporary character; I really loved his interactions with O'Brien. He does, of course, suffer from redshirt syndrome, but the coolness of the episode kind of offsets that. The female Vorta is a very cool character, I absolutely loved her. I wish we could have seen more of her. The sad ending is nicely done; the two sides have become so distrusting of one another that cooperating is now impossible. Episodes like DS9: To The Death will apparently never happen again. Sad, but also very cool, Starfleet has scored a Jem'Hadar warship! Awesome!

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From onlinebroker on 2009-11-10 at 4:55am:
    cool episode to watch, but what about the final revelation, a shapeshifter, just sitting there waiting to die? No attempt to shapeshift his way outta there, as an insect, or an impersonation? or at least fight?
  • From rpeh on 2010-07-31 at 11:17pm:
    On a first watching, this episode is brilliant. The trouble comes when you watch it again.

    Why did the Jem'Hadar not beam around as they have done in previous episodes? Why did the Founder not attack from within?

    The ending is very good, and managed to offset Worf being a bit of an insensitive idiot during the main plot - he MUST have been more sensitive towards humans after his spell on the Enterprise, surely?

    All in all I give it an 8.
  • From MJ on 2011-01-21 at 7:53pm:
    In my opinion, this is one of the better DS9 episodes. First, it has a twist that is hard to spot. Everything leads you to believe the Dominion wants this ship back because of something about the ship itself: some new piece of equipment, or perhaps some kind of special cargo. The female Vorta gives no real clues about why they want the ship back, and you can only sense the frustration of the DS9 crew trying to find the "item" having absolutely no clue what to look for.

    The character interactions are well written and well acted. O'Brien and Muniz, of course...the good-natured ribbing, the camaraderie, all of it is very pleasant to watch. For having never seen Muniz before, I was very convinced that he and O'Brien were good friends with great respect for each other. The interactions between Sisko and the female Vorta...they show the essence of diplomacy: trying to get something you want without giving up too much or revealing too much to the other side. And I loved the moment when Sisko lays it down to his crew, telling O'Brien and Worf to quit their fighting and putting a lid on Dax's unhelpful wisecracks. That was a great moment because it was one of the few times when it seemed Dax's "special friendship" with Sisko did not make him/her exempt from the chain of command or Starfleet duty. The interaction between O'Brien and Worf: true, Worf's insensitivity was a little hard to swallow, but I wasn't too bothered by it since it was believable. But their conflicting views on Muniz, and especially their bonding at the end as they "guard" his body, were a nice dimension.

    Initially, I was a bit perplexed about the crew's ability to get past the death of the runabout crew and the science officer who beamed down with them, but all of this is resolved at the end when Sisko is clearly shaken to the core by all the deaths on this mission. Avery Brooks did awesome here; the emotion in his voice was very convincing.

    The "bombardment" of the surface by the Jem'Hadar, and its shaking up of the crew, was interesting. Shell shock is very real, and the fraying of nerves that accompanies random, continuous, and extremely loud and shaky bombing was a nice battle fatigue element that is typically missing from Star Trek fight scenes.

    Overall, a favorite of mine.
  • From ChristopherA on 2020-11-24 at 5:54am:
    I found that this episode really strained my suspension of disbelief, trying to make myself believe that the Jem’Hadar, with all their warrior training and superior technology, were unable to come up with any effective attack plan at all to handle the tiny handful of humans and just chose to let the changeling die. If I get past this, though, I thought it was a decent episode, with a good sense of being under siege, and a good twist ending to the mystery.

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Star Trek DS9 - 5x03 - Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places

Originally Aired: 1996-10-14

Quark must fight for honor -- Klingon style. [DVD]

My Rating - 10

Fan Rating Average - 6.23

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 42 7 9 4 3 16 8 19 31 28 61

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.


- This episode is a candidate for my "Best Episode of DS9 Award."

Remarkable Scenes
- Julian eavesdropping on the "battling O'Briens".
- Worf: "I prefer traditional opera performed in the traditional manner." Dax: "You know, for a Klingon who was raised by humans, wears a Starfleet uniform, and drinks prune juice, you're pretty attached to tradition. But that's okay. I like a man riddled with contradictions."
- Worf in love at first sight when he sees a Klingon woman board the station.
- Worf's reaction to seeing Grilka embrace Quark.
- Bashir and O'Brien discussing O'Brien and Kira growing ever so close. ;)
- Worf attempting to court Grilka.
- Quark talking to Dax about Grilka right in front of Worf.
- Worf: "It is customary among her people that the man bring a leg of lingh'ta on the first courtship dinner. Make sure it's fresh, as if you have just killed it. Then use the leg to sweep aside everything else on the table and declare in a loud voice, 'I have brought you this! From this day, I wish to provide food for you and your house! All I ask is to share your company and do honor to your name!'"
- O'Brien starting to feel as though he's cheating on Keiko.
- Worf listening to Klingon opera very loud on the Defiant's bridge.
- Quark describing his successful dinner with Grilka.
- Quark and Dax reenacting the formation of the Klingon Empire.
- Odo and Kira discussing O'Brien.
- Quark telling Grilka that she's worth more than all the latinum in the quadrant.
- Keiko inadvertently forcing O'Brien and Kira into another uncomfortable situation.
- Jadzia's "idea."
- Quark's puppet battle. Awesome.
- Quark's "Right of Proclamation."
- Jadzia courting Worf.
- O'Brien and Kira finally discussing their "problem." :)
- Quark, Grilka, Worf, and Jadzia all in the infirmary. Gotta love Bashir's reaction.
- Worf laughing. Now that's something you don't see every day.
- Morn Appearances; 1. Worf attacks him.

My Review
A great sequel to DS9: The House of Quark, Worf has fallen in love with Quark's ex-wife. The title of this episode, albeit long, is of course hilarious. This episode is loads and bounds more successful than the first. The various love related character threads floating around in this episode are wonderfully done. Quark pursues Grilka, Worf pursues her too, Dax pursues Worf, and O'Brien and Kira pursue each other, though they don't entirely know it for a while. ;) I don't normally grant ratings of ten to humor episodes, but this one so incredibly profound that exceptions must be made sometimes. While I probably would never grant a humor centric episode such as this the "best episode of [insert Trek show here] award", I still would place this episode on the list of must see episodes for anyone sampling the series. Though, I'd say that about any episode I've rated at ten, now would I. :)

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Dio on 2009-02-04 at 8:36pm:
    I totally agree with you on this one, very well written and acted and overall extremely enjoyable. I had to laugh when O'Brien almost fell onto Kira in their final scene!
  • From Tallifer on 2011-04-11 at 10:52pm:
    Best episode of Deep Space 9?!?

    It is funny and passes the time well, but ti is hardly a masterpiece of science fiction or space opera.

    It is a parody of the classic tale of Cyrano de Bergerac, except that Worf-Cyrano is consoled for his loss of Grilka-Roxane by Jadzia Dax. Quark as romantic hero is too much of a stretch (although there have been other such episodes, such as the tedious one about the Cardassian scientist).
  • From Mike Furlong on 2016-04-10 at 4:51pm:
    Fun Fact: The actor who plays Garak, Andrew Robinson, was the director of this episode.
  • From Axel on 2018-07-04 at 10:56am:
    TUMEK: "Have you ever pursued a Klingon woman?"

    WORF: "No"

    You mean, aside from K'ehleyr who birthed your child and with whom you went through the mating rituals in TNG? Technically she was half Human and didn't exactly embrace Klingon ways. But it seems odd that Worf doesn't even think it's worth mentioning, especially since Alexander makes several appearances on DS9.

    Anyway, I think this episode gets at one of the best things about DS9. Instead of a ship always going out and exploring, sometimes different species from around the galaxy make their way to DS9 and interact with each other. In this case it's done humorously, with inter-species relationships. And it works.
  • From JB on 2020-08-28 at 8:26am:
    I love this episode. Worf as an incredulous Cyrano de Bergerac makes for great fun in perhaps the most humorous Trek outing ever produced.

    The main story threads with the different characters and their personalities all click together very nicely, but the real cherries on top of this episode are the little extra scenes where the other characters (Keiko, Odo, and Bashir in particular) get involved and give their own humorous takes on the madness they are observing.

    10/10, one of my personal favorite hours of Trek.

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Star Trek DS9 - 5x04 - ...Nor the Battle to the Strong

Originally Aired: 1996-10-21

Jake Sisko experiences the horrors of war first hand. [DVD]

My Rating - 5

Fan Rating Average - 5.54

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 41 2 3 5 7 14 14 23 36 25 14

Filler Quotient: 2, filler, but an enjoyable episode nevertheless. You can skip this one, but you'd miss out on some fun.
- There's no essential plot or exposition in this episode that renders it unskippable, but it's a decent episode, even though it could have been better.



Remarkable Scenes
- Bashir boring Jake, then Jake getting excited about going into a combat situation.
- The Ferengi view of pregnancy.
- Jake watching the wounded come in.
- Jake running and finding the dying man.
- The discussion about the preferred method of death.
- Jake's random phaser fire turning him into a hero.

My Review
A decent episode. I'm a bit annoyed that the Klingons are still attacking the Federation. But once you get over that, the episode is pretty intense and emotional. Jake has his first battle experience, gets lucky, and becomes a hero. I rather like the way he was completely honest with himself about everything. And as Sisko said, "everyone sees a little of himself in this."

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Remco on 2009-05-06 at 3:24pm:
    I thought this was a very gripping episode. The first part was a bit like a good ER disaster episode: you never see the disaster itself, but you see the bodies coming in. You know it's right around the corner. And then Jake got caught in the cross-fire. Without military training, he panics of course, and he feels that makes him a coward. But as we saw in the first part, not even soldiers are able to cope with battle. In the final battle, when running was not an option, Jake fought instinctively. It was not out of some sense of heroism. It was just survival.

    I absolutely believe in Jake's assertion that the line between heroism and cowardice is very thin. I hope I never have to find out where I stand.
  • From Christopher Wright on 2011-12-06 at 12:25am:
    This episode may have its moments where the emotions seem a little forced, but overall a rewarding episode. It was nice to see Jake showing some maturity to balance out his naive enthusiasm. One of my favorite themes in narratives is redemption and how we are not defined by our past. We have all done things we regret or even find downright disgusting, but we should always have the chance to redeem ourselves. Jake at first tries to justify his cowardice, but as the soldier Jake meets after the shelling reminds him (and us), life doesn't work that way. It is only in humility and being honest with oneself that redemption can begin its work. The episode leaves us with some hope for Jake and even the soldier who shot himself to avoid fighting.

    I love these reviews - they are an excellent companion to the series, especially for someone like me who is experiencing DS9 for the first time.

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Star Trek DS9 - 5x05 - The Assignment

Originally Aired: 1996-10-28

Keiko O'Brien is taken over by a Pah-wraith. [DVD]

My Rating - 5

Fan Rating Average - 4.62

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 41 5 3 5 4 14 14 29 19 7 7

Filler Quotient: 1, partial filler, but has important continuity. I recommend against skipping this one.
- This episode establishes the Pah-wraiths. who will become highly relevant later. However their relevance, purpose, and backstory can be understood in context later. This episode also establishes Rom's promotion, but that too isn't necessarily an essential detail as it can be understood in context later. Both details, however, while not entirely necessary are still nice bits of texture to actually see established though.



Remarkable Scenes
- O'Brien meeting a possessed Keiko.
- O'Brien calculating the time various methods of incapacitating Keiko would take.
- O'Brien breaking his glass with his bare hand out of anger at his party.
- O'Brien waking up to a possessed Keiko, briefly forgetting about the possession.
- O'Brien enlisting Rom for his "top secret operation."
- Rom and O'Brien figuring everything out.
- O'Brien using the pah wraith's plan against it.
- Morn Appearances; 1. First scene in Quark's bar. 2. The final scene, Quark's bar while Rom tells Quark about his celebrations for his promotion.

My Review
Another rare episode to mention the fire caves, Keiko was possessed by a Pah-wraith there. One wonders why anyone is allowed to visit such a dangerous place. This is Keiko's episode, which is ironic seeing as how it isn't really her. O'Brien also gets a nice showing; we get to see him interact with his Engineering staff, which kind of like TNG: Lower Decks, is a nice change of pace. I like how Rom figures everything out, proving that he's not as stupid as everyone thinks he is. In fact, he's pretty damn smart; maybe a bit autistic. Oh, and when Dax can't sleep, she scans the wormhole randomly for anomalies. ;)

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From MJ on 2011-08-04 at 8:17pm:
    The beginning of this episode moves a little fast. I would think the Chief would try to establish who-or what-has taken possession of Keiko almost immediately. I know they were trying to reveal the Pah-Wraith thing slowly but I ding it a little bit for this since it didn't make sense.

    Very nice episode for Rom, though...and I guess now Miles and his wife have something else in common: they've both had their bodies taken over by other life forms (see TNG: Power Play).
  • From Selador on 2013-05-12 at 7:51pm:
    I gave this episode a 10. I thought everything about it was superb.

    I knew this was going to be a special one when wraith-Keiko immediately warned O'Brian that any attempt at some techno deus ex solution would fail. It became apparent that ti had access to all of Keiko's thoughts which put O'Brian on the back foot - and there he stayed throughout the episode right until the very end.

    He never had an opportunity to do anything but follow wraith-Keiko's orders, and I really liked see him struggle with what he was doing. He couldn't refuse to do its bidding so played it straight while al the time desperately looking for a way out.

    The script writing and the acting were excellent throughout the episode, there were some beautiful dark moments and some hilarious light relief (Rom: "I will refuse even to tell them my name!" O'Brian: "Rom, everyone on the station already knows your name." Rom: "Oh... then I will refuse to confirm it!").

    I nearly fell off my chair when Odo later complained it had taken 40 minutes for him to get Rom to confirm his name.

    I can't comprehend how you gan give this a 5 and Apocalypse Rising a 7, but I guess that this sort of difference of opinion can only be a good thing since it shows that DS9 is just oozing with quality everywhere and that different kinds of episodes appeal to different people.

    I'm so glad to have watched this straight after the abomination that is Into Darkness, it really lifted the sould, but more on that after you've given it your review... (it's getting a non-canon 0 from me)
  • From Zorak on 2016-05-28 at 3:27am:
    I have to complete agree with Selador's comment. This episode was amazing. I barely even remember this one from when I was a kid, but re-watching it now as an adult, I was completely blown away. A definite 10 from me. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time.

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Star Trek DS9 - 5x06 - Trials and Tribble-ations

Originally Aired: 1996-11-4

Deep Space Nine crewmembers travel back in time and integrate with Kirk's Enterprise crew. [DVD]

My Rating - 10

Fan Rating Average - 6.84

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 50 1 11 2 46 7 6 9 29 23 150

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- This episode serves as a sequel to TOS: The Trouble with Tribbles and TAS: More Tribbles, More Troubles. Also the scene when Worf falls just short of explaining why TOS Klingons look different is a sort of inadvertent setup for the later episodes of Star Trek Enterprise, Ent: Affliction and Ent: Divergence. And of course this episode is also one of the best and funniest episodes of the entire series and shouldn't be skipped solely for that reason!


- This episode is a candidate for my "Best Episode of DS9 Award."
- Kirk was "a menace" because of his repeated temporal violations.
- Emony Dax met Dr. McCoy on Earth and probably had a brief relationship with him when he was a medical student while she was judging a gymnastics competition.
- The intermittent tribbles that fell on Kirk after the initial downpour were actually Sisko and Dax throwing them down the hole. :)
- This episode was nominated for the 1997 Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation.

Remarkable Scenes
- Dax' faux pas, time joke.
- Bashir and O'Brien making fun of the way Worf smells.
- The crew dressing up in retro uniforms.
- Bashir: "I'm a doctor, not an historian." Count 18 for "I'm a doctor, not a (blah)" style lines, which McCoy was famous for.
- Sisko: "In the old days, operations officers wore red and command officers wore gold." Dax: "And women wore less."
- O'Brien and Bashir trying to work a 23rd century turbolift.
- O'Brien's and Bashir's confrontation with a local Engineer.
- Worf describing to Odo the history of Klingons and Tribbles.
- Odo: "Another glorious chapter of Klingon history. Tell me, do they still sing songs of the Great Tribble Hunt?"
- Bashir speaking of a possible predestination paradox surrounding his birth: "I could be my own great grandfather! If I don't meet with her tomorrow I may never be born! I can't wait to get back to Deep Space Nine and see your face when you find out that I never existed!"
- O'Brien mistaking a low ranking officer for Kirk.
- O'Brien, Bashir, and Odo not recognizing 23rd century Klingons and Worf's reaction to it: "They are Klingons, and it is a long story." O'Brien: "What happened? Some kind of genetic engineering?" Bashir: "A viral mutation?" Worf: "We do not discuss it with outsiders."
- The bar fight.
- Dax calculating the exact number of tribbles exactly the way Spock did.
- Sisko meeting Kirk.
- Tribbles all over DS9.
- Morn Appearances; 1. At Quark's, drowning in Tribbles.

My Review
This episode is wonderfully funny. They did a great job making everything look retro; even the characters' hair, along with splicing together scenes from TOS: The Trouble With Tribbles into this episode. Dax is ridiculously nostalgic, Sisko wants to ask Kirk about fighting the Gorn, O'Brien can't figure out all this old technology, Bashir thinks he's his own great grandfather, and Worf feels shame about Klingon history. All very entertaining and probably the biggest fanboy episode ever made.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Sean on 2010-06-07 at 8:45am:
    That was such a fun episode, the producers did such an excellent job on recreating the Enterprise and merging the TOS footage. I can't remember the last time I laughed so much during Star Trek!

    And as a side note, I think that mystery sixth Enterprise must be the 1701-E, because Geordi says in First Contact that the Enterprise has been out of spacedock "for almost a year", so presumably when this episode was set, the Enterprise-E was out there, stutting her stuff.
  • From rpeh on 2010-08-01 at 5:00pm:
    Wonderful stuff. A perfect tribute to TOS and a great episode in its own right.

    One minor problem: Bashir says to O'Brien "Surely you took elementary temporal mechanics at the academy" but we know that O'Brien didn't graduate because he was worried about having to call Nog "sir".
  • From packman_jon on 2012-05-15 at 5:48am:
    So much fun. Even if Dax's line about McCoy brings a visual of college-age McCoy "getting to know" Emony...! Still, it's too hard not love this episode!
  • From Drac on 2013-02-17 at 8:52pm:
    Very good episode, but as a second watch i found it too easy they captured the klingon effortlessly and silently out of the blue and he told them what he did. Chop chop, time to cut this short :)
  • From Selador on 2013-06-10 at 7:13pm:
    A classic episode. It had a wonderful feel and was perfectly pulled off. Just superb!
  • From AW on 2015-12-22 at 12:40am:
    Just one problem (though the writers couldn't have known at the time) they say that it was the first enterprise when we know that is not true. I guess I was the first Federation enterprise as the Federation hadn't been formed yet when the first was made.
  • From Thavash on 2018-12-24 at 7:33am:
    Watching in 2018, I'm still amazed at how seamless they made everything look.
  • From Mitchell O on 2023-12-15 at 12:04pm:
    “ All very entertaining and probably the biggest fanboy episode ever made.”

    Until Lower Decks came along!

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Star Trek DS9 - 5x07 - Let He Who Is Without Sin...

Originally Aired: 1996-11-11

Worf's relationship with Dax hits a rough spot, and he plans to discuss his feelings during their vacation on Risa. [DVD]

My Rating - 4

Fan Rating Average - 3.61

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 63 9 17 12 14 7 11 7 6 17 16

Filler Quotient: 1, partial filler, but has important continuity. I recommend against skipping this one.
- This episode ends Leeta's relationship with Bashir and begins her relationship with Rom. However, Bashir's relationship with Leeta was previously featured in only one episode (Explorers) and for only a single scene which did not indicate clearly whether or not they would actually ever get together. As such, their breakup is inessential continuity and Leeta's attraction to Rom later on can be understood in context without seeing this episode. Nevertheless, this episode does feature nice texture and character development both for Leeta's love interests as well as the Dax/Worf relationship.

- How could a "friend of Curzon's" instantly recognize Jadzia?

- The Ferengi have 178 different words for rain.

Remarkable Scenes
- Another mention of captain Boday, a Gallamite with a transparent skull.
- Leeta declaring that she's in love with Rom then Quark and Bashir's subsequent reactions.
- Worf telling Jadzia a story in which when he was a child he accidentally killed a human boy during a soccer game.
- Morn Appearances; 1. The first scene, hands a Starfleet officer a flower.

My Review
Another attempt at a humor episode finally sparks a dud. We get to see Dax in some interesting clothing again, but the overall plot is just lacking. Some good continuity and decent details in the episode, like the horgon which caused Worf's faux pas in TNG: Captain's Holiday. Bashir's and Leeta's "relationship" in this episode is wonderfully handled. But the plot concerning Worf and the Essentialists is very poor. The idea is sound, and the opening is well handled, but they quickly become annoying with their childish attacks and petty sabotage and totally fail to make a point concerning the Federation's complacency and overindulgence. To me, despite his redemption in the end, it just seems petty that Worf has to ruin the vacation of hundreds of thousands of people before he can talk to Dax about his relationship with her.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From JRPoole on 2009-06-15 at 6:24pm:
    I agree. This is pretty lackluster stuff, but it's a good idea with one exception: isn't Worf's action criminal? Do you really think Star Fleet would allow one of it's officers to essentially commit an act of terrorism against a Federation world without wanting to prosecute?
  • From McCoy on 2017-02-02 at 5:56pm:
    I never was a fan of Worf (don't like Klingons...), but here I'm with him. All that Risa stuff is just bad and lacks morality. Everyone romancing everyone? Well, if this is civilised progress, I'm choosing old anachronic boring mentality:) Plus I liked thst soccer story! We need to control ourselves, because we may hurt someone. It's all about responsibility.
  • From Mike on 2017-04-29 at 3:39pm:
    I get that "what happens on Risa, stays on Risa" but I have a hard time believing that sabotaging the planet's environmental systems turns out to be consequence-free. What's more, Worf attends the Essentialist rally and joins their sabotage all while wearing a Starfleet uniform! He is very lucky that the planet seems devoid of both media and competent legal authorities.

    The Essentialists are an interesting idea for an episode and I wish more would've been done with them than simply having their leader foolishly take a swing at Worf. It was a cheap and easy way to discredit them so that Worf can conveniently break from their movement, reunite with Jadzia, and get off the planet. Even Arandis has a sobering moment of realizing that maybe the Risian way of life has a cost. But we never get to explore that because, of course, the Essentialists are just a foil for Worf and Jadzia's relationship.
  • From Jadzia Guinan Smith on 2018-05-05 at 7:23pm:
    Maybe when she saw a Trill (any Trill) she assumed it was Dax because she was the only Trill expected on Risa at the time? As head administrator (or whatever), she would probably be aware of this stuff. (I'm just retconning, though. I totally agree this was an error).
  • From Gaius Gracchus on 2021-10-21 at 8:40pm:
    I disagree that the Essentialists weren't handled well. They were treated as silly and childish, which is perfectly fitting for how overly concerned they are with how other people spend their free time. Perfect depiction of their ilk.

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Star Trek DS9 - 5x08 - Things Past

Originally Aired: 1996-11-18

Sisko, Odo, Dax, and Garak find themselves on Terok Nor during the Cardassian occupation of Bajor. [DVD]

My Rating - 3

Fan Rating Average - 6.68

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 4 2 0 11 11 12 23 19 21 30 12

Filler Quotient: 3, bad filler, totally skippable.
- Bashir implies in this episode that Odo is still a Changeling but locked in form somehow. This exposition actually foreshadows events in a later episode, but is a completely inessential detail and not worth the snooze-fest that this episode largely is.

- During Bashir's initial diagnosis after the opening credits, the computer beeps were consistent with Federation computers, but the voice was of the Cardassian computers.

- Kurtwood Smith plays Thrax in this episode. He also plays Annorax in Voy: Year of Hell.

Remarkable Scenes
- Quark gently making fun of Sisko, Garak, and Odo when he offered them jobs.
- Thrax laying into Quark just like Odo would.
- Odo cross examining Thrax pointing out numerous flaws in his investigation.
- Dukat: "Bad manners are the fault of the parent, not the child."
- Bashir revealing that Odo still has biological Changeling qualities.

My Review
Manufactured danger and generic sci fi lend badly to creating original plots. The bulk of the plot is Bajoran nostalgia in the form of a flashback, which we've seen a few too many times already. It seems Garak is finally out of jail for is attempt to commit genocide though. ;)

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From penguinphysics on 2010-11-07 at 6:28am:
    Kurtwood Smith also played the Federation president in STVI:TUC

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Star Trek DS9 - 5x09 - The Ascent

Originally Aired: 1996-11-26

Odo and Quark are forced to cooperate when their runabout goes down on an unknown planet. [DVD]

My Rating - 7

Fan Rating Average - 5.86

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 12 4 3 4 12 12 13 51 15 9 6

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- Nog returns to the station in this episode.

- So Worf commanded the Defiant in Star Trek VIII: First Contact. He and all crew members had the new style uniforms on. But now he's reverted back to the first generation DS9 / Voyager uniforms?

- The name of one of Jake's stories is said to be Past Prologue, which is also the name of a DS9 episode in early season 1.

Remarkable Scenes
- Nog's first conversation with Sisko. Hilarious.
- Odo antagonizing Quark with noises.
- Quark and Odo trading insults as they scale down a mountain.
- Rom and Sisko discussing Nog and Jake.
- Quark and Odo coming to blows.
- Quark to Odo: "Don't you get it? I'm not trying to rescue you. I'm taking you along as emergency rations. If you die, I'm going to eat you."
- The scene where Odo and Quark are in the medical bay of the Defiant, telling each other that they meant it when they said they hated each other and the subsequent creepy laughing.
- Morn Appearances; 1. Not show, but Quark mentions that Odo likes to watch Morn eat when they trek up the mountain.

My Review
This is probably the best episode that directly deals with Odo's new humanoid form. Frankly, this kind of episode simply couldn't have been done before Odo was changed into a humanoid, which in my opinion is a good thing. It's nice to see the writers taking advantage of this instead of just pretending he's the same old Odo, which they've already had a tendency to do. This episode thrives on the complex relationship that has developed over the years between Quark and Odo. Their mutual hate is actually a sort of weird mutual friendship. When Odo is injured in this episode, Quark could have easily let him die, but Quark takes Odo with him, carrying both Odo and the transmitter up the mountain using the weak excuse that the only reason he was taking Odo with him was to use him as food when he died. In reality, Quark didn't want Odo to die.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From MJ on 2011-02-19 at 7:33pm:
    Overall, a great episode.

    I was a bit bothered that Odo could simply take Quark into custody and bring him to a Grand Jury without telling him why. It seems the Federation justice system would require that; however, given the fact that it involves the Orion syndicate, the secrecy may have been necessary (although, as it turns out, unsuccessful).

    The first time I saw this one, the subplot involving Jake and Nog was uninteresting, but after seeing the whole series and the many turns their friendship takes, this was actually a very nice addition. Jake and Nog are interesting characters as it is. Jake, one of the few Human characters in Star Trek not to be in Starfleet, and Nog, the first Ferengi to do so, make for a fun pair. I enjoy the Huckleberry Finn/Tom Sawyer nature of their friendship.

    But this is obviously about Odo and Quark, and it doesn't disappoint. I really love when DS9 stretches Quark's character a bit. So often he provides comic relief, but in episodes like this (and Siege of AAR-558) his more serious nature kicks in, and it's very nicely written and acted.

    And (spoiler alert), this episode is further proof in my mind that the writers completely fumbled the parting between Odo and Quark in the finale.
  • From Krs321 on 2011-07-14 at 4:20pm:
    I just watched this last night and I'm about 90% sure Quark asks Odo if he wants to play "Fisbin", Kirk's fictional card came from "A Piece of the Action".

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Star Trek DS9 - 5x10 - Rapture

Originally Aired: 1996-12-30

Sisko has a vision and recommends that Bajor not join the Federation at this time. [DVD]

My Rating - 5

Fan Rating Average - 5.37

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 29 1 4 5 8 11 14 6 18 18 15

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- Pay close attention to the events of this episode and in particular Sisko's purported visions. This episode features a rare impressive amount of foreshadowing about future episodes.

- Why hadn't the admiral who contacted Sisko converted to the new uniform code? Or his underling? Why was his underling wearing an old style TNG uniform?

- This is the first DS9 episode to feature the uniforms debuted in Star Trek VIII: First Contact.

Remarkable Scenes
- Sisko's instructions to Kira regarding what to tell her concerning why he can't meet with Kai Winn: "Make something up."
- Kassidy's appearance.
- Sisko discovering the lost city.
- Winn: "I was in a Cardassian prison camp for five years. And I can remember each and very beating I suffered. And while you had your weapons to protect you, all I had was my faith and my courage."
- Sisko walking around predicting things.
- Sisko pleading that Bajor not join the Federation.
- Morn Appearances; 1. Quark's bar during the celebration ceremony.

My Review
Sisko has really, truly converted and finally believes he is the Emissary. Sisko turns into quite the prophet in this episode. Most interestingly, he has a vision of locusts swarming over the lost city of Bajor, but they move on. They head towards Cardassia, representing hard times for Cardassia. Bajor would be all right so long as it stood alone, meaning, according to Sisko, so long as it didn't join the Federation yet. Another interesting detail about this episode is Kai Winn as an ally. She was her usual self-serving self, of course, but it was a rare instance when her motives coincided with those of the main cast. This kind of episode has been building up a while. Sisko as the Emissary had to either mean something or not mean something. And there you have it. It meant something.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Pete Miller on 2006-07-06 at 6:45pm:
    These are the damned UGLIEST uniforms ever made on star trek. Why in the HELL would the producers decide to do away with the colors that have defined Star Trek for years, and go to these drab, hideous excuses for uniforms??? I absolutely hate them as I hated Picard's overcoat in the later seasons of TNG. I just can never get why the producers switch the uniforms so much. The armed forces of most nations rarely change their uniforms, but apparently Starfleet changes theirs every 4 years.
  • From JTL on 2008-08-12 at 10:15pm:
    Absolutely hideous episode. This is a science fiction show about the future, and the subplot of the 'emissary' is both damned annoying and almost entirely illogical. The philosophy of Star Trek on religion has, up until Deep Space Nine, been to be as open-minded as possible while still holding true to the principle that God is improbable. No scientifically explainable method of action exists for these idiotic visions Sisko experiences, except for the extremely tenuous hypothesis that the Prophets imparted this information to him subconsciously.

    I liked this show about as much as I liked TNG up until this point. Maybe I'll enjoy it again once the Dominion War begins in earnest, but this is the point where Star Trek stops being science fiction and begins being fantasy. I give it a 0/10.
  • From JRPoole on 2009-06-17 at 6:23pm:
    JTL's comment nails my concern about DS9 on the head. I think that it's a better show than TNG overall, but this religious mumbo jumbo gets old and it doesn't seem in keeping with the theme of Trek. It seems to me that Trek got a little new-agey and lost its ant-religion stance somehow after Gene Roddenberry's death.

    Up until now, it's been possible to rationalize away the religious aspects of DS9. The Prophets are really just non-corporeal entities living in the wormhole, not really gods at all. The Orbs have scientific properties that expand the mind, etc. This episode makes that rationalization difficult, and all but verifies the Bajoran religion as fact. Still, it's a nicely constructed episode, and the Cassidy's return is handled well, if a little too quickly.
  • From Phillip Watson on 2009-08-06 at 7:12pm:
    A problem I have in this episode is that due to the change in Uniforms(Bashir wears the old one later in the series) then Sisko was operated on by the Changeling. Why didn't he take the oppurtunity to have him die on the operating table
  • From ZeuS on 2011-07-16 at 2:35am:
    Absolutely hideous and completely out of place for a Star Trek series religious nonsense.

    0/10 simply because there is no negative score that I could give.
  • From Bernard on 2011-07-17 at 11:43pm:
    Okay, the time has come to comment here!

    I alluded to this episode when commenting on season four episode 'Ascension'. 'Ascension' was the last episode about the wormhole aliens and also the first glimpse of the prophets. 'Rapture' to me is where the wheels come off this particular story arc and we are fed superstitious nonsense instead of science fiction.

    Early on in the series the Bajorans religious beliefs are portrayed realistically. The reasons behind those beliefs are realistic and clever (i.e. they believe in prophets that are actually just non-corporeal aliens living inside a wormhole adjacent to Bajor. These aliens had, up until this point, no idea about corporeal matters least of all the Bajorans). That is clever and you can make clever stories to illustrate the differences between religious fanatics and pure science/scientists just like in the episode 'In the Hands of the Prophets' between Vedek Winn and Keiko. What happens in this episode and hereafter flies completely in the face of all of that and tells us that actually the wormhole aliens DO take an interest in Bajor and they ARE in fact the Prophets. Gene would truly be rolling in his grave. Oh, and I'm not exactly a total lover of Roddenberry philosophy by the way. In fact I think many aspects of the various series' were allowed to become far more realistic and less idealistic and preachy once the great man had passed away.

    Sisko loses respect too as a result of all this nonsense, although Avery Brooks is acting his behind off throughout so tip of the hat there. Kai Winn is excellent in this episode as always too. Ultimately it is all an act of futility because I agree with the last commentator, this episode can only ever receive zero from me.


  • From MJ on 2011-07-23 at 5:17pm:
    I agree with other comments here, for the most part. I've never been a fan of DS9's Prophet/Wormhole story arc, and I think it goes against the Star Trek tradition. But one thing I did like about this episode was its portrayal of Kai Wynn. Throughout the series, she's incredibly manipulative, calculating and arrogant. For this episode, though, we get something a little more complicated. Wynn's remarks to Kira about courage and faith as means to resist Cardassian occupation made for a very nice moment, and her efforts to help Sisko with his visions actually seemed genuine instead of obviously selfish. Her conversation with Kira at the end about not having certainly anymore was also solidly done. It was probably the only episode where I didn't cringe when Wynn had something to say. And Brooks did a great job acting here...not overly dramatic.

    Still, the episode retreated into the New Age mysticism that is DS9's trademark and worst contribution to the Star Trek series. Fortunately, we get enough great episodes dealing with other story arcs like the Maquis, the Dominion Wars, and relationships between characters to more than compensate for this.
  • From RodimusBen on 2011-10-30 at 3:48pm:
    The reason this episode is a favorite of mine is precisely the reason others seem to hate it-- it brings the spiritual aspect of Deep Space Nine to the forefront. Spiritualism is one of the reasons that DS9 is the best Trek series. It doesn't ignore this essential part of the human experience, but embraces it and shows how science and religion can coexist in the same worldview.

    Everything that happens in this episode can be explained through the information we've been given (or will be given in later seasons) about Sisko and the Prophets. If you choose to see it from a scientific perspective, that's fine. If you see it as an allegory for human spirituality and our own religious faith, then you can do that too. The most poignant moment of the episode is in ops, when all the regulars are talking about Sisko's situation. Worf and Kira, people of faith, "get it." Dax and O'Brien don't. And that dichotomy between the faithful and the faithless is about as close to a universal truism as Star Trek gets.
  • From Wes on 2012-04-03 at 1:49pm:
    My absolute favorite Star Trek uniforms!

    I also like this episode quite a bit. The symbolic prophecy is pretty awesome and chilling when we get to the end of this season and beginning of next season.

    DS9's spirituality has validated the spirituality of any Star Trek character who was spiritual. Before DS9, they were almost depicted as silly for their beliefs.
  • From Lee on 2012-04-08 at 11:28am:
    I neither hate nor love this episode. I don't think it "violates" the true spirit of Star Trek, since it IS Star Trek, and as such it has rewritten this spirit, at least in DS9. (I hope this sentence makes sense)

    TNG was anti-religious, VOY was anti-religious too, but didn't make such a huge "foofaraw" around it and DS9 was spiritual and religious. I don't have a problem with that.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't like the prophets, pah-wraiths and the Bajorans either. But I accept it as part of the storyline and as long as it creates suspense I like it. I don't rate this episode bad, because it's an exciting and moving episode.

    I don't get it when people try to impose their view of "true Star Trek" on some episodes. I also like the much-hated series Enterprise so far, although it wasted a lot of potential. But it's a part of Star Trek, whether you like it or not.
  • From Selador on 2013-06-03 at 10:37pm:
    That's a pretty big spoiler right there Phillip Watson, cheers for that.

    The problem with this episode is similar to the one with BSG. I'm not giving it a 0 since it was exciting and had some really good scenes, Sisko's descriptions were at times pretty poetic, but mainly because I choose to believe that a rational explanation for Sisko's visions can be found within the episode. They're not gods that are revealing these things to him, they're wormhole aliens: surely gods wouldn't need to mess with brain polarity or whatever.

    I reckon that Winn is not as evil as she seems, she's misunderstood.
  • From Dstyle on 2013-11-17 at 5:39pm:
    Did anyone else wish they could move Sisko's communicator? He seems to be the only one who can't figure out where it goes on the new uniform.

    I have a lot of thoughts about this episode, but before I get into them, I want to express my extreme disappointment in this site right now re: spoilers. I'm watching DS9 for the first time, and for the most part I've enjoyed coming on this site after each episode to read other people's reactions and share my own if I have any I feel are worth sharing. I've come across the occasional spoiler and just soldiered on, but I think the comments on this episode are the last straw. Specifically, the comment by Phillip Watson, which seems to casually give away what I can only assume is a major spoiler (based on the downthread reaction by Selador) to make some minor observation about the new uniforms. What annoys me most is that this spoiler has been sitting there in the comments since 2009 and the site administrator hasn't done anything about it. There are all kinds of things that can be done to hide spoilers while preserving the original comment, and I think those sorts of things need to be done if this site is going to be a place where all fans--new and old alike--can come together to discuss the episode. Fans who are rewatching the series need to respect the experience of those viewing it for the first time, and the site administrator should do whatever he can to make this site usable for first time viewers. After this I'm probably going to stop coming here after each DS9 episode, which I'm a little sad about.

    That said, I'm a bit surprised about the negative reactions to this episode. Sure, it dealt with religion and spirituality, but that has been a theme of this series from the very beginning: it's not like DS9 is suddenly betraying it's core principles or something. DS9 had to put up or shut up about the emissary, and after it seemed on the verge of shutting up last season with Accession, I was very happy to see them put up in a big way here. I obviously haven't seen this whole series so I don't know how the prophets/WHAs act in future episodes, but I don't think Sisko's prophesies necessarily mean the WHAs have suddenly taken an interest in Bajor, just that they're aware of them and what happens to them. Sisko, who obviously does care about Bajor, can act on that awareness which has apparently been bestowed upon him as well.

    And the new uniforms are better than the old uniforms, in my opinion. The old uniforms just looked like pajamas to me.
  • From Mike on 2016-11-02 at 2:01am:
    A lot of reviews here have already discussed the religious/spiritual side of DS9. My comment is geared more toward the "spoiler" issue.

    DS9 had been around about 10 years when reviews started popping up here, and by now, it's been almost 20. I understand a new generation of fans is watching the show for the first time. But given that the show is reviewed and analyzed in every corner of the internet dealing with Star Trek, it's reasonable for long-time fans to discuss details about the entire show without having to worry about "spoilers".

    The Bashir changeling/uniform problem that Philip Watson mentions is also mentioned on many other sites and is one of the things fans discuss whenever the DS9 timeline comes up. Rather than expect people to tiptoe around these potential spoilers, a first-time viewer should just watch the show and then browse the internet for reviews and forums later on.
  • From ST on 2017-04-22 at 7:17am:
    I kind of liked how the religious experiences weren't just Sisko being granted special powers. Whatever alien technology was affecting him, it didn't discriminate. The process would have killed him, even when the believers thought he would have lived. So though others here think the episode was mindlessly accepting about religion, it was actually kind of critical at the same time without rubbing it in your face. What if your religion did revolve around alien technology so that it actually appeared to work? Wouldn't that have its ups and its downsides?
    That's kind of what I like about DS9 in particular--the clash of cultures and beliefs is so much richer in DS9 than it is in other Trek series. There's no naivete about culture: no finding the secret supercomputer, destroying it, then having the residents up and abandon thousands of years worth of culture as if it were nothing.
  • From Armsauce on 2017-05-30 at 10:07pm:
    I find it really hard to rationalize Sisko's behavior in this one. He seems really out of character even taking the visions into account.

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Star Trek DS9 - 5x11 - The Darkness and the Light

Originally Aired: 1997-1-6

Kira is shocked and saddened when Latha Mabrin, a fellow member of the Shakaar Resistance Cell-turned Vedek, is murdered. [DVD]

My Rating - 7

Fan Rating Average - 5.86

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 12 5 4 5 6 8 15 18 18 14 9

Filler Quotient: 2, filler, but an enjoyable episode nevertheless. You can skip this one, but you'd miss out on some fun.
- There's no essential plot or exposition in this episode that renders it unskippable, but it's a decent episode, even though it could have been better.


- Randy Oglesby, who plays Silaran in this episode, played the twins in DS9: Vortex as well as one of Riva's chorus in TNG: Loud as a Whisper.

Remarkable Scenes
- Worf gently making fun of Jadzia for losing at Tongo.
- Odo: "All you all right?" Kira: "No I'm not all right! I haven't slept in three days, someone is killing my friends, and my back--! Sorry..."
- Lupaza and Furel showing up at Kira's quarters then O'Brien walking into a surprise in his quarters.
- Nog and Jadzia deciphering the messages.
- Kira stealing Odo's list and a Runabout.
- Prin's introduction and his argument with Kira.
- Kira killing Prin.
- Rules of Acquisition; 111. Treat people in your debt like family. Exploit them.

My Review
A fantastic episode for Kira. It's a roller coaster ride of emotions for Kira as someone is killing her friends throughout the episode. Eventually Kira snaps and steals a Runabout, locates the assassin, and confronts him only to be captured by him. The twisted old man attempts to force her to give birth prematurely so that he can kill Kira, but not the baby. The herbs Kira's been taking protect her from his sedative though, and Kira kills her would-be assassin. Nana Visitor has always been a fine actress, but this episode is one of the ones where she really shines. It's easy to get caught up in the drama of it all; a very moving episode.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From christopher wright on 2011-12-10 at 5:48am:
    Did anyone else find Silaran similar to Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs? I half expected him to say, "It places the lotion in the basket."
  • From Selador on 2013-06-03 at 2:10pm:
    As usual, we disagree...

    I kept wishing throughout the episode that Major Kira was played by a different actress. Nina Visitor is incredibly annoying. A very average episode as well, and the 'evil' Cardiassian character was such a cliche. If only he'd succeded though...

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Star Trek DS9 - 5x12 - The Begotten

Originally Aired: 1997-1-27

Odo is reunited with one of his own. [DVD]

My Rating - 5

Fan Rating Average - 6.28

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 10 2 2 3 2 11 20 27 20 12 8

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- Kira's baby is born in this episode and Odo regains his shapeshifting abilities in this episode.

- When the baby was born it seems the umbilical cord came pre cut...

- The filming of this episode was rather nice. Nana Visitor was actually pregnant during all these episodes. It wasn't fakes. You'll notice in the final scenes of this episode, she wasn't pregnant anymore. They filmed around her real world childbirth!

Remarkable Scenes
- Quark "haggling" with Odo.
- O'Brien's lack of enthusiasm for the delivery ceremony.
- Worf: "Constable, why are you talking to your beverage?"
- Odo fighting with Dr. Mora.
- Dr. Mora: "The first time you did anything like that was when you formed a tentacle to slap my hand from the console." Odo: "I wanted you to stop zapping me."
- Shakaar and O'Brien fighting.
- Odo being uncharacteristically nice to Quark.
- Odo becoming a Changeling again.

My Review
This episode is something of a sequel to DS9: The Alternate. Basically Odo vs. Dr. Mora part 2. Fortunately they (finally) resolved their differences. I was disappointed with DS9: The Alternate; Mora and Odo never settled their differences. Fortunately, this episode makes up for all that one's mistakes. The O'Brien / Shakaar / Keiko / Kira plot was rather childish though. Honestly, I didn't care much for it. In the end, this episode serves the necessary purpose of giving Odo back his shapeshifting abilities. What the hell were they thinking when they removed his ability in the first place? I mean, it made for a dramatic season finale / premiere, but when those episodes were all over, we were left with a much less interesting Odo. Well, we had one decent episode dealing with Odo's newfound humanoid nature (DS9: The Ascent), so at least it served a purpose. Still, it seems as though Odo regaining his shapeshifting ability was somewhat rushed because they couldn't figure out how to use it effectively dramatically. Overall, a rather average episode.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From John on 2011-09-22 at 8:00pm:
    I love the Odo/Mora plot, but the O'Brien baby plot was boring. The only scene even remotely entertaining was the scene where Kira is waiting to deliver, and Miles, Keiko and some Bajoran midwife are playing these ridiculous instruments in order to relax her, and then Miles sneezes -- I guess the writers never get tired of coming up with absurd Bajoran customs.

    A better B-plot would have been to have Quark try to take advantage of Odo's preoccupation to do some shady deals on the station, only to have Changeling Odo bust him at the end.

    I really liked seeing the nurturing side of Odo, which is something we've only rarely seen in the past.
  • From Lt. Fitz on 2012-06-29 at 12:47am:
    I was totally disappointed with the Odo losing his ability thing. And, REALLY disappointed with how he gets it back! Another shapeshifter (a very small and mostly dead one at that) simply merges into him and suddenly all his human organs are gone? No more eating? No more drinking? That's it? I don't know. It felt ridiculously over-the-top.
  • From Inga on 2013-02-02 at 7:24pm:
    I agree - Odo regaining his shapeshifting WAS rushed ;/

    Also, I think Shakaar is a total ass. O'Brien had all the right to see Kira give birth - it was his son after all ;/ and during Kira's pregnancy, the ever-so-busy first minister didn't visit her even once...
  • From Mandeponium on 2013-08-30 at 4:49pm:
    I didn't understand the ending at all.

    Did the changeling give its powers to Odo and then die? How? Why? If Dr. Mora had picked it up, would he now be a changeling? Was it sent by the Founders to restore Odo? Or was it random chance? Surely the Founders are aware of the possibility of this happening and would try to stop it. Where's Bashir when you need him to speculate on these bizarre events?

    Also I get the need not to deviate from the DS9 "formula" in which one of the characters is a shapeshifter, but I wouldn't have minded a whole season of Odo learning to be human. The writers could have teased us all season, having us ask, "maybe this really is permanent?" The way it turned out got wrapped up a little too neatly.

    Oh well, another case of Deus Ex Machina.

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Star Trek DS9 - 5x13 - For the Uniform

Originally Aired: 1997-2-3

Sisko encounters Michael Eddington, his former Starfleet Security Chief, who betrayed him and joined the Maquis. [DVD]

My Rating - 10

Fan Rating Average - 6.44

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 23 5 5 10 3 10 7 17 25 27 39

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- On top of being one of the finest episodes of the series, this episode also resolves the Eddington loose thread.


- This episode is a candidate for my "Best Episode of DS9 Award."
- This is the first episode in which they use holo projectors instead of a viewscreen for ship communications. Holo projectors won't be used very often after this episode though.
- Odo mentions the encoded Maquis transmission is a heterophonic Breen nursery rhyme.
- Sisko says: "If anyone knows how to keep things cold, it's the Breen."

Remarkable Scenes
- Eddington and Sisko confronting one another in the teaser.
- Eddington's computer virus stunt.
- Odo: "Sir, have you ever reminded Starfleet command that they stationed Eddington here because they didn't trust me?" Sisko: "No." Odo: "Please do."
- The whole Sisko, Dax, and the punching bag scene. Sisko is an awesome character when he's angry.
- O'Brien and Dax briefing Sisko on all the stuff that doesn't work on the Defiant.
- The whole Defiant half roll thing. Cheesy but funny.
- The ambush.
- Eddington attacking a Cardassian evacuation ship forcing Sisko to save the occupants rather than go after Eddington.
- Sisko strolling onto the bridge dispensing orders to begin modifying quantum torpedos so that they can be used to poison Maquis colony atmospheres. I love the bridge crew reaction. Sheer disbelief.
- Sisko getting pissed at the end. The perfect villain.
- Dax: "Benjamin, I'm curious. Your plan to poison the Maquis planets. You didn't clear it with Starfleet first, did you?" Sisko: "I knew I'd forgotten to do something." Dax: "Big gamble." Sisko: "That's what it takes to be a good villain." Dax: "You know, sometimes I like it when the bad guy wins."

My Review
Sisko becomes the villain! And what a villain! This episode is one of many which show us how great an actor Avery Brooks can be, especially when given parts that deal excessively in anger. Avery Brooks' performance in this episode in my opinion even rivals Patrick Stewart's "Moby Dick" scene with Lily in Star Trek VIII: First Contact. The Eddington loose end is finally tied up and this episode wastes none of the showdown potential. An unexpected gem.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Remco on 2009-05-17 at 3:51pm:
    So, why is Sisko not court-marshalled? Why are Dax and Sisko joking (yes, joking!) about not getting persmission to destroy Vulcan (uh, I mean, random planet X).

    What the hell was this? Should we care about Sisko's actions, if the show doesn't? Whatever... I don't get the point. This episode doesn't exist. 0
  • From JRPoole on 2009-06-23 at 6:48pm:
    My review lands squarely between the two previous ones. This is a great episode, partly because it makes us uncomfortable when Sisko becomes the villain. I like that the writers don't pull punches here--Sisko really does become the villain, willing to poison a planet to square things with Eddington. His plan, though, is rash and I can't believe that Star Fleet would be happy with it, especially since it makes an enemy of the Maquis, who up to this point don't consider the Federation their enemy. The fact that everyone is so flippant about his actions takes serious points off for me.

    Where is Cassidy Yates? She'd be a natural for this one since she, too, betrayed Sisko for the Maquis.
  • From Jaap on 2010-10-01 at 2:41pm:
    Eddington is right and you have to feel sorry for him for being caught. Sisko becomes at least as wrong and perhaps worse than the maquis.

    Or did Sisko prevent escalation with the Cardassians with doing to a federation planet what the maquis did to a Cardassian planet?

    All in all, i don't feel comfortable after this episode. Eddington is right in that Sisko is betraying his uniform.
  • From John on 2011-01-14 at 5:55am:
    This episode is just badass. Sisko kind of flips out and does the wrong thing for the right reason, because his back is against the wall. We will see this taken even further in season 6's "In The Pale Moonlight". Not surprising, really, because both episodes share the same writer (Peter Allan Fields) and director (Victor Lobl), which no doubt accounts for their similar look and feel.

    I consider this episode a sort of dress rehearsal for the gripping brilliance of "Moonlight", but it stands quite well on its own.

  • From MJ on 2011-01-21 at 11:12pm:
    Another Maquis episode, which makes it another one of my favorites.

    The episode is awesome for reasons already pointed out. But I've read a few reviews of this episode that question why Sisko was able to get away with what he did. I think it's feasible, when you consider there are admirals in Starfleet who want to take the kid gloves off when dealing with the Maquis.

    Star Trek is about the history of the Federation, and each series portrays the Federation following the course of a typical civilizational power: there is the rise, the honeymoon stage. This is TOS, when the Federation is clearly the principled, scientifically curious organization Gene Roddenberry intended it to be. This continues into TNG, although by this time the Federation is starting to get into the business of realpolitik, playing shrewd diplomacy with its rivals. By DS9, the Federation is starting to resemble an empire, with a seedy underbelly that accompanies its noble creed.

    It's a sign of the times, too. TOS was created at the height of the Cold War, when an allegorical, future America (the Federation) needed to clearly be on the side of good. By the 1990's, with no more Cold War, the more controversial aspects of US policy were being explored, and this is reflected in DS9's Federation.
  • From Tallifer on 2011-04-12 at 9:39pm:
    Sisko just violated everything the Federation stands for! He attacked innocent civilians. Neither Kirk, nor Picard nor Janeway would ever have dne this. Eddington proved to be right about Sisko in the end (even though Eddington himself proved to be a monster using biogenic weapons also).

    I like fictional villains like Darth Vader and the Master, but I expect them to receive their just desert. I hope Sisko suffers the consequences of his action.
  • From John on 2011-09-22 at 9:00pm:
    I just watched this one again, and it's still so damn good.

    Sisko is the baddest dude in the Federation!
  • From Mario on 2012-04-20 at 7:55pm:
    Wow, what the hell was that?!!
    Sisko really became a villain here and a bully. I don't know if I can ever again route for this guy. During this episode I hoped the Maquis would win and Sisko could have overcome his petty thirst for vengeance and have some character growth. But no, he goes for revenge and the show seems to try to justify that. If the Dominion comes - or someone else - who is a bigger bully, I would not really care if they killed Sisko and his crew (allthough I know that will not happen anyway). I know that the Maquis did also poison planets, but from people who are supposed to be the "heroes" of the show I expect not to behave like the bad guys. But Sisko is even worse than them, because he does it only for himself, whereas the Maquis are fighting for a whole population.
  • From Selador on 2013-06-09 at 11:00pm:
    A very interesting episode. I like and agree with MJ's analysis of what's going on with Starfleet, but I'm not clear how the audience is supposed to feel about this.

    If we're supposed to side with Sisko against the "terrorists", even though they have a very valid point in my opinion, then I'd be very uncomfortable.

    If the idea is to sort of show that good people can do awful things and that Sisko is therefore showing he is weak by attacking the Maquis colony, then that would be more acceptable.

    But this is a smart episode and it's clear that a lot of though has gone into it. I think that the writers have left it open for the audience to decide for itself how Sisko and Eddington's actions should be judged - which is exactly what's going on here!

    I'm giving it a 9, the only reason it doesn't get a 10 is because of the 'no consequences' ending - usually in Star Trek people pay a price for their decisions.

    On a different note, in response to Kethinov - Brooks is an adaquate actor at best and never comes close to Stewart's best performances. He is great for the part though so his lack of talent doesn't really effect my enjoyent of the show at all. I agree with you that he's most believable when he's losing his temper.
  • From L on 2013-07-30 at 8:00am:
    Problem - Sisko didn't retrieve his phaser before beaming up to the Defiant at the end of the opening scene.
  • From Mandeponium on 2013-08-30 at 7:06pm:
    Lots of opinions here. Keep in mind that according to Sisko, the planet will be uninhabitable to "humans" for 50 years, presumably just like Eddinton's weapon was only harmful to Cardassians.

    So he's not wiping out an entire planet. He's forcing an evacuation, one that leads to the capture of Eddington and deals a serious blow to the Maquis who, only hours before, essentially declared war on the Federation.

    His actions may not be justified, but considering the circumstances, they are excusable (if only by the narrowest of margins!)
  • From bodner on 2014-03-10 at 11:26am:
    It is too bad Sisko never gets his "due" for this, escpecially when you consider that directly after this Cardassia forgets the entire treaty and announces all out war
  • From McCoy on 2017-02-14 at 4:11pm:
    10? Really???
    For me it was "How to ruin reputation of main character in one episode". Sorry, Sisko is amoral jerk here, nothing more. The end never justifies the means! Blind obsession is always wrong. As was stated before - no other captain would behave like this. The worst part is - Sisko wasn't forced to do anything bad, he just WANTED to do it. For the uniform... Federation propaganda... Looks like they really aren't the good guys in Galaxy.
  • From The Orb of Obampresidency on 2022-10-22 at 9:20am:
    Apart from the missing court martials...why is the Maquis still a thing? You'd think that after Cardassia was conquered by the Klingons, the Feds would sort of renegotiate that dreadful treaty?

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Star Trek DS9 - 5x14 - In Purgatory's Shadow

Originally Aired: 1997-2-10

Worf and Garak are taken prisoner by the Jem'Hadar. [DVD]

My Rating - 8

Fan Rating Average - 7.16

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 11 14 1 6 2 6 5 5 34 32 47

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

- Real Bashir is wearing an old style uniform in this episode. This means he must have been replaced while still wearing the old style uniform. If this is true, why didn't the Changeling Bashir kill Sisko in DS9: Rapture? Or prevent the Changeling from dying in DS9: The Begotten, or prevent it from merging with Odo giving him back his shapeshifting ability? Or kill Kira in DS9: The Begotten? It seems obvious that the writers intended Bashir to have been replaced just before this episode began and were using the two uniforms to help viewers distinguish the two characters. But that's no excuse. The audience shouldn't have to come up with this stuff. For the record, Bashir said he was replaced "over a month ago." Take it how you will...

- Odo reverts into his gelatinous state when he attempts to sleep.
- Odo is a solid 18 hours a day according to Kira.
- According to Bashir, the Breen have no blood.

Remarkable Scenes
- Worf and Jadzia arguing about Worf not telling her about going into the Gamma Quadrant with Garak.
- Dukat attacking Garak.
- Worf regarding Garak: "At the first sign of betrayal I will kill him, but I promise to return the body intact." Sisko: "I assume that's a joke." Worf: "We'll see."
- Worf: "You want me to sponsor your application to Starfleet Academy?" Garak: "What do you think?" Worf: "I think it is a bad idea." Garak: "Well, I'd write the actual letter myself. I'd just need you to sign it!" Worf: "Find someone else." Garak: "Why? Because I'm a Cardassian? You're a Klingon. Nog is a Ferengi. Starfleet Academy is a very accepting place." Worf: "You are not just a Cardassian. You are a spy, an assassin, and a saboteur." Garak: "I know I've done some unfortunate things in the past and I regret them. That's why I want to join Starfleet, why I need to join Starfleet. I'm looking for a fresh start, a way to make up for all the damage I've done. I need to prove to myself that I can be better than I am. But I need your help. Your support to start me on my way to redemption." Worf: "If that is how you feel, I will consider your request." Garak: "That's all I ask. Frankly, I think I can be quite an asset to Starfleet. With my extensive experience, I could skip the lower ranks entirely and begin my career as a commander! Maybe you should suggest that in your latter. Tell them you'd be honored to serve under me." Worf: "Do not play games with me. You have no desire to join Starfleet, do you?" Garak: "No, I'm afraid I don't." Worf: "Then why all of this deception?" Garak: "Because lying is a skill like any other and if you want to maintain a level of excellence you have to practice constantly." Worf: "Practice on someone else." Garak: "Mr. Worf, you're no fun at all." Worf: "Good."
- Garak: "I'd like to get my hands on that fellow Earl Grey and tell him a thing or two about tea leaves." Garak insulting Picard's favorite tea. ;)
- The huge fleet of Jem'Hadar ships.
- The revelation that Enabran Tain is Garak's father. I like how Garak let Bashir hear this private conversation.
- The huge Dominion fleet coming through the wormhole.
- Morn Appearances; 1. In the background when Dukat attacks Garak.

My Review
A classic DS9 episode, this episode features a plethora of major events and revelations. Bashir is a Changeling, Enabran Tain is Garak's father, Tain dies, and the Dominion invades the Alpha Quadrant. The episode even has a cool name. There is only one thing I don't like about this episode and it's the technical problem I listed in the problems section. That's got to be one of DS9's most annoying technical problems. Overall, a great start to the two parter with a magnificent cliffhanger.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From siukong on 2010-08-31 at 5:31am:
    I don't necessarily see your beef with this episode as that big of a problem. In espionage, sleeper agents often have to ignore smaller opportunities that arise in order to achieve success with their long-term objective. Changeling-Bashir probably didn't want to blow his cover and risk losing the chance to cripple the Federation, Klingons and Romulans all in one fell swoop. That act would achieve a lot more than just killing a single Starfleet Captain and/or Bajoran major.
  • From Christopher Wright on 2011-12-13 at 3:50am:
    I actually didn't notice that the real Bashir was wearing a different style uniform (but I am no Sherlock.) I know from reading the other reviews that uniforms are HUGE to the owner of this site. Speaking of uniforms, why is it that in the Star Trek universe, no one is EVER removed of his/her uniform when taken captive? Does that even make sense? I mean, it would have prevent Kirk's escape from the Klingon jail world (moon?) in ST VI. I guess that such questions shouldn't be asked - like when Ben Affleck asked Michael Bay on the set of ARMAGEDDON: "Why is it easier to train oil riggers to be astronauts than to train astronauts to be oil riggers?"
  • From Wes on 2012-04-10 at 1:19pm:
    The staging when Sisko calls for battle stations makes me laugh. And it's not just in this episode. But when he does, Bashir moves forward, out of the picture and Kira moves from one side of the central console to the other. Would there really be that big of a difference in the controls from one side of the central command console to the other?

    I mean, I totally see why they do it. It has nothing to do with the function of the consoles. It adds a dramatic, moving element to the shot in what would otherwise be a very boring shot following a command for battle stations (like on the other star ships we're familiar with).
  • From Lee on 2012-04-10 at 1:31pm:
    I actually like the fact that they use different uniforms for the different Bashirs, and that's not because I am too stupid to realize the difference between them :p

    I think it adds to the shocking moment of realizing that one of our main characters has been replaced for such a long time (the uniforms have been changed for quite a while). For that reason I also like that the real Bashir isn't shaved :p

    But I think the changelings behaviour seems a bit too suspicious, I mean, he didn't act like that in the episodes before, but here he acts too "evil", almost like in a cartoon for children. I think it would've been much more convincing, if the fake Bashir would've acted just like the normal one, not with the dramatic music and looking around like a suspicious bandit.

    But all in all, it's a great two-parter and it's on my list of favourite episodes!
  • From dronkit on 2014-04-21 at 2:23am:
    An almost suicide "reconaissance" mission to find prisoners in the heart of the dominion and they send a petty runabout insted of the Defiant?

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Star Trek DS9 - 5x15 - By Inferno's Light

Originally Aired: 1997-2-17

The real Bashir, Worf and Garak try to stay alive in the hostile world of a Dominion Internment Center. [DVD]

My Rating - 9

Fan Rating Average - 7.53

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 11 3 7 1 3 2 25 4 9 40 56

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

- Exactly why did the Dominion leave that Runabout in orbit so Bashir, Worf, Martok, Garak, et al could escape? This problem is later resolved in DS9: Inquisition. Bashir says the Dominion didn't think they'd be able to contact the Runabout. Nevertheless, that was pretty damn sloppy of them, huh?

- When Garak is talking to himself, he mentions, "This isn't like Tsenketh." This means Garak might have once been on the Tsenkethi home world as an Obsidian Order agent.
- Worf is shot during transport in this episode but it seems the transporter beam was able to protect him.
- Jadzia in this episode establishes that going to warp inside a planetary system is infrequently done because it's too dangerous.
- According to Bashir's and O'Brien's conversation, Changeling Bashir had been operating aboard the station for four weeks.

Remarkable Scenes
- Dukat joining the Dominion fleet.
- Worf fighting the Jem'Hadar matches.
- Gowron resigning the Khitomer Accords.
- Dukat threatening to take back Deep Space Nine.
- Martok: "There is no greater enemy than one's own fears." Worf: "It takes a brave man to face them."
- O'Brien: "We're facing a major inter-stellar war and you're thinking about darts?"
- Quark: "The Jem'Hadar don't eat, don't drink, and they don't have sex. And if that wasn't bad enough, the Founders don't eat, don't drink, and don't have sex either. Which between you and me makes my financial future less than promising." Ziyal: "It might not be so bad. For all we know, the Vorta could be gluttonous, alcoholic, sex maniacs."
- The Romulans joining the Federation and Klingon task force.
- The Breen firing at a Jem'Hadar while the Jem'Hadar fires at him. They vaporize each other! Awesome.
- Romulan: "My people have a saying: 'Never turn your back on a Breen.'"
- Worf refusing to yield.
- Jem'Hadar: "I cannot defeat this Klingon. All I can do is kill him. And that no longer holds my interest."
- The Defiant going to warp within the Bajoran system, destroying Changeling Bashir's Runabout bomb.

My Review
More major events. The Dominion hasn't in fact invaded. Cardassia has joined the Dominion. So the Dominion is legally moving in. Dukat's betrayal isn't particularly unexpected. But I'm with Kira. The next time she sees Dukat, should kill him. :) More episode name coolness, though even more than the cool name I like the cool connection between this episode and the previous one. Rather than Episode Name, Part I and Episode Name, Part II, we have In Purgatory's Shadow and By Inferno's Light. The two episode names are kind of opposites of each other. Very clever. There are some annoying things though, keeping the episode from being worth a perfect score. Firstly, another very annoying technical problem. Why did the Dominion leave the Runabout in orbit so everyone in the prison camp could escape so easily? Secondly, it was rather convenient that the Yukon had nothing but redshirts on it so no important characters had to be placed in jeopardy. *rolls eyes* One final note, I found it interesting that the Romulans joined the Federation and Klingon task force in this episode. It's very consistent with their behavior. We already knew they didn't particularly like the Dominion when they gave a cloaking device to the Federation for the Defiant. Now they finally show their teeth to the Dominion!

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Sean on 2010-07-07 at 7:11am:
    "If the Dominion come through the wormhole, the first battle will be fought here. And I intend to be ready for them."

    That's what Sisko said at the end of season two, and just when I thought we'd finally get the big battle we were promised... they turn and head towards Cardassia. Sigh. Still a terrific episode, though, amoung DS9's best.
  • From peterwolf on 2013-12-13 at 11:21pm:
    An episode with many unexpected turns. After Cardassia joined the Dominion one of the best (quite surprising) moments was the Romulans joining a new alliance with Klingons and the Federation against the Dominion. They should have done this earlier. The Bashir-changeling with female voice is rather eerie. His determination to wipe out the solar system of Bajor is nearly too much. At least they would wipe out Odo too, although the founders may not consider him as part of the changelings any more.
    Another strong part was Worf not giving up against the 20th or so Jem Hadar warrior in hand-to-hand combat and made them "yield", because they could not gain victory against him. In parallel, Garak had to overcome his claustrophobia and inner fears to save the prisoners of the federation. The short scene in the runabout when Worf and Garak show some mutual respect is very well done.
  • From dronkit on 2014-04-21 at 4:44am:
    The continuity with "Rapture" is notewrthy too. The "flock of locusts" skips Bajor and flies right away to Cardassia because Bajor is not Federation, thanks to Sisko's visions.
  • From Dubhan on 2014-10-01 at 4:44am:
    This is also a fantastic Garak episode. We get another little glimpse at his background and he saves the day for those imprisoned by the Jem'Hadar.

    Is there any question that Andy Robinson is the best actor in DS9? Not in my mind.
  • From tigertooth on 2016-12-03 at 5:08am:
    When Dukat announced to Kira that the Cardassians joined the Dominion, Kira's response was to say to Dax "Lock phasers and fire". This was when the huge Dominion fleet was starting to move away. When a huge hostile force is leaving, you don't shoot at them!

    I want to believe that Dax was lying when she said Dukat was out of range; she was just stopping Kira from going through with something that could have needlessly cost hundreds of lives.

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Star Trek DS9 - 5x16 - Doctor Bashir, I Presume?

Originally Aired: 1997-2-24

Bashir is chosen as the model for the new version of Starfleet's holographic doctor program. [DVD]

My Rating - 8

Fan Rating Average - 5.42

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 30 6 1 3 5 12 9 13 34 16 9

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.


- According to Bashir, he hasn't been home in three years.
- This is another rare episode to feature the use of a holo projector.
- Julian's parents are imprisoned in a minimum security penal colony in New Zealand for two years. Maybe the same one Tom Paris was in in Voy: Caretaker?

Remarkable Scenes
- Rom chickening out in front of Leeta.
- Zimmerman's appearance.
- Zimmerman activating the EMH. I like how it starts complaining the minute it's activated. :)
- The interviews. I especially like how O'Brien didn't want Zimmerman to tell Bashir how much respect he has for him. :)
- Bashir's parents showing up. I loved Bashir's reaction to seeing them.
- O'Brien walking holographic Julian into walls. :)
- Zimmerman: "You said you liked cerebral men. And at the risk of sounding immodest, I have a towering intellect!"
- Bashir's parents accidentally divulging their "little secret" to holographic Bashir.
- Bashir telling O'Brien the history of his genetic engineering.
- Quark: "Remember what happened with Nog's mother? Yeah. Don't want to think about her, do you? Let me refresh your memory. You signed a standard five year marriage contract with Prinadora's father because you wanted to have a child. A simple every day business deal. But then you fell in love with your wife and wanted to extend the contract. And you were so in love that you never bothered to read the extension before signing it. So in the end, her father swindled you out of all your money. Prinadora left you for a richer man. And you got stuck with Nog. Hooray for romance."
- Bashir: "No. You used to be my father. Now, you're my architect. A man who designed a better son. To replace the defective one he was given."
- The admiral: "200 years ago we tried to improve the species through DNA resequencing. And what did we get for our troubles? The Eugenics wars. For every Julian Bashir that can be created there's a Khan Singh waiting in the wings."
- Rom finally working up the courage to ask Leeta out.
- Zimmerman: "True love should always win."
- O'Brien discovering that Bashir has been letting him win at darts to keep it looking fair. When O'Brien tells him to "really play," Bashir scores 3 bulls-eyes with ease. :)
- Morn Appearances; 1. The first scene. 2. Kisses Leeta. She pushes him away. 3. Is interviewed by Zimmerman. Does not speak. He shrugs. :) 4. Playing Dabo toward the end just before O'Brien discovers Bashir was letting him win.

My Review
This is the first episode in which we get to meet the real Dr. Zimmerman. One of the funniest and quirkiest characters ever introduced on Star Trek. This episode also features some great story for the ever neglected Rom character. You can really get a sense in this episode of how quasi-autistic Rom can be. He's a mechanical genius with zero social skills. I love how Leeta was in love with Rom and Rom was in love with Leeta, but she was waiting for him to make the first move and he was too shy to do it. Almost torturous to watch! :) Additionally, this subplot features great continuity with DS9: Let He Who Is Without Sin... when Leeta first announced she was in love with Rom. I was wondering if they were going to pick up on this. The main plot, however, is the shining star. Not only do we get fascinating character development for Bashir, but we get to see the ever so rarely featured and fascinating Louis Zimmerman character. A very nicely constructed episode.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From JR on 2012-06-12 at 6:25am:
    I've never considered myself a trekkie by any means, but I always liked TNG re-runs and the movies, and watched Enterprise when it aired. With netflix carrying all the shows, I have really caught up and just have the rest of DS9 and Voyager to finish.

    So, even though I never really thought of myself as a trekkie, I've seen a lot of it and the Eugenics war timeline given in this episode seems really screwy compared to the rest of Trek.
    "The admiral: "200 years ago we tried to improve the species through DNA resequencing. And what did we get for our troubles? The Eugenics wars. For every Julian Bashir that can be created there's a Khan Singh waiting in the wings."

    As soon as I heard that line my mind started crunching numbers. The admiral is saying that the Eugenics Wars happened in the mid 22nd century. However, I thought the Eugenics wars were time stamped by TOS to be in the near future of the 1960's, meaning around the 1990's. I took it to mean that genetic experiments during the then present day 1960's would lead to 20-30 year old superhumans that took over the world in the 90's before being deposed. That was before WWIII of the mid 21st century.

    Any ideas on this? Just an error and the admiral should have said 400 years? I figure the writers did not want to confuse the non-trekkie audience by keeping the Eugenics wars in the 1990's since that would have put it in the "present/past" when this was made in 1997.
  • From Hugo on 2012-09-08 at 9:35pm:
    JR - this was was a screw-up by the writers - there is a comment by Ron Moore quoted on Memory Alpha.
  • From Selador on 2013-06-11 at 11:01pm:
    I have a feeling a certain someone has a problem with this episode since the 16 zero fan ratings doesn't really make sense otherwise. Was there no way to implement a one vote per ISP voting system?

    A fantastic episode and classic trek - a great sci-fi moral conundrum, excellent characterisation and a nice sub-plot. Also wonderful moments of humour. Gets a 9 from me.
  • From Kethinov on 2013-06-12 at 4:56am:
    I do some filtering to prevent multiple voting. But there's nothing I can do about someone with access to 16 different computers on 16 different IPs.

    If you like, I can start taking credit card and passport info before accepting a vote. ;)
  • From Ant on 2013-09-12 at 10:03pm:
    This one is a filler if I ever seen one where DS9 go cheap soap opera. One of the few episodes where I strongly disagree with Kethinov.
  • From Gaius Gracchus on 2021-11-18 at 10:44pm:
    Great cameo from Robert Picardo as Dr. Zimmerman/EMH, great Rom B-plot. And Alexander Siddig absolutely knocks this one out of the park, such pathos in the scene where he breaks down in anger at his parents for giving up on him, and the response from Fadwa El Guindi tops it off.

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Star Trek DS9 - 5x17 - A Simple Investigation

Originally Aired: 1997-3-31

Odo falls in love with a mysterious woman. [DVD]

My Rating - 2

Fan Rating Average - 4.69

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 16 9 12 9 13 9 12 7 8 8 13

Filler Quotient: 3, bad filler, totally skippable.
- No significant exposition, events, or consequences. And a lame episode on top of that.



Remarkable Scenes
- Arissa: "You mean you're just doing this out of the kindness of your heart?" Odo: "I don't have a heart."
- Odo showing up during Bashir's holo suite program.
- O'Brien taking advantage of Odo's interruption and cornering Bashir.
- The senior staff gossiping about Odo.
- Morn Appearances; 1. At the bar when Quark is trying to sell stuff to Arissa. 2. Quark locks him in the bar when he goes to close it down accidentally.

My Review
Another Odo episode. It seems for some reason Odo centric episodes are always relatively boring detective episodes. In this case, a girl trying to flee the Orion Syndicate, with whom Odo falls in love. Except the girl is actually a sleeper spy, who happens to be married. And that's about it. Quite underwhelming.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Inga on 2013-02-05 at 6:51pm:
    One of the most boring episodes of Star Trek I've seen so far... And that bed scene was unbelievably cheesy.
  • From Mandeponium on 2013-09-02 at 5:30pm:
    Sigh, in this episode Odo has sex as a changeling shortly after losing his human ability to ejaculate. Why? Why does he fall in love with this random person? This episode would have been better if he were still human. It might make more sense.

    Imagine if Star Trek were on HBO. There'd be so much weird alien sex; the bedroom was super tame compared to what I'm imagining sex with a shapeshifter to be like.
  • From Rob UK on 2013-11-23 at 2:35am:
    A hard episode to watch, in nregards to Odo centric episodes as you mentioned being like detective shows I agree, this is sometimes done okay like an homage to the greats in the style but i'd prefer the level of Columbo or Monk rockford files or even Murder She Wrote but no sadly not a patch on Jessica Fletcher on her worst day (seriously not a fan of MSW at all BTW just incase anyone was not getting my dry British sense of humour) this was akin to Diagnosis Murder merged with an imaginary late 90's BBC low budget remake of Heart to Heart.

    Now then onto the part which could have redeemed the episode and instead destroyed it, the sex, or more accurate the lack of it, i know TV censors n stuff i am not expecting some Reed Richards-esq shlong action pinning her to the ceiling in a low gravity room as Odo morphs into a thousand different phallic object spearing her from every angle anywhere she wants it and more but at least some reference to it expanding her horizons in some way sexually instead it was like she had taken the virginity of a shy young boy and was his moms friend. When she found out it was his first time and she said she couldn't tell?!? Seriously Odo never swelled up the shape shifting manhood once inserted? I am trying to keep it pg13 here but you get what i am saying surely, how did Odo even know what to shape down there? I always thought he'd be like an action man figure or a ken doll, cough cough, not that i was checking that my action man had a schlong or not as a kid or anything but i remember when i found out that he did not have one i was concerned for my action man, why does he not have a little soldier like the rest of us boys? Never trusted action man after that, anyhoo slight distraction to my review / comment there but in a slightly altered reality it is all totally relevant. Thankfully a good Quark episode next if anyone out there like myself who has to watch them in sequential order for the good and the bad.

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Star Trek DS9 - 5x18 - Business as Usual

Originally Aired: 1997-4-7

Quark wants to pay off his debts, but it may cost him his life. [DVD]

My Rating - 5

Fan Rating Average - 4.87

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 12 4 4 15 5 21 17 8 11 7 3

Filler Quotient: 2, filler, but an enjoyable episode nevertheless. You can skip this one, but you'd miss out on some fun.
- No significant exposition, events, or consequences, but a decent story nevertheless.


- This is the first episode in which we get to meet the much mentioned but never before seen Gaila, Quark's cousin.

Remarkable Scenes
- Sisko threatening Quark.
- Bashir's diagnosis for Yoshi: "Perhaps he's become prematurely aware of life's existential isolation."
- The whole whispering scene between O'Brien and Sisko in ops.
- Rules of Acquisition; 67. The riskier the road the greater the profit.
- Morn Appearances; 1. Sitting near Quark while he checks for Odo. 2. Sleeping at Quark's bar while Quark complains about the lack of customers.

My Review
Hagath to me was the star of the show here. A brilliant character played by a talented actor. Besides that, the episode is fairly routine, even a little boring. Quark's financial situation certainly was not enough to hold my interest, frankly O'Brien's side plot was more interesting and amusing. Especially the scene near the end with Worf.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Lt. Fitz on 2012-06-29 at 11:48am:
    Victor Maitland from Beverly Hills Cop! He plays such a good slimeball! :)
  • From Selador on 2013-06-19 at 11:05pm:
    A decent idea, poorly executed. I must disagree with the view Hagath was a brilliant character played by a brilliant actor. He was a one-dimentional stereotypical villain, overplayed by a below average actor with no imagination.

    Quark's turnaround came too late - he had already played apart in selling weapons to very dubious character. He should have been sent to prison for it for a very long time.
  • From Bronn on 2013-07-17 at 12:12am:
    Trek writers tend to want it so clear that they're not supporting something even slightly controversial by getting a bit heavy-handed with the plot. That's what happened here. I thought this could have been a bit more intriguing without this guy showing up halfway through the episode and announcing that he's the villain of the week by saying, "I would like to indiscriminately kill 28 million people, please." Real people don't talk like that, not even bloodthirsty despots. I would have preferred if they'd moved a bit slower with this plot, having Quark getting drawn in more and more over his head until he realized what he was doing. It seems like they TRIED to do that, but they couldn't help but pass on the message that "People who sell weapons have no souls," so they cut it short pretty quickly.

    This could have been more intelligently done. There was apparently some awareness among the writing staff, since they pointed out that people like Hagath had supplied weapons to the Bajoran resistance. The weapons carried by even Federation security personnel were obviously researched and developed by SOMEBODY-and sure, while they have stun settings, they also have kill settings, and we'll see our heroes using lethal settings on their weapons rather arbitrarily over the remainder of this show's run. Then there's people out there who are supposedly supplying weapons to the Maquis, whom we're supposed to view at least with some degree of sympathy since they were among the heroes on Voyager. We hear about plenty of members of Starfleet who help supply weapons TO the Maquis, so obviously not everyone in the whole Federation hates weapons suppliers.

    Instead of a designated villain who just wants to kill everyone, you could write someone like an ACTUAL bloodthirsty despot. Bring in someone who's running an authoritarian regime that says he wants to snuff out the rebels-it should serve as an echo for the Cardassian occupation of Bajor. The arms merchants could offer him precision weapons that will allow him to eliminate the leaders and blow up rebel hide-outs, but instead, he wants large scale weapons to use to take out entire villages that harbor resistance members. At least make it seem realistic. It also helps leave just a bit of a gray area in which actual weapons developers can exist, even if the ones represented in the episode are unscrupulous.
  • From Axel on 2015-06-09 at 3:29am:
    I disagree a bit with the reviewer Bronn. I do think this episode did a decent job with the moral gray area that is weapons dealing. Even in the real world, weapons dealing is one of those things that we know goes on and that we overall consider to be evil, but which we tolerate because we also know it makes possible certain things we believe to be worthwhile. It allows causes we believe in to take hold.

    The best scene in this episode is the one where Gaila confronts Quark about his hesitations. This scene reminded me of the movie “Lord of War” which focuses on this same issue. Gaila points out the same thing that Nicholas Cage’s character does in that movie: the universe is made up of people who are committed to the destruction of other people. You’ll never be able to stop it, and refusing to sell weapons doesn’t mean the genocide won’t occur, it just means someone else will profit from it instead. Quark, I think when talking to Jadzia, also offers up the age-old excuse of the weapons dealer: I’m giving people a means to defend themselves.

    I do agree the Federation characters come across as a little too holier-than-thou in this one. Of course, this is before they found out that Section 31 was using biological warfare against the Founders with the hope of wiping them out.

    The eccentric Hagath was definitely an enjoyable character.

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Star Trek DS9 - 5x19 - Ties of Blood and Water

Originally Aired: 1997-4-14

Kira's encounter with a Cardassian dissident brings back traumatic memories. [DVD]

My Rating - 7

Fan Rating Average - 4.83

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 30 7 4 4 11 9 11 21 15 12 8

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- This episode is a sequel to DS9: Second Skin, in which Legate Ghemor was Kira's "father" of sorts. It's also the episode which establishes that the Vorta are expert cloners, which explains how Weyoun could return after having died in DS9: To the Death.

- In DS9: By Inferno's Light, Kira said the next time she saw Dukat, she was going to kill him. She had the perfect opportunity to do so in this episode. I guess she was just angry in DS9: By Inferno's Light and didn't really mean it.


Remarkable Scenes
- Worf: "Cardassian politics are very complex." Dax: "I think they like it that way."
- Dukat's conversation with Sisko.
- Kira's flashbacks.
- The Jem'Hadar battleship arriving at the station.
- Weyoun 5's appearance.
- Dukat showing up at Kira's quarters.
- Sisko confronting Dukat about the poison Kanar.
- Weyoun: "How delightful! The mysterious plots, the subtle innuendos, the failed threats, it's all so entertaining." Weyoun picks up the poisonous glass of Kanar and drinks it. The look on Sisko's and Dukat's face at this point is priceless. Weyoun: "Oh my. That is quite toxic, isn't it?" Dukat: "Are you insane?" Weyoun: "The Vorta are immune to most forms of poison. Comes in handy when you're a diplomat."
- Kira: "They kill us, we kill them. It's nothing worth celebrating."
- Kira's emotional scene in the end with Bashir.

My Review
This episode features some very good drama. Picking up where DS9: Second Skin left off, Kira is reunited with Legate Ghemor. Unfortunately, he's dying. But before he dies, he wants to divulge Cardassian secrets to Kira. Dukat, knowing this, shows up to try and stop him from doing so. He meets with zero success. While many of Dukat's and Weyoun's scenes were entertaining, their involvement in the story ended up being largely pointless. It would have been nice if they tried a bit harder. All in all, this is Kira's episode. And she does a fantastic job acting it. Very moving.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Pete Miller on 2006-07-09 at 3:55am:
    Weyoun is a very entertaining character. I enjoyed his scenes immensely. However, Kira's emotional problems really brought this episode down. Reminded me of those Troi suffering episodes on TNG. After awhile it's like "We get that you are fucked up about your daddy's death. Get OVER it and stop being a bitch." The Legate was only a foot soldier on that battle and she acts like he was the mastermind behind it. I absolutely can't stand her when her Bajoran bitchiness kicks in and she starts whining.
  • From rpeh on 2010-08-02 at 12:01am:
    I cannot believe this terrible, boring, overblown and over-sentimental pile of rubbish gained a 7 here.

    It's not interesting in any way. The plot is obvious within a few minutes and the acting is absolutely bloody awful. This episode is the only one where I used the DVD controls to skip ahead to see if there was something more interesting about to happen. I didn't even do that with TOS The Empath!
  • From John on 2011-09-23 at 3:38am:
    I have to agree with the other commenters, this episode deserves well below a 7. For me it's 2, 2.5 tops, and both of those points are for Weyoun.
  • From Selador on 2013-06-18 at 12:32am:
    I agree with the other comments. Kira is awful, Weyoun is brilliant. It's also completely unrealistic that Gul Dukat and Weyoun would be allowed to freely roam DS9 - the Federation and the Dominion are in a state of war for god's sake. Very dull episode on the whole. It was worth watching solely for the scene in Quark's bar where Weyoun drinks the poison. Classic.
  • From Tarondor on 2018-09-06 at 11:21pm:
    I found it to be very moving and understood Kira’s ambivalence well. It was more to do with how she failed her father than anything Ghemore had done. And her anguish at how Ghemore struggled in death rang very true to me. Icon ur with the 7 rating.
  • From Gaius Gracchus on 2021-11-20 at 1:54pm:
    I think the complaints about Kira "overreacting" to Ghemor's participation in that attack are unfounded, and I'm frankly not sure if we watched the same episode.

    Just as Kira looked for an excuse to leave her own father's deathbed, she wanted to get away from Ghemor's. Dukat gave her a reason, and she hates that it was *him* that did what she wanted. It's her guilt that is eating her, guilt over her lack of presence at her father's death and the guilt she knows she will feel if she avoids Ghemor's. In the end, she makes the right decision and is able to take some peace from it, burying Ghemor next to her own father on a hill that was once barren but is now verdant.

    This episode speaks to any child who has lost a parent or a parental figure. Those questions of "did I do enough?" never go away. Fantastic entry.

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Star Trek DS9 - 5x20 - Ferengi Love Songs

Originally Aired: 1997-4-21

Quark returns home and discovers some shocking secrets about his mother. [DVD]

My Rating - 2

Fan Rating Average - 3.24

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 34 12 8 8 20 10 6 7 6 3 4

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- As silly as the story can be at times, the events are all quite significant have important long term consequences down the road.



Remarkable Scenes
- Zek losing his memory and math skills.
- Rules of Acquisition; 18. A Ferengi without profit is no Ferengi at all. 94. Females and finances don't mix. 208. Sometimes the only thing more dangerous than a question an answer. 229. Latinum lasts longer than lust.
- Morn Appearances; 1. Buys a jumja stick from Leeta, who is running the kiosk.

My Review
So Zek and Quark's mother are in love. And Quark's mother has been giving Zek financial advice for god knows how long. Brunt discovers this and tries to grab power. Overall this Ferengi episode is more silly than most, but ironically, more important than most too. It picks up on where many previous episodes left off and gives Quark an even deeper connection to the Nagus as well as the return of his business license. Unfortunately, I just didn't like this episode at all. The comedy wasn't very effective and the story relied too much on it. A final note, I wonder what the writers' fetish for Quark's closet was for in this episode? It seemed to exemplify the overall silliness.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Remco on 2009-05-22 at 12:14am:
    The episode wasn't too bad, but it ran out of juice about half way in. After 20 minutes it was clear where the plot was going. Then it just kind of meandered. Maybe it would have worked better as a special half-hour comedy, complete with laugh track. ;)
  • From Jaap on 2010-10-08 at 11:28am:
    Am i wrong or is Quark's mother played by another actress than in the previous episode (3x23)?
    I wasn't too impressed with this one and think the other acted much better.
  • From Christopher Wright on 2011-12-14 at 5:36pm:
    I think this episode deserves a much higher rating. Sure, it was a little slow-paced, but it actually did what Star Trek and many sci-fi shows and movies often don't - show that species are not so singular. The following episode, "Soldiers of the Empire" tells us that not all Klingons are courageous - some are cowards and some are weak. Just as Star Wars showed us simplistic planets (Hoth - totally frozen, Tatooine - totally desert), such simplistic representations aren't realistic as life thrives on diversity.

    This episode showed us that Ferengi are capable of self-sacrifice. Sure, we've seen it in them before, but the two story arcs of Quark and Nog having to sacrifice a lot for those they love helps us to fully realize that they are not so simplistic a race.

    I loved the humor at the end with Brunt in the closet and Quark playing with his action figures.
  • From Selador on 2013-06-18 at 11:39pm:
    I hate the Grand Nagus. He makes my skin crawl. If Quark wasn't such a great character and actor, I would hate all the ferengi.

    Whoever wrote this episode must have been drunk at the time, it's truly terrible and full of bad jokes and weird script.

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Star Trek DS9 - 5x21 - Soldiers of the Empire

Originally Aired: 1997-4-28

General Martok regains a ship, but his crew is dispirited. [DVD]

My Rating - 8

Fan Rating Average - 6.71

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 24 0 1 2 4 3 5 25 28 38 19

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- This is the first episode to feature the Rotarran and Martok's command of the vessel. It's also the episode in which Worf joins the House of Martok.


- According to the Klingon calendar, the date in this episode was the 53rd day of the year of Kahless 999.

Remarkable Scenes
- Martok ranting about his insight into the Jem'Hadar.
- Worf challenging Martok.
- The Klingons singing into battle.
- Bashir lamenting about the intelligence business.
- The revelation that Worf lost the fight on purpose so that Martok would regain his vigor.

My Review
A Klingon ship and her crew are the center of attention for the first time in a long while and never has it been done so well. This episode features many nice details, but some remarkable ones are the crew of the Rotarran herself; an eclectic and believable group of demoralized Klingons. Plus the Rotarran itself; we get many beautiful CG renderings of the breathtaking bird of prey. My only complaint is we don't get to see the Rotarran battle the Jem'Hadar, which would have been nice. Besides that, an excellent episode.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From John on 2010-03-17 at 3:49am:
    I think their decision not to show the viewer the battle with the Jem'Hadar was a good one. It left that battle to the imagination of the viewer and saved time which could then be spent on things like character development. Yes, it could have been a cool battle, but subtracting a point because they used a perfectly valid storytelling device that happened to omit material you personally wanted to see is a little overboard IMHO.
  • From Kethinov on 2010-03-17 at 4:14am:
    I've always felt that it's sort of anticlimactic that they didn't show the battle. It's a legitimate payoff to the buildup to expect, I think. That's not to say this is a bad episode. It's certainly fantastic. I just think a more roaring climax would have served the story better.
  • From Harrison on 2013-02-23 at 6:34pm:
    One of the very best Klingon episodes, with lots of rich cultural detail.
  • From Bronn on 2013-07-17 at 7:14pm:
    Beautiful episode. Martok is the gold standard when it comes to Klingon characters. He's three dimensional, and he's well-rounded enough that it makes the Empire seem functional. Without seeing a character like Martok you'd wonder how the Empire ever held together-they have no patience to do things like basic maintenance on their ships, they get bored with administrative tasks, and they prefer to attack head-on rather than provide any consideration of strategy. But DS9 decided to find a way to make Klingons seem more balanced without ruining their previous characterization, and this episode is the highlight of Klingon story-telling.

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Star Trek DS9 - 5x22 - Children of Time

Originally Aired: 1997-5-5

When the crew of the Defiant become stranded on a planet, they begin new lives ... [DVD]

My Rating - 3

Fan Rating Average - 5.41

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 38 10 18 7 12 14 26 15 22 30 32

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- This episode is a must-see for the Kira/Odo relationship stuff, all of which has consequences deep into the rest of the series.

- The entire plot of this episode is undermined by the observer effect. The crew's descendants were doomed the very minute they interacted with the people whose actions presuppose their entire existence. Even if the crew had gone back in time to found the colony, it would not be possible for them to go on to create identical descendants to those they had already met because the very act of meeting their hypothetical descendants would have slightly altered the outcome leading to different descendants.


Remarkable Scenes
- Boy: "Are you the son of Mogh?" Worf: "Yes, I am." Boy: "Is it true you can kill someone just by looking at them." Worf: "Only when I am angry."
- Time displaced Odo's appearance. Odo: "I love you Nerys. I've always loved you." About fricken time.
- The sons of Mogh.
- The revelation that Yedrin wasn't trying to help but recreate the accident.
- Brota to Worf: "Last year I slew a Yar bear three meters tall. Your Mak'leth was my only weapon. The beast maimed me and for a time it seemed I would die from my wounds. Now I wish I had. It would have been a warrior's death."
- The whole communal planting thing. A bit too hunky dory for me in Star Trek, but moving nonetheless.
- Sisko: "They existed. As long as we remember them, they always will."
- The revelation that Odo and the other Odo linked and that the other Odo was responsible for sabotaging the flight plan.

My Review
A decent reset button-style episode with a lot of wasted potential. It tries to be like DS9: The Visitor but on a larger scale but unfortunately it doesn't quite work. The two episodes are nearly identical in cause, effect, and implications, but this episode puts the whole experience over the top. Life is full of choices that lead to many other possible realities that will never exist as a consequence of your choice. Which of your lovers will you marry? Should you have sympathy for the children who will never be born because you didn't marry any of your other lovers? Of course not. But that's what this episode is asking us to do. The difference between "killing" and "never existing" is a subtle, but important one. Sisko's crew had every right to want to leave that planet and deny existence to their hypothetical descendants. I don't care if their hypothetical descendants could see, and talk, and feel things as a consequence of a time travel paradox. They don't deserve to exist at the expense of Sisko's crew's suffering. The episode failed to fully explore that moral dilemma, but what's worse is the entire debate is moot anyway because due to the observer effect, those descendants were doomed the moment Sisko met any of them to begin with regardless of whether or not he had succeeded in recreating the time travel and crash landing. The fact that they had already met their descendants would mean that they were slightly different people than the original version of the crew that never had that experience. As such, events the second time around would be slightly different, leading to entirely different descendants. All in all, it was a decent, moving episode, but way more could have been done with it.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Pete Miller on 2006-07-09 at 9:25pm:
    This was an awful episode. First of all, the moral "dilemma" was ridiculous. Are we to say that every time we make a decision such as deciding to move to another part of the country we are killing thousands of people who never got the chance to live? Or every time you use a condom you're killing hundreds of people? The whole idea is just stupid and annoying. And I agree about the farming scene at the end. That was very cheesy. This episode felt like a poorly done TNG episode stuck in the middle of DS9.
  • From John DC on 2011-01-15 at 1:04am:
    This really was just awful. I don't know exactly why I hated it so much, but I did. Perhaps it's because it's a reset-button filler episode in the middle of the Dominion War story arc. Strange thing is, it's filler, but it obviously wasn't cheap to produce either.
  • From Mario on 2012-04-23 at 7:44pm:
    This doesn't make any sense at all. How can they "change" anything that has not happened yet? The present part (or the future from our perspective) only happenes once. Either they travel through time or not. If their descendants are there, that means they did and it already happened and nobody can change that - whatever happened, happened. If they don't, their descendant should never exist at all - not exist and then cease to exist.
    Haven't they watched LOST? I know it aired a few years later, but with time travel, apparently, everything is possible...
  • From GregVB on 2012-08-17 at 3:45pm:
    First time commenting.

    For me this is the best episode so far of DS9. I actually think its very interesting that this got a 5 from the host, all the comments are negative, yet...yet... this has almost twice as many 10 votes as any other.

    I believe this episode represents the difference in the hard core Trek fans, and the sci-fi fans. Yes the story has some time travel issues, no great continuity, but for me, you have to suspend disbelief to believe in time travel anyway (or aliens, warp speed, etc...).

    For me this represents some of the best character development i have seen so far. An earlier comment stated that this was like a bad TNG episode, and I agree that it does feel very much like a communal "TNG:Inner Light".

    Another said it was filler. So was "Inner Light", "Tapestry", and "Family". These are only episodes I have given a 10, along with the TOS movie "Undiscovered Country". For me its a nine, and like I said earlier, the best episode (so far) of my DS9 watching.
  • From Bernard on 2012-08-19 at 10:23am:
    Response to GregVB mainly here.

    Firstly, I wouldn't put much faith in the fan rating scores for DS9 as I think our webmaster has suffered some sabotage in that area. Just take a look at the season 7 scores - all the zeroes that have been recorded go way above what you would normally expect. I have already mentioned this in another review response and I believe the same has happened to this episode except 10's and 9's being registered.

    You have mentioned that dreaded word... filler. I hate that word used in relation to Star Trek episodes. Star Trek, in the main, is not a serial. It consists of mostly stand alone episodes, although DS9 did write longer reaching story arcs.
    This means, to me, that you cannot have 'filler'. You can have poor episodes that do not reach many levels but since any episode of Star Trek on any given week could be a stand alone episode then we cannot really band around the word 'filler'. So in this respect I agree with GregVB. The majority of TNG is 'filler', you have to accept that it is merely the stand alone nature of Star Trek.

    As for this episode.
    I would rate it fairly highly actually. Probably an 8. The only reason it does not score higher is because of the slightly contrived and forced plot points and also because the episode loses my interest at points.
    There are strong performances that really carry the episode though. In particular Rene Auberjonois and Nana Visitor but also the guest cast, Colm Meaney and Avery Brooks.

    Overall, if this episode had been slightly less contrived and slightly more polished it would be up there as one of the best DS9 episodes.

  • From Inga on 2013-02-05 at 7:51pm:
    Oh, Dax, after five years on Star Trek you still think that going through some weird energy barriers is a good idea...

    Also, if they actually stayed and got thrown back in time, wouldn't they have lived differently anyway? They have the knowledge the original crew didn't have. There's a possibility a great deal of those 8000 people would seize to exist just because they'd be replaced with different offsprings. Well, taking into account that anything would change at all, since this theory does sound silly... It would've made quite a temporal paradox as well.

  • From Xavier on 2013-06-01 at 4:15pm:
    This episode is offensive. Not just we going into Time Trek again, but in such an idiotic way it annoyes me. Everything is "okay", til Dax discovers it is a ploy from "new" Dax and the time travel will not produce a duplicate. Was a wasted potential in a different way made by the reviewer... Let´s imagine they actually had this Quantum duplication happening. Instead of a bunch of BS about the "needs of many", we would see them IN THE PAST. And wondering if the "new" Dax would have lied to them, thinking he did. Maybe they, after a few years in the hardships of the colony, finally realized they weren´t lied by him, the quantum duplication actually happened. But we just see this episode from their point of view, the duplicates we will never see again.

    About they have seen already the colony and it changed the timeline already, well, is not the first time Time Trek happens to have contact with a timeline and had no effect whatsoever, so it doesn´t matter so much. Time Trek is a pathetic concept by itself, but if you´re going that way, at least make something less contrived than telling the same story all over again. And really, rset button stories deserve nothing less than a zero. I want Star Trek. When they derived from it to do a Reset Button, is pretty much fanfiction made by the current hired writer, and that is ofensive.
  • From Mandeponium on 2013-09-06 at 3:07pm:
    I agree, Xavier, downright offensive, for several reasons. I can't believe O'Brien, after watching some kids play, has a change of heart. He is being completely disloyal to Keiko, Molly, and Yoshi. I suppose he's thinking, "You know, I guess I could f*** that ensign from Engineering after all."

    The Quantum Duplicate plan disturbed me too. Why does no one think to ask, "But which version of the Defiant will "I" be on? I don't want to be the one stranded on the planet while my duplicate gets to go home."

    They could have done something like TNG's "Yesterday's Enterprise" and made the story about sacrifice: The 8000 sacrificing themselves for their ancestors. Instead Sisko and Friends decide to throw themselves away for a population that shouldn't even exist. Someone has to make a sacrifice here and it's pretty clear who (you know, for the show to continue).

    But then O'Brien lets his emotions get the best of him and the writers get to eat their cake and have it too. Make the "right" choice and feel good about it, but still press the Reset Button.

    I would give it a 0 if not for the absolutely beautiful exchanges between Kira and Old-Odo.

    So 1.
  • From Axel on 2015-05-23 at 3:52pm:
    An average episode. The main moral dilemma doesn't bother me as much as other reviewers. Yes, it's ridiculous for us to go through life second-guessing every decision and relationship based on the hypothetical offspring we're stopping from being born. This episode is different though: those offspring aren't hypothetical, they are real. It's harder to make that decision when there is flesh and blood in front of you, and I think that's all the episode was trying to point out.

    I do agree it's not the same as killing, though. This isn't murder or genocide, so evaluating the morality of one's actions on that basis is pretty ridiculous. It's more a matter of denying them the chance to exist given they already do. These kinds of temporal problems only happen in the Star Trek universe. It's interesting to think about, but that's about it.

    What bugs me most about this episode is Yedrin Dax's ridiculous plan. It doesn't make any sense at all, even before they found out it was a hoax. Using the barrier to create a second ship that crashes, consigning that Kira to die and forcing that crew to go through the same anguish runs into the same moral problems that the crew ends up facing anyway when they find out the plan wasn't going to work. There's also the question of how they would ensure that crash plays out exactly like the original did, as the main review points out the timeline has already been altered as well.

    Interesting, but not completely flushed out by the writers. Good acting though.
  • From James T Quark on 2016-02-29 at 3:46am:
    This episode is much better than most people give it credit for. If you delve too deeply into the whole time issue, you'll drive yourself crazy. With Star Trek, often we have to suspend our criticism over reality and just enjoy the episode. This is one of those cases as it is truly a good story, if you don't start trying to unravel the issue of them affecting their own future by knowing their descendents survive as well as their own fates. Just sit back and enjoy a good story. LLAP
  • From Zorak on 2016-06-11 at 6:19am:
    So much negativity towards this episode. I don't get it. Sure it got the slightest bit cheesy and over the top by the end, but so what? It was a great episode. One of my favorites. This is how drama on Star Trek should be. I also want to add that I love every scene with Rene Auberjonois. I don't mean in this episode (although he was great in it). I mean every scene in DS9. Odo is just the best.
  • From Jan on 2019-02-28 at 7:48pm:
    This episode doesn't make a lot of sense:

    First of all, despite the crew of various Trek episodes trying to leave the past "intact", there are also many suggestions that there are "alternate timelines", or even different branches of said timelines.
    Though it isn't explored often, there are certain examples in TNG (like Yesterday's Enterprise), but also the so-called "Kelvin Timeline".

    This means that whenever something has been changed in the past, a new branch of the same timeline is created reflecting that change, but all events from the "unchanged timeline" don't suddenly cease to exist as if they never happened.

    If it WAS the case, then Sela would have never have been able to exist.
    Or even "Old Spock" in the Kelvin-verse movies, since Quinto-Spock can never become the same "Old Spock" even if he wanted to.

    Writers however just do as they please. This episode they're basically telling us that alternate timelines cease to exist, or don't exist in the first place. But that creates the paradox that these 8000 people couldn't possibly exist since the Defiant never went back in time and didn't crashland.

    So this episode doesn't make sense in my opinion. It tries too hard to make us feel for these people on a false premise.

    Just my two cents

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Star Trek DS9 - 5x23 - Blaze of Glory

Originally Aired: 1997-5-12

Sisko is forced to confront his Maquis nemesis, Michael Eddington. [DVD]

My Rating - 7

Fan Rating Average - 6.63

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 10 2 2 2 1 5 4 27 25 21 4

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- This episode is the conclusion to the Eddington and Maquis arcs.



Remarkable Scenes
- Nog complaining about working security and dealing with the Klingons. This is actually a good connection with DS9: Soldiers of the Empire when Nog complained about Worf and Martok standing in his way.
- Sisko's meeting with Eddington.
- Kira: "I was in the Bajoran shrine meditating and he bursts in, stark naked, fell to his knees crying out to the prophets for protection." Bashir: "Morn of all people. Who would think he'd just snap like that?"
- Odo: "And that's when Morn hit you with a barstool and ran out onto the promenade screaming 'we're all doomed!'"
- Eddington and Sisko arguing on the Runabout.
- Sisko forcing Eddington to help him by getting a Raktajino while two Jem'Hadar ships attack.
- Eddington declaring his intentions to kill Sisko.
- Nog impressing Martok.
- Sisko slugging Eddington for lying to him again.
- Eddington getting himself killed.
- Sisko and Dax discussing Eddington.
- Morn Appearances; 1. Not shown, but mentioned in the beginning as having attacked Quark.

My Review
The perfect final cameo for Michael Eddington. Instead of being defeated and depressed in prison for the rest of his life, he gets one last chance to fight for the Maquis, and he goes down in a blaze of glory. This episode is a tale of rivalry, intrigue, and deception, like any good Maquis story. And for once, Sisko expresses sympathy and even respect for them. This episode represents closure for the entire Maquis arc. We find out what happened to Sisko's friend Cal Hudson; he died fighting for the Maquis. Eddington dies in this episode, and we're told for sure what we thought would happen all along, the Dominion has wiped out the Maquis. There couldn't be a more suitable end to the Maquis arc. Tragic, but moving.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From hugo on 2012-10-09 at 3:15pm:
    One could see what would happen to Eddington from miles away: predictable! One gripe I have with that character is that he spent all that time undercover, being just a boring quiet person. Now he is an adventurous romantic that loves to hear his own voice, and he is also the Maquis leader...
  • From Gul Ranek on 2013-01-08 at 4:22pm:
    I agree, Eddington was very underused and not developed in a decent way.I guess the writers must have had some basic ideas about the character when they introduced him in the third season, but never got around to implement them and decided to get rid of him by making him a member of the Maquis.
    An example of this is his conflict with Odo about who would be taking care of station security - they made a big deal of it, but Eddington barely appeared in subsequent episodes.
  • From Bronn on 2013-07-18 at 2:48am:
    I loved the scenes involving Sisko bantering with Eddington. That was the main fun of this episode for me-Eddington was boring as a security officer, but he's really charming as a renegade leader. I loved the way he was portrayed in this, and in his previous appearance. Agreed, he was underused, but that was not really a problem with this episode, which was extremely enjoyable.
  • From Gaius Gracchus on 2021-11-20 at 11:07pm:
    Fantastic sendoff for Eddington. Ken Marshall did an especially great job in these last three appearances as the character (For the Cause, For the Uniform, and then Blaze of Glory). Really a good foil to Sisko. Both are decidedly "good" and are willing to do what it takes to see their goals carried out.

    Additionally, a great payoff for the Maquis subplot that's been going on since TNG and obviously was heavily present in Voyager. Wish more could have been done with it on *that* show but as far as DS9 goes... no complaints.

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Star Trek DS9 - 5x24 - Empok Nor

Originally Aired: 1997-5-19

Crew from Deep Space Nine must salvage needed parts from a derelict Cardassian space station. [DVD]

My Rating - 5

Fan Rating Average - 6.12

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 13 2 5 1 3 16 10 16 18 22 7

Filler Quotient: 1, partial filler, but has important continuity. I recommend against skipping this one.
- This episode features some minor, but fun continuity that will be somewhat relevant later: Nog's experience with Garak will have a lasting impact on his opinion of Garak and this episode is of course the first episode to feature Empok Nor which will later recur.


- Empok Nor was abandoned about a year before this episode.

Remarkable Scenes
- Garak: "Well it's just that lately I've noticed everyone seems to trust me. It's quite unnerving. I'm still trying to get used to it."
- The detached Runabout drifting away then exploding.
- Pechetti admiring Cardassian military insignia, suddenly being killed by one of the Cardassian assassins. The scene looked straight out of a horror film to me.
- Garak starting to act a little weird.
- Garak assassinating the Cardassians, then turning to Amaro.
- Garak fighting O'Brien.
- Morn Appearances; 1. First scene, sitting at the bar.

My Review
DS9 does horror. Drugged Cardassians moving about, killing people, Garak going psycho, killing people. All very dark stuff. Well, there are good things and bad things about this episode. First, the bad stuff. No less than four redshirts died needlessly. Thankfully, their deaths were not completely meaningless nor forgotten immediately. Second, this entire mission was manufactured danger. It seems highly unlikely that Starfleet couldn't have manufactured the necessary replacement parts rather than plummeting six of its officers (and Garak) into needless danger. The Jem'Hadar threat alone is enough to not want to undertake such a reckless mission, much less this drugged Cardassians part. In the episode's favor are the four redshirts. They may have died needlessly, but their contribution to the story was great. I loved all four of them, especially Pechetti and his emblem obsession. I always like seeing O'Brien take charge of a situation; he's a great leader. And as always, Garak is a fascinating character. One final comment, why was Empok Nor constantly shown tilted in external shots?

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Renee on 2008-09-09 at 8:20pm:
    Why was Empok Nor shown tilted? My guess would be that it was done that way to avoid confusion with Terok Nor alias Deep Space Nine.
  • From lt. Fitz on 2012-06-29 at 6:30pm:
    Perhaps the station was shown tilted because the cameras, working ships, and working stations are always set up to be aligned with the galactic horizon. Keeps space travels from getting dizzy. :)
  • From Hugo on 2012-10-13 at 8:41pm:
    Loved it! Garak-heavy episodes are always good. When I first saw the crew on the runabout - and them being introduced with names etc, my first thought was "redshirts"! And sure enough...

    Does this ep count as an "O'Brien-must-suffer" episode?

    Loved the twist and the mood by the way - reminded me of "Project Firestart" (cinematic Commodore 64 game) and "System Shock". Just having two Cardassian soldiers on the loose was good, and then having Garak switching sides was a good turn.
  • From ChristopherA on 2020-12-16 at 5:02am:
    This is a bottom-tier episode for me. I just couldn’t stand how incredibly stupid the Federation forces were, repeatedly ignoring danger and splitting up just like a group of teenage campers in a cheesy horror movie. First, they are specifically told that the station is likely to be booby trapped, but as soon as they get past the airlock the first thing they do is start wandering around randomly touching things. Second, once they discover that there are enemy forces hunting them down, they decide to split up their forces and do nothing about the threat. I mean, we all expect Federation security to be terrible, that is a given in the Star Trek universe. But this really goes beyond into a level of deliberate incompetence that I found maddening.
  • From Empok Obummer on 2022-10-25 at 7:10am:
    Agreed, too much Redshirt killing. What irked me as well were Garaks statements about killing Cardassians, I mean during his time in the Obsidian Gestapo he probably killed more than O'Brien did. We even saw him murdering a few on the show!

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Star Trek DS9 - 5x25 - In the Cards

Originally Aired: 1997-6-9

Jake tries to cheer up his father, who is overly stressed by the Dominion threat. [DVD]

My Rating - 8

Fan Rating Average - 6.81

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 16 2 1 4 2 6 8 11 31 25 22

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- Weyoun's offer of peace to Bajor is a major plot event which sets up events in the next episode and beyond.

- When Nog reads the list of the crazy old scientist's demands, it says 2 liters of anaerobic metabolite. When they present this request to Bashir, he says it's 5.


Remarkable Scenes
- Sisko's "party."
- Jake being outbid at the auction.
- Sisko being nasty with Weyoun.
- Jake and Nog meeting with Dr. Giger.
- Bashir lamenting about Leeta having his teddy bear.
- Nog sneaking into Leeta's quarters and taking the teddy bear as she slept.
- Weyoun and the Jem'Hadar investigating what is going on in the quarters below them... where Dr. Giger lives.
- Nog listening to Worf's Klingon opera extremely loud.
- Nog: "Maybe the soulless minions of orthodoxy finally caught up with him." Odo: "The who?" Jake: "We don't know who they are, but they were after Dr. Giger's cellular regeneration and entertainment chamber." Odo: "His what?"
- Kai Winn rejecting Weyoun's pleasantries, just like Sisko.
- Nog and Jake beamed to the Dominion ship.
- Weyoun confronting Nog and Jake.
- Jake's time travel story.
- Weyoun and Dr. Giger hitting it off on the immortality topic.
- Sisko: "Even in the darkest moments, you can always find something that will make you smile."
- Morn Appearances; 1. Quarks bar behind Jake and Nog. 2. At the auction. 3. After the auction, walking out with a painting.

My Review
This episode is an unexpected bout of brilliance with regards to the writing. Jake and Nog's quest to acquire a baseball card to cheer up Sisko has the unintended effect of cheering up everyone on the station. I love the part when Sisko makes his log and the camera pans by all the major characters Nog and Jake have helped in their quest to get the baseball card. I don't quite know how else to put it, but this is one of those quirky kind of episodes that works really well. The writers managed to make a humor episode that wasn't silly, even when they included Weyoun and the Jem'Hadar directly into the humorous plot! I'm impressed, I must say.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Pete Miller on 2006-07-10 at 12:30am:
    What a wonderful episode! I loved every bit of it, both the comedy and the serious. Personally, I found the moment between Jake and Sisko at the end more moving and sweet than anything in "The Visitor"
  • From JR on 2012-06-12 at 5:48am:
    I liked this one quite a bit. Jeffrey Combs was great as every character he played. It was years after I watched Enterprise during its run that I realized he had played so many roles. Its such a shame Enterprise only managed four would have been great had they made him a regular on that bridge.

    My only gripe with this episode: I can't imagine many things being easier to replicate than a glossy piece of cardboard.
  • From OmicronThetaDeltaPhi on 2014-02-11 at 9:47pm:

    As any serious collector of baseball cards could tell you, a copy - no matter who accurately rendered - can never replace the real thing. Even if the two objects are physically indistinguishable, the original has a history and an emotional value which the copy simply does not possess.
  • From Zorak on 2016-06-14 at 4:04am:
    I have to agree with the general positivity toward this episode. It was a gem. I love when Star Trek mixes the serious with the mundane in such a tongue in cheek way.
  • From Gaius Gracchus on 2021-11-23 at 3:25am:
    Great, light episode in the midst of a buildup to the all-out Dominion War arc.

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Star Trek DS9 - 5x26 - Call to Arms

Originally Aired: 1997-6-16

As another convoy of Jem'Hadar ships emerges from the wormhole toward Cardassia, Sisko and his officers face the grim realization that the Dominion is taking over the Alpha Quadrant. [DVD]

My Rating - 10

Fan Rating Average - 8.05

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 9 3 4 7 8 10 2 5 14 25 104

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

- So when did the Runabouts leave the station?

- This episode is a candidate for my "Best Episode of DS9 Award."

Remarkable Scenes
- Quark: "Any marriage where the female is allowed to speak and wear clothing is doomed to failure."
- Another Jem'Hadar convoy coming through the wormhole.
- Nog discovering that the Romulans signed a non aggression treaty with the Dominion.
- The whole briefing room scene where Sisko decides to mine the wormhole.
- O'Brien, Dax, and Rom discussing how to mine the wormhole. I love how Rom was able to think about his wedding and come up with a genius idea for the mines at the same time.
- Odo and Kira addressing their discomfort with each other.
- Kira: "So for now, all we need to concern ourselves with is deploying the minefield, maintaining station security, and preparing ourselves for a possible invasion." Odo: "Well I don't know about you, but I feel more comfortable already."
- Sisko's confrontation with Weyoun.
- Bashir: "You don't think Starfleet could be persuaded to send us a few more ships, say, fifty?"
- Garak: "I must say, constable, I admire your composure. You're an island of tranquility in a sea of chaos." Odo: "What I am is useless. My entire staff has been evacuated to Bajor."
- The Dominion fleet attacking the station.
- The minefield being deployed.
- Sisko evacuating DS9.
- Jadzia announcing she will marry Worf.
- Sisko's goodbye speech.
- Sisko: "I promise I will not rest until I stand with you again... here, in this place where I belong."
- Kira running Sisko's program to sabotage the station. Kira: "Dukat wanted the station back? He can have it."
- The revelation that Jake is still aboard the station.
- Dax: "We should rendezvous with the Federation task force in 48 hours." Bashir: "And then what?" Nog: "And then we make the Dominion sorry they ever set foot in the Alpha Quadrant." Sisko: "Cadet, you took the words right out of my mouth."
- The scene when Kira, Odo, and Quark welcome aboard Dukat, Damar, Weyoun, and the Jem'Hadar.
- Dukat correctly interpreting the reason why Sisko left the baseball in his office.
- The Rotarran and the Defiant joining the Federation-Klingon task force.
- Rules of Acquisition; 190. Hear all. Trust nothing.
- Morn Appearances; 1. In the crowd when Sisko gives his goodbye speech. 2. In Quark's bar after the Federation personnel evacuate.

My Review
Quite possibly one of the best DS9 episodes ever done. Yes, here is where the Dominion war finally, really begins. Numerous major events and major character developments happen here. For one, Rom marries Leeta. Proving that Rom has come a long way from being Quark's second in command, a B-list Ferengi. Now he's married to a beautiful woman. And his technical genius is put to its best use in this episode by O'Brien and Dax. Speaking of Dax, Jadzia and Worf get engaged in this episode. It's interesting to note that it probably wouldn't have happened so soon without the war. Kira and Odo finally deal with their feelings for each other, at least to a certain extent. And then there's Jake. Jake finally got a job! He's a news reporter for the Federation news service. In accordance with his new job, he decided to remain aboard DS9 to report on the ensuing events. His father, furious, finally has to admit that Jake has become a man and can make these decisions for himself. Sisko's speech as he leaves the station is wonderful. Just when Sisko was finally beginning to like his job as commander of DS9 and his appointment as Emissary of the Prophets, it is all ripped away from him. At the beginning of the show, all Sisko wanted to do was get out of there. Now it greatly pains him to leave. Between the political intrigue, the space battle, and the captivating villains, this episode takes advantage of everything the five seasons of buildup has to offer. Truly spectacular, and with a cool episode name to boot.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Wes on 2012-04-13 at 5:40pm:
    Agreed. This is the best episode of DS9 thus far. Probably my favorite up to this point, too.

    I noticed something after watching this time. Something about this episode seems really similar to Star Wars. It's like they took the best parts of Star Wars and capitalized on them in this episode. (Of course, I'm not saying that's actually what they did. It just has the things I liked about Star Wars.) I think most of that comes from the great space battle. Other feelings of Star Wars come from all the characters who have some role to play. DS9 makes awesome use of a huge (for Star Trek) cast. This is just an awesome episode. The music was good, too.
  • From Thavash on 2018-12-25 at 5:59pm:
    Why did Starfleet not send any assistance to the most strategic Station in the Alpha Quadrant , which was being attacked by the strongest enemy they had yet faced ? For me a major inconsistency.

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