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Star Trek DS9 - Season 7

Star Trek DS9 - 7x01 - Image in the Sand

Originally Aired: 1998-9-30

Sisko, now retreated back on Earth to gather his wits, meets an old friend. [DVD]

My Rating - 5

Fan Rating Average - 3.68

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 113 6 7 5 3 14 22 21 25 15 19

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.


- This episode features revised credits. Terry Farrell for Jadzia Dax is removed and Nicole deBoer is added for Ezri Dax.

Remarkable Scenes
- Colonel Kira! Complete with a new hairstyle...
- Worf's behavior with Vic.
- O'Brien sharing a bottle of blood wine with Worf. I love Worf's reluctance. Nice reference to TNG: Hollow Pursuits as well.
- I love the scene where Martok asks Worf to join him on a dangerous mission.
- Bashir and O'Brien deciding to go with Worf on his dangerous mission to honor Jadzia.
- Ezri's appearance.
- Morn Appearances; 1. In the bar after O'Brien shares a bottle of blood wine with Worf.

My Review
This episode reveals the truth behind Sisko's connection with the Prophets. He's actually descended from one! There's that, and a couple other interesting plot threads. Kira, with her new promotion, is now in command of DS9 and the Romulans have established a permanent presence there. They've also secretly heavily fortified one of Bajor's moons under the guise that it's a hospital. This, of course, pissed off Kira. Also, Worf is angry because he believes that because of the way Jadzia's died, she wasn't granted entry into Sto'Vo'Kor. So Martok, Worf, O'Brien, and Bashir all decide to go on a dangerous mission against the Dominion to honor her memory. Finally, Ezri Dax makes an appearance, the successor to Jadzia Dax. These plot threads are all valid and interesting, but none of them are sufficiently developed in this episode, especially Ezri, who gets a pathetic amount of screen time. The episode was designed to be a cliffhanger, and it was done so in a slow paced, annoying way. Nevertheless, it is a satisfactory beginning to the season.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Psycroptic on 2012-07-14 at 1:52am:
    What's up with all the zero ratings for this season? Spammers I'm guessing. Inconsistent but still a great opening to the season.
  • From Bernard on 2012-07-14 at 10:07am:
    Yes, it appears someone has deliberately been trying to sabotage our good webmasters statistics! Perhaps he can see when all these zero ratings came about and who put them on because all these episodes were rated much more highly before.
  • From Bronn on 2013-07-27 at 5:28am:
    One of many episodes that really ruin the Bajoran prophets.

    Let's think about this for a minute: The prophets basically possess a woman, drag her to meet Sisko's dad, keep her possessed until she marries him, gets pregnant, has a kid, and the is one year old. Then finally she wakes up one morning no longer possessed, having had her body used as a walking incubator to give birth to someone. In short, the prophets used Sisko's father to rape her, AND used to give birth to the baby then take care of it for a year. That's disgusting.

    It gets worse...I guess. I mean, it might be best to imagine this was like a three year coma she woke up from, though she'd still have had her body changed since she became a mother sometime while she was asleep, but it's been previously shown that people possessed by the Prophets (and Pah Wraiths, basically the same beings except for being evil) are AWARE and remember what goes on while they're possessed. It might be somewhat forgivable if, say, this was a Bajoran who was a very willing vessel for the will of the Prophets, even if she signed on for a lot more than she realized, but this was a human woman who didn't know the Prophets existed and wasn't at all a member of their faith. So they raped a casual bystander just to get Sisko born. AND HE NEVER CALLS THEM OUT FOR IT! Nobody does. It occurred to me the first time Sisko's parentage was mentioned, and never fails to occur to me every time it's mentioned...but it doesn't seem to bother anyone.

    The writers originally had the idea that the Prophet temporarily took corporeal form, but nixed that idea-I guess it seemed a bit too confusing about exactly what the prophets were. Somehow they thought this disgusting idea was better-I really don't know what they were thinking. Basically any episode that mentions this plot point gets an automatic 1 from me, no matter how good the rest of the episode is, just for reminding me of that awful concept.

    I'm not anti-religion. I like some of the religious plotlines in the story-in fact, as a conceptualization of "plot magic," they're far preferable to technobabble that often does similar things. But that the Bajoran faith is so often idealized even when they're behaving like entitled fundamentalists is really grating. I was able to deal with that from the Bajorans from time to time, but when the gods themselves are horrifying...I really wish they'd just had Dukat kill them all instead of letting the Prophets win.
  • From Kethinov on 2013-07-27 at 6:35pm:
    I get what you're going for, but it seemed pretty clear to me in the story that the Prophets merely influenced Sisko's mother without her knowledge rather than force her into actions she was unwilling to do. As such, she probably wasn't aware she was possessed. When she left Sisko's father after no longer being possessed, the story strongly implies that she probably just thought she fell out of love. As such, since she didn't feel coerced by external forces, she wasn't raped.
  • From Bernard on 2013-07-28 at 1:16pm:
    I'm in agreement with Bronn in one respect.. I dislike any parts of the story involving the wormhole aliens/prophets from the episode 'Rapture' onwards because this marks the point in the series when the writers make the deliberate decision that the prophets have, do and will continue to take an interest and influence the Bajorans on PURPOSE and not by accident.

    This is quite contrary to the initial encounter with the wormhole aliens in 'The Emissary' where Sisko has to explain virtually every concept of linear existence to them! So I guess they were just messing around with him in that episode?

    Just to point out, I don't mind if they'd portrayed the prophets as beings that consider the Bajorans to be their 'children' from the start but they didn't. I also don't mind if the Bajorans thinks of the wormhole aliens as prophets (gods) but they aren't really... it's a theme shown time and again in the various incarnation of Star Trek, a less developed race thinks of another more developed race as godlike but in actual fact they are not their gods... except the writers decided from 'Rapture' that the prophets WERE the Bajorans gods and started writing it as such. That is when the prophets storyline turned into absolute drivel and they had to start coming up with obscene ways for the prophets to affect our characters lives. It's ridiculous and it was the worst and weakest part of DS9 by a mile.
  • From Bronn on 2013-07-28 at 9:14pm:
    I'm not sure I agree with that assessment, Keth, especially given the one Prophet that keeps showing up as Sarah Sisko and claiming to be Captain Sisko's mother. It's like she's the one taking credit for creating him, not all the Prophets as a whole subtly influencing one woman. The Sarah Prophet also refuses to share credit with the real Sarah-SHE'S Sisko's mother, not the corporeal woman named Sarah. She also says that Sisko is "A part of her," which doesn't make sense unless she's the same Prophet who possessed Sisko's mother.

    I can't say I really see the evidence supporting your version. We haven't seen direct evidence of the Prophets "subtly directing" someone in the story before-they've used orbs, they've used visions, and they've used random electification that makes Sisko have crazy visions. You can argue we don't always see the less overt influences, but if so, you'd think they'd have attempted to give some guidance to Kai Winn at some point, who was genuinely faithful despite her hopeless ambition. Instead they let her experience direct visions from the Pah Wraiths and fall under Dukat's influence. What we have seen, though, is that people can be possessed by Prophets and Pah Wraiths, and they don't even have to be completely willing-like Keiko and Jake Sisko were possessed at different times.

    And if this woman just "fell out of love," it's weird that she completely abandoned her baby and made no effort to ever contact him again, isn't it? She lives in the super-ideal version of earth, so it's not like she abandoned him because she couldn't take care of him. She was in a relationship, had a baby, and then walked out one day without ever getting back in contact with the baby-it's really unusual behavior. It makes much more sense that she was possessed, finally woke up free one morning, was horrified at having been raped and used, and ran far, far away, never wanting again to be reminded of what happened to her, especially not wanting to see the baby she was forced to bear.

    I can't see it as anything other than the most unfortunate of implications ever conceived of in Star Trek, and somehow nobody noticed or commented on it. That's why I went from fairly neutral about the Prophets, to utterly loathing them.
  • From Bronn on 2013-07-28 at 9:55pm:
    Also, from memory alpha, here's a quote from René Echevarria, Executive Story Editor: "We originally thought that Sarah was a Prophet – there was no human woman involved. But we ultimately nudged the idea into something a bit more oblique, saying the Prophets could take over another person's form."

    So even the WRITERS thought they were telling the story about a being taking over a woman's form, so that she could have sex with the right man and give birth to the baby. Yuck!

    Deep Space 9 is usually a smart show about recognizing implications in its continuity-that's why I really like it, and think it's overall better than Voyager. Garak goes nuts when he realizes he's basically acting like a traitor to the Cardassian people to whom he'd been loyal, Worf is forced to deal with the fact that he's isolated from other Klingons, Nog had an emotional crisis about losing his leg that didn't even end when he got a replacement leg (one of my favorite episodes-Nog probably experienced the most character growth during this series of any Trek character ever written), and Sisko was forced to deal with the dual problems of being a religious icon and a Starfleet officer. But somehow they missed this? Despite it coming up repeatedly in several episodes?

    I'd like to pretend it never happened, but they keep reminding us about it later.
  • From Kethinov on 2013-07-29 at 5:30pm:
    There's no evidence whatsoever to support your claim that what happened to Sarah was abuse. You're basing all of your conclusions off of wild speculation based on a whole host of assumptions that the story doesn't go into at all while ignoring the two most obvious pieces of direct evidence contradicting your hypothesis: 1. the characters in the story didn't see what happened to her as abuse, and 2. as you yourself just stated, neither did the writers.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm with you on the storytelling related to the Prophets being annoyingly arbitrary and vague at times and this episode is no exception. But you really are just projecting this abuse hypothesis onto a story that didn't intend that interpretation at all, which is kind of ridiculous given that the other interpretation fits just as well if not better.

    Sure, they could have made it more explicit, and they certainly should have. But the slightly sloppy writing here pales in comparison to several much more heinous examples elsewhere in the series. It seems odd to pick on this episode when there are so many other worse examples throughout Star Trek of vague and arbitrary plots leaving things open to interpretation in unintended ways.
  • From L on 2013-08-13 at 8:44am:
    How can Worf smashing up a virtual holosuite bar be cause for complaint? It's a programmed environment that can be reset at the touch of a button!
  • From Selador on 2013-09-19 at 11:25pm:
    "1. the characters in the story didn't see what happened to her as abuse, and 2. as you yourself just stated, neither did the writers."

    That is a very strange argument for concluding that what happened wasn't abuse.

    The fact that neither the writers nor the characters considered what happened to Sarah to be abuse does not mean that is it wasn't.

    It is amazing that it never even crossed their minds that a women being possessed then forced to have a baby against her will was wrong. Because Bronn is so obviously right with this regard - it is clearly very, very wrong.

    I find it incredible that no one at any stage of production said or thought this: 'Wait, this is Star Trek, the core values of which are things like respect, understanding, fairness and freedom. Here we have gods - and not just gods but good gods, the good guys - taking over a woman's body and making her have sex with a man and give birth against her will. Are we insane?'

    And it clearly is against her will - the clue is in the word 'possessed'. Also she leaves once the prophets let her go and doesn't want anything to do with her son, so it wasn't a case of somthing like Possession Stockholm Syndrome (that is, she didn't come to accept and like the situation she was in after a while, thinking it was all for the best in the long term).

    This is the only logical interpretation of events and I fail to see how anyone could rationally argue that what the prophets did to the poor woman did not constitute a heinous crime. It would surely be illegal on every planet in the universe. It is, in essence, slavery.

    To claim that it wasn't abuse because the writers didn't consider it to be abuse is the same as claiming that Tintin in the Congo is not racist on the basis that Hergé didn't consider it to be racist. (It clearly is by the way - don't know if Tintin is popular in the states?)

    (Disclaimer: I am in no way accusing Kethinov of anything at all here, in case someone jumps to that erroneous conclusion)

    The prophets are without a doubt the worst thing about this series. Space Religion is also where BSG went so catatrophically wrong in the end, quasi-religious nonsense that is both offensive and annoying.


    Apart from all of that (!) I really enjoyed the first two episodes of this series. Some great stuff involving Quark, O'Brian and Bashir ('The Three Musketeers'), new Dax is pretty cool and I loved the Romulan treachery. I bloodly love the Romulans full stop.

    Also anything involving Weyoun is gold - especially liked the scene when he said "charming woman" about Damar's mistress with such earnestness a few second after threatning to execute her!
  • From Kethinov on 2013-09-20 at 2:27am:
    It's just more complicated than you guys are making it out to be.

    Your whole argument is based on the faulty assumption that Sarah exerted no free will while she was "possessed." That's certainly possible, but the opposite is equally possible. The episode doesn't tell us one way or the other.

    What exposition the episode does give us uses language like the prophets "shared" her existence and "guided" her to Joseph. That's not unilaterally coercive. She may have had a choice in the matter.

    For all we know the prophets may have "possessed" a dozen different women before one was sufficiently moved by their influences to willingly enter into a relationship suitable for their goals.

    Since it's clear that the writers did not intend the actions of the prophets to be interpreted as abusive, I think we owe them the benefit of the doubt of the more generous interpretation, while also criticizing them for not making the more generous interpretation more explicit.

    A nuanced position is called for here, folks.
  • From Bronn on 2013-10-27 at 10:54pm:
    I just don't think it's sufficient to say that the writers and production staff didn't think it was offensive to conclude otherwise. I mean, the writers probably didn't think Angel One was offensive, even though it was.

    This also isn't the first time in the TNG era we've seen aliens forcing impregnation and everyone pretended it was okay-look back at TNG's "The Child." The writers apparently had NO problem with Troi getting raped and knocked up by an alien influence, since we were supposed to think that was a fairly benign alien in that episode. The writers missing the implications of their story is something that happens sometimes, especially when there is a group of male writers creating what would be a serious woman's issue. They didn't possess Joseph Sisko so he could knock up Sarah-which would have been infinitely less invasive-they had a woman knocked up and possessed throughout her pregnancy.

    And again, I think the implication is fairly clear. We've seen direct evidence of people being possessed by Prophets and Pah-Wraiths-Kira, Jake, Keiko, and Dukat by the time THIS plot point is introduced. I don't see why we shouldn't interpret this as being basically the same thing. If they wanted to clarify this point, they could have just had the real Sarah show up at some point, but she ran away and had nothing to do with Joseph or Ben Sisko the rest of her life...which is essentially what a rape victim would do. It's harder to imagine a woman actually abandoning her son and never making any attempt to contact him again than it is to imagine that she was used against her will.

    That's why I hate this plot point. They could have at least TRIED to do something that wouldn't offend my sensibilities so much. They did not.
  • From Kethinov on 2013-10-28 at 9:01am:
    It's equally valid for me to say that you should at least try to imagine other possible interpretations which wouldn't offend your sensibilities.

    In this thread I've laid out several alternative interpretations that are equally valid and less offensive. None of them are ruled out by the established facts of the plot.

    If you still choose to believe there's only one possible interpretation, then that's your problem, not the episode's.

    I think we can all agree that the episode should have made it more clear. But you're jumping to conclusions.
  • From peterwolf on 2014-01-22 at 9:18pm:
    Sisko´s birth is controversial and deserves a more thorough analysis than simply saying "his mother was forced by the prophets to be raped". At least one motif behind the Sisko/emissary story is that he is a messiah for the Bajorans. One may interpret some actions of the wormhole aliens as wrong. However, if time has no meaning, and the existence of Sisko was inevitable, do categories like good or evil matter at all?
    Anyway, it is a pity that the fan rating of season 7 has been spoiled by improbable counts of "0" for every single episode.

Prove to me that you are a real person and not a spam robot by typing in the text of this image:

Star Trek DS9 - 7x02 - Shadows and Symbols

Originally Aired: 1998-10-7

Sisko searches for a lost Orb. [DVD]

My Rating - 8

Fan Rating Average - 4.02

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 105 9 3 8 7 5 35 16 19 22 26

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.



Remarkable Scenes
- Ezri's ranting about how she got the Dax symbiont and her inability to control her new urges.
- Kira declaring she's going to blockade Bajor's moon from the Romulans.
- The desert hike.
- Kira's blockade.
- Kira: "Since when did the Romulans start using Warbirds to deliver medical supplies?"
- I love Kira's bluff.
- Quark complaining about the gagh.
- Sisko suddenly appearing in a mental hospital with a human version of Damar.
- Kira's game of chicken with the Romulans.
- Sisko reopening the wormhole.
- The Rotarran destroying the Dominion shipyards.

My Review
This episode confirms what I initially suspected, Sisko is actually descended from the prophets. This episode does everything its predecessor should have and exceedingly well, too. It's as if the writers wanted to cram all the good stuff into this episode for some reason. Sisko reopens the wormhole, the Rotarran destroys one of the Dominion's shipyards, and Kira successfully blockades the Romulans, forcing them to dismantle their fortifications on the Bajoran moon. It's a successful conclusion to the two parter, though the two episodes would have been worth more points (both rated 7) if they had been spread more evenly. It seemed to me that one part was all buildup and the other was all action. Oh, and I loved those Starfleet sand-planet uniforms. Most cute. Especially on Ezri. ;)

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From MJ on 2011-02-25 at 6:18pm:
    A decent two-parter.

    First, this Romulan ploy to hide weapons on the Bajoran moon seems a bit forced. I know the Romulans are supposed to be the deceptive chess masters always looking to one-up the Federation with some clever ploy, but it seems out of place here considering the Romulans are already at war with the Dominion. And Kira would be much more believable if she was just a tad bit anguished over this whole situation rather than arrogantly sure of herself through the whole thing. Ever see the movie “Thirteen Days”? In the real world, I’d imagine Kira is losing some sleep over something as significant as the Romulan Empire building up weapons on her homeworld’s moon. Instead, she acts more like Maverick at a game of poker. I don’t buy it.

    Sisko’s mission to find the Orb of the Emissary and his false vision was enjoyable. I’m usually not a fan of this Emissary story arc, but this is one of the rare times it was well handled and intriguing. I like the idea of explaining Sisko’s connection to the Prophets by having him be a descendant of them; it grounds the story a bit more and removes some of the supernatural. And I always LOVE when Brock Peters guest stars. He’s a fantastic actor.

    The third subplot, where Worf and the DS9 comrades go on a mission to get Jadzia into Sto’Vo’Kor is the best, though. I like the petty bickering between Bashir, O’Brien, and Quark, especially over the mess hall incident. And Worf’s apology is a nicely done scene. Their destruction of the shipyards was a very good action sequence, and made for a fine plot addition.

    In the end, the three subplots work well together; I even like the occasional flash to Damar and Weyoun.
  • From Lt. Fitz on 2012-07-05 at 5:02pm:
    The whole Trill thing is weird.

    It seems a bit unfair that keeping a symbiont alive can entail what seems to me to be the enslavement of a Trill host. She didn't want to host Dax? Then it should have died. I mean, Ezri already had a life. She was in Starfleet, for goodness sake. She obviously wasn't planning to be a host. Now she is stuck with the symbiont. And, why didn’t they just put the symbiont in Stasis until they could find it a willing host?

    Also, it has been established that when symbiont and host are put together, they basically become a new person. Shouldn't that new person have to be reconsidered for Starfleet? It's not the same Ezri after all. What if Dax had ended up in a Trill like Joran?

    I know. It's a TV show. I'm probably thinking it through too much. :)
  • From Lt. Fitz on 2012-07-05 at 6:17pm:
    I don't get it. I watched the very first episodes after watching this one, because it seemed to me that the prophets were being very inconsistent. In the first episodes, the prophets don’t know what linear time is. They don’t seem to know what Sisko is. They even conclude that he must be destroyed! He has to argue with them to save himself! Now, late in the series they are written to have reached far across the quadrant to take control of a human woman to produce Sisko himself. Making Sisko what exactly? A human/prophet hybrid? The son of the gods? The savior of the wormhole? To do all this, it seems to me a species needs to have a pretty firm grip on what linear time is. It’s clear that the writers have gone too far with the whole emissary thing. Throughout the series it seemed like they were really pushing to go too far with it, and in this episode, they finally did it.

    I now understand why a lot of Trek fans had problems with DS9. It was mostly working for me when I could frame the prophets as a difficult-to-comprehend race of aliens that the Bajorans were mistaking for gods who must have been inadvertently interacting with the Bajorans simply because their planet was in the vicinity of one end of the wormhole. But now, I don’t know what to think. Their nature is so inconsistent and unclearly defined that they have become completely inconceivable to me. When a story includes such opacity, it strikes me as carelessly written. Even the most bizarre circumstances in the previous series could always be explained in general scientific terms within the rules of the Star Trek universe as it had been defined. But in the DS9 universe, literally anything can happen and no explanation is required. DS9 definitely took Star Trek from science fiction to space fantasy, which is a bit of a downer for me since I greatly preferred Star Trek being science fiction. If I wanted space fantasy, I could always turn to Star Wars.

    This is not to say that I dislike DS9. I generally like it. But, as I read someone else comment, it’s not really Star Trek. I just wish that it would have remained consistent within its unique universe, but it idn’t.
  • From Hugo on 2013-02-13 at 7:56am:
    I was a bit disappointed with the events on the Rotarran - I was expecting there to be some point where Bashir and Quark would be useful for the completion of the mission - now they were just passangers. The Chief, on the other hand, got to contribute...
  • From James on 2014-06-05 at 11:45pm:
    Seems like someone is sabotaging your rating system. All of seas 7 episodes have an inconsistent amount of zero votes. I really doubt that seas 7 is so hated that the majority of people would give all the episodes a zero. So, for this season I think I'll depend on YOUR ratings for my guide. Someone obviously has a lot of time on their hands. Too bad they are using it to skew the results on, IMHO, the best Star Trek review site on the Web.
  • From Axel on 2015-05-11 at 4:46am:
    Maybe it's just me, but the Romulan decision to defend their hospital with torpedoes seems perfectly justified. If I were in their place, I wouldn't trust the defense of a crucial hospital facility to the antiquated ships the Bajoran militias use. Maybe they were a bit too secretive about the whole thing, but it's not exactly an act of war. Kira and the Bajorans come across as unreasonable by demanding outright that the Romulans remove the weapons rather than work something out. I guess you could explain it as the Bajorans having deja vu about an outside power starting a military occupation in their space, but that part of the story didn't really work IMO.

    Still not sure what to make of this whole Prophet/Pah-Wraith thing. I agree it gets a little carried away in Season 7, although in this particular episode I think it made for a good plot.
  • From McCoy on 2017-03-05 at 2:06pm:
    I really liked return of Ben Russell. Seems like the writers know that their idea of Sisko being Prophet is silly. After all Russell is insane during writing this story:)
    I'm probalby in minority but I regret they didn't kill Jadzia earlier. Never liked her irritating behaviour. In this one episode Ezri is better written, performed and more interesting character than Jadzia in previous six seasons alltogether.
  • From ChristopherA on 2021-04-26 at 4:41pm:
    I found the plot on the Rotarran excessively silly. It just seemed rather unrealistic for Quark, in particular, to go on a suicide mission he cannot contribute to, just because he thinks it would vaguely honor Jadzia’s memory. He never really seemed all that obsessively smitten with her before. I could believe Worf, but it just really came across to me as though O’Brian, Bashir, and Quark mainly went along because they knew that the scriptwriters wanted them to go and weren't really going to kill them, so it was worth a little inconvenience in honor of Jadzia. And it was also pretty silly that Quark was allowed on the bridge during combat, where he served no purpose other than as a distraction.

    I felt the idea that Sisko was basically descended from one of the Prophets was weird and pointless, it didn't seem to serve any purpose other than to pad the runtime. I don't see how this in any way improves over the more straightforward assumption that he is an ordinary man, and the Prophets picked Sisko to be the Emissary purely because they can see outside of linear time and knew he was going to be the right man in the right place at the right time for their purposes.

    Aside from this, though, I did kind of enjoy how Sisko took some time off to visit the restaurant and go on a holy quest, the episode did have a sort of grandiose feel to it.

Prove to me that you are a real person and not a spam robot by typing in the text of this image:

Star Trek DS9 - 7x03 - Afterimage

Originally Aired: 1998-10-14

In addition to coping with the memories of her "past lives," Ezri Dax must deal with the range of reactions her presence generates on Deep Space Nine. [DVD]

My Rating - 8

Fan Rating Average - 3.17

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 120 9 8 8 7 7 20 14 21 18 11

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.



Remarkable Scenes
- Ezri: "It's a strange sensation, dying. No matter how many times it happens to you, you never get used to it."
- Quark: "You're a therapist?" Ezri: "Why does everyone sound so surprised when they hear that?"
- O'Brien and Bashir discussing plans for their battle of the Alamo holosuite program. Odo is going to be General Santa Anna. How fitting. :)
- Sisko to Dax: "What are you gonna learn in the next 3 months that you haven't already learned in the last 300 years?"
- Quark declaring to Julian that he will win over Ezri first.
- Ezri's "misplaced guilt" conversation with Garak.
- Ezri revealing to Sisko that he intimidates Worf.
- Ezri to Bashir: "If Worf hadn't come along, it would have been you."
- Worf freaking out at Bashir and Quark.
- Garak's insults toward Ezri... ouch! Garak: "Now get out of here... before I say something unkind."
- O'Brien visits Worf with a bottle of blood wine. Worf's reaction: "Oh no, not again."
- Ezri discovering the root of Garak's distress.
- Jake: "She is cute..." I would tend to agree.
- Morn Appearances; 1. First scene, Ezri talks to him. 2. Is present at Ezri's promotional ceremony.

My Review
Is this the "let's pick on the new girl" episode? Holy crap. Worf tells Ezri he doesn't want anything to do with her, Sisko lectures her and is generally hard on her, and Garak is downright cruel. Granted everything's resolved in the end, I can certainly see why she was so eager to leave the station. What an emotional roller coaster. The episode presents a convincing story for not only Ezri, but Garak as well, whose claustrophobia makes a welcome cameo. I was pleased that the writers let his part of the story develop beyond the surface. I much enjoyed the revelation that the root of his distress was the fact that by working for Starfleet, Garak has been causing the deaths of countless Cardassian soldiers. Aside from this, the relationship between Worf and Dax as well as the one between Quark / Bashir and Dax is handled nicely; the writers had to make an episode dealing with all these things and they excelled. And I'll be honest with you. I think Dax 2.0 is a significant upgrade. ;)

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From MJ on 2011-02-12 at 9:16am:
    There have been quite a few DS9 episodes that took on too much, and had to suddenly tie up an otherwise good episode. This one did very nicely, though. I didn't think anything was resolved too quickly between Ezri and any of the others. Interesting that Garak was the one chosen to be her first serious counseling effort aboard DS9, and his problem is a big one. His breakdown as he realizes what is truly bothering him is wonderfully acted, as only Andrew Robinson could.

    I thought the reconciliation between Ezri and Worf was handled perfectly. It involved few words, and Worf right to the point with expressing his feelings, but without being too vulnerable, which is exactly how you'd expect him to do something like that. You can understand his pain, too. It's confusing for him: in his culture, the custom is to honor a loved one who is dead, and Dax doesn't quite fit in to the typical situation.

    All of this explains the deeply cutting remarks to Ezri made by both Garak and Worf. That, combined with Sisko's "tough love" would certainly push a person.

    I know that when DS9 was on the air and in the years since, there have been mixed fan feelings about Ezri Dax. Many people became attached to Terry Farrell and Jadzia, understandable after six seasons. But I really like the introduction of Ezri Dax. The character gives the show a chance to explore another side of Trill society: what it's like when a host isn't prepared for the symbiont, and is flooded with centuries of memories...not to mention having to face many of the people one of the previous hosts knew. And fresh-faced, perky but humorously befuddled Ezri is a good choice for this new host.
  • From Krs312 on 2011-09-22 at 12:49pm:
    I also think that Ezri is a more interesting character than Jadzia.
  • From Rob UK on 2023-12-08 at 10:57am:
    Personally i've always struggled with both Jadzia and Ezri Dax, even back in the 70's we all knew what a Mary Sue was (if you don't belive me go and watch Police Academy 1 and pay attention to the name of the new mayor), never mind in the 90's when this was produced.

    The Trill symbiote makes an almost plausable excuse for why any female who gets one can take on any modern man of any race both physically and mentally at the drop of a hat no practice needed by channelling the very convenient multi talented previous hosts (they become like Cartman trying to play Ronin and end up with all the powers). This even applies in direct hand to hand combat against multiple mighty klingon warriors trying to gut her, where actually Klingon warriors are dying all around her but these weaklings have no chance for she has the powereth of previous male hosts inside her.

    Am i just too old and jaded now hahahahahaha

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Star Trek DS9 - 7x04 - Take Me Out to the Holosuite

Originally Aired: 1998-10-21

A group of Deep Space Nine rookies answer Sisko's challenge to try and beat a Vulcan baseball team. [DVD]

My Rating - 10

Fan Rating Average - 3.95

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 133 23 8 7 8 8 11 13 14 21 63

Filler Quotient: 2, filler, but an enjoyable episode nevertheless. You can skip this one, but you'd miss out on some fun.
- Strictly speaking this episode is not relevant to the overarching plot of DS9, but it's highly entertaining and among the finest episode fo the entire series nevertheless.


- This episode is a candidate for my "Best Episode of DS9 Award."
- This episode is one of many which confirms the idea that Starfleet largely segregates their facilities and starships by race. Evidence: all Vulcan crew starship T'Kumbra.
- Kassidy says that Vulcans have three times the strength of humans. Sisko said, "and they're faster too."
- The music at the beginning of the baseball game is supposedly the anthem for the United Federation of Planets.

Remarkable Scenes
- The opening scene introducing Captain Solok of the T'Kumbra. Vulcan arrogance at its best! If I didn't know better, I'd swear the guy was Romulan.
- The particularly pathetic performance of the team during the initial tryouts.
- Sisko asking Odo to be the umpire.
- I love the scene when Kira walks by the security office as Odo is practicing his umpire moves.
- Sisko telling the Solok story.
- Solok eliminating the spectators.
- Worf and Sisko arguing with Odo the umpire.
- Sisko restoring Rom's status in the team and restoring the crowd.
- Rom's accidental bunt and the subsequent run scored because of it.
- Odo throwing out the Solok.
- Sisko and crew's victory celebration.
- Morn Appearances; 1. Is seen in the bar after Sisko kicks Rom of the team. 2. In the bar after Sisko declares "manufactured triumph."

My Review
Hilarious. The "Logicians" vs. the "Niners". This episode is both a spectacle of marvelous humor and a fantastic display of camaraderie. The episode is also highly controversial. Let's have a look why. Here we are, in the middle of the Dominion war, and this ship the T'Kumbra, a ship of all Vulcans, docks on DS9 for repairs. Captain Solok, however, has an ulterior motive for coming to Deep Space Nine. He has had a long time rivalry with Sisko for many years and wished to challenge Sisko in his favorite game. Many say that this episode which deals with a Baseball game has nothing whatsoever to do with the Dominion war and that it merely serves to waste time; that it's nothing but filler. While in some ways I agree, the episode couldn't have been better filler. The conflict between Sisko and Solok mirrors that of the Dominion war. The Federation faces an enemy many times more powerful than itself, yet they continue to fight and continue to take pleasure in whatever small victories they can achieve. The "small victory" in this episode, or rather the "manufactured triumph" parallels wonderfully the rivalry Solok seems to have manufactured over the years. Sisko wanted to let it go, but Solok didn't. Also, this episode parallels TOS in many ways. The rivalry between Solok and Sisko reminded me a lot of the (admittedly less intense) rivalry between Spock and McCoy. Finally, I think it's remarkable to point out that this episode made extensive use of the holosuites without featuring a malfunction. Overall, this is one of the most successful and intelligently written humor episodes ever written.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Azduel on 2010-03-31 at 1:45am:
    This episode is definitely exciting and entertaining. It's great because it gives a bit of a break from the intensity of the Dominion war, and also because it develops an "out of uniform" look into the characters. However I hate to nitpick, but there are a few elements to this episode I found annoying. Firstly, why is Bashir so bad? He should be better than any of the Vulcans, as he is genetically engineered for coordination etc. Second, why is Worf so terrible? Worf presumably spends all of his downtime in the holosuite improving his prowess as a warrior. Surely a lifetime of physical training should produce someone who can hit a ball with a bat, he should be able to knock it out of the park every time!
  • From rpeh on 2010-08-04 at 3:28pm:
    I'm not a big fan of baseball - it's just rounders played while wearing pyjamas - but this was pretty fun to watch even so, and it's good to see the writers not falling into the trap of having the Niners win.

    One lovely touch was Quarks signature on the ball at the end, with a little pair of ears on the Q.
  • From MJ on 2011-01-29 at 12:39pm:
    Overall, a great episode. Parts of it were painfully embarrassing to watch, but most of it was hilarious. I think I cracked up after every single one of Odo’s calls (Ball Three! Steeeerrrrrike Two! Yooouuu’re outta here!) Auberjonois did a great job putting so much gusto into it...Odo approaches every task wanting to get all the little details right, and this time it made for some nice comic relief to see him imitate an Earth umpire. And Worf’s “death to the opposition” and “find him and kill him” were classic. Somehow I think rugby would be more to a Klingon’s liking than baseball.

    This episode also showed the Federation isn’t really a big happy family. Even species within the Federation sometimes look down on each other, which I think is more realistic than pretending they all get along just fine and dandy. They may share a desire for peace and exploration, but think about it: no matter what country you go to in the world today, people in different regions of that country tend to look down on other regions. Star Trek is just carrying this to the galactic level, and it makes perfect sense.
  • From Damien Bradley on 2013-03-02 at 6:48am:
    I almost skipped this episode when it became clear it was going to be a holodeck/holosuite filler episode. But then I came here and skimmed your review, and how could I skip an episode you rated a 10? Anyway, I sure am glad I watched it. It kept me laughing well into the next day. I could almost predict by the time the game was underway that they were going to get creamed, but my hunch was right that somehow Sisko would call it a victory anyway. I love how much Odo got into his role, and you could see he took pride in being impartial, but you could also see the smile on his face when he ejected the Vulcan captain from the game. The exchange in the bar toward the end was priceless.

    Worf: "Death to the opposition!"
  • From Keith on 2013-08-27 at 12:13am:
    Enjoyed this episode but it falls into a trap many series fall into in that the main characters are the only people who exist. Captain Sisko commands a space station and a star ship he has to have more competent crewmen than Nog for instance. And Quark is not a member of his crew. I understand that the series is about the lead actors but if Sisko wanted to win (which he did before he learned the heart warming lesson of camaraderie) he would have put together a much better team.
  • From mandeponium on 2014-01-02 at 8:01pm:
    A baseball episode was inevitable and I'm just glad it was as good as it was. This is the kind of episode that works best late in a series and would not have had the same punch if they had done it in season 2 or 3.
  • From Armsauce on 2017-06-30 at 1:22am:
    Why was Solok allowed in the holosuite unannounced?
  • From Jason on 2020-11-25 at 6:27am:
    "This episode is one of many which confirms the idea that Starfleet largely segregates their facilities and starships by race. Evidence: all Vulcan crew starship T'Kumbra."

    I always figured that, for the most part, the Federation recruits its armies by having individual members recruit them. In the American Civil War, military units were organized by, and came from, member states -- both for the Union and the Confederacy. Hence, the 3rd New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry Regiment, or the 54th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. Members of a unit were primarily from the state that organized them. Although there was no rule against joining another state's regiment, it was of course easiest to join one's own. The United States Army also had their own Federal regiments, not organized by a single state.

    In StarFleet, then, some ships and wings might be organized by individual members, like the Vulcans. Some might be organized by Humans. And yet another set of the top-line ships might be run by the Federation directly.

    Particularly in a giant war like the Dominion War, I could see how individual units from member states would be brought into the main force during the conflict. It is not clear, however, whether, for instance, the USS Enterprise NCC1701 was a Federal ship or an Earth/Hew-mahnn ship, nor with Deep Space Nine.
  • From ChristopherA on 2021-04-23 at 3:25pm:
    It annoyed me that the episode couldn't quite seem to make up its mind on the nature of the baseball game. The episode clearly seemed to be saying that Sisko was being unreasonable and over competitive when he dropped Rom from the team, as if it were a team building exercise or other casual game where everyone regardless of skill level participates. But in every other way the episode shows it is a fully competitive baseball game play strictly according to the rules, which would include definite rules on the size of the team. And he even mentioned having tryouts. Which would mean that if he had allowed Rom to be on the team, then one of the players who actually made it onto the final team would have to be rejected from the team instead. Which means that what all the other players on the team really wanted was for Sisko to play favoriates and unfairly permit an incompetent player onto the team just because they like him, and reject a more competent player who actually qualified for the position.

    This problem could easily have been solved by minor story adjustments, such as by establishing that Sisko replaced Rom by strongarming someone onto the team who didn't even want to play.

    Aside from this, though, I did actually enjoy the nature of the rivalry between Sisko and Solok, and how Sisko was able to overcome his demons and find victory in defeat at the end.
  • From floreign on 2022-09-15 at 7:00am:
    This to me is the absolute nadir of the show. I still have nightmares about how bad it was, many years after having watched it first. I tried it again once, and didn't get any better; I am skipping it every time since. But again, I am not a baseball fan.

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Star Trek DS9 - 7x05 - Chrysalis

Originally Aired: 1998-10-28

A group of genetically enhanced humans, once under Bashir's care, escape from their medical facility home in the hopes that the doctor, who himself was genetically engineered as a child, can cure their friend Sarina. [DVD]

My Rating - 8

Fan Rating Average - 3.92

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 96 5 3 5 9 13 16 10 33 20 14

Filler Quotient: 1, partial filler, but has important continuity. I recommend against skipping this one.
- This episode serves as a sequel to DS9: Statistical Probabilities and provides some closure for the "mutant" characters.



Remarkable Scenes
- "Admiral Patrick" and his recurring "That's a stupid question!" line.
- O'Brien: "Julian, I can't break the laws of physics. Nobody can!"
- Jack: "Your friend was right. You can't break the laws of physics. But you can bend them!"
- Bashir: "Sarina! What are you looking at?" Sarina: "Everything..."
- The scene with Sarina, Jack, Lauran, and Patrick singing.
- Jack's insinuating that the universe will stop expanding and collapse in on itself in 60 to 70 trillion years while Lauren fantasizes about Nog. Jack's computer diagram title read, "THE END IS NEAR !" :)
- Sarina objecting to Jack's idea, claiming that it's impossible to change the cosmological constant of the universe. This is a nice reference to the way Geordi LaForge objected to Q's idea in TNG: Déjà Q. Notice how Jack's computer diagram has changed to, "HOW TO AVERT DISASTER..." with "DISASTER" painted red. :)
- Morn Appearances; 1. First scene, seen in the background as Julian asks O'Brien to go to the holosuite with him. 2. Walks by as Nog summons Bashir to meet "Admiral Patrick." 3. Seen in the bar when Bashir talks to O'Brien about Sarina's vast speech ability improvement. Morn had previously caught O'Brien up on how his 17 brothers and sisters were doing. 4. Is present at the bar when Sarina joins Bashir's little get together with his friends. 5. Is present at the bar when Sarina plays Dabo.

My Review
A welcome sequel to DS9: Statistical Probabilities. I said in that episode that I wanted to see Jack, Lauren, Patrick, and Sarina again and here we do. We get a bit of closure regarding the characters, especially Sarina's character who steals the show. I am only annoyed with the ensuing aborted love story. The episode relied a bit too much on Sarina being "driven" back into herself, firs by Jack and later by Bashir. It's just bad writing to tease the viewer in this manner. Aside from this though, Sarina's character was compelling and I really wished she had stayed aboard to be with Bashir. Then again, this leaves him perfectly single and ready at any time to start a relationship with Ezri, even if Worf may disapprove. ;)

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Damien Bradley on 2013-03-03 at 1:41am:
    I liked this episode quite a bit, except for one scene: the music scene. I'm sorry, but no matter how genetically enhanced your brain is, you don't sound like that after a near lifetime of not speaking, let alone not having your voice trained. That scene was painful.

    Aside from that, it was some great character development (even so late in the series) for Bashir. I feel bad for him. Aside from his short-lived relationship with Leeta, he's been pretty lonely, and now he finally meets a woman like him, whom he can really relate to! Too bad she has no experience with relationships, and yes, he did move awfully fast and make a whole lot of assumptions about what their relationship would look like! Rather presumptuous. But understandable, given his character and given how lonely he's been.

    The episode reminded me of the movie "Awakenings," where several catatonic patients are given a treatment that temporarily allowed them to function and interact. I was afraid that this episode would end the same way, with Sarina returning to her original state. I thought that her not returning to her original state, but not staying on the station, was a good middle ground. The moment when Bashir is talking to her while she was pretending to be unresponsive, and then her responding to his "do you love me" with "I don't know!" was quite touching.

    One little note: maybe this episode was produced before the scientific consensus was that the universe will actually expand forever rather than collapse inward on itself. Or maybe in 400 years there will be new evidence for the "Big Crunch?" Or, maybe Jack is onto something the rest of us aren't? Funny either way.
  • From Selador on 2013-09-22 at 4:17am:
    Oh wow. This episode has 10 written all over it. Just superb. So many beautiful scenes and the overall story was immense. I think I might like this even more than In the Pale Moonlight.
  • From Dr. Philip Channard on 2015-06-10 at 12:07pm:
    Sarina reminded me of Tiffany from Hellraiser.
  • From lumzi23 on 2017-01-22 at 11:09pm:
    Gotta disagree with Damien. The music scene is one of my favorite scene in all of DS9 (or even in all of ANYTHING!) It was amazing.
  • From Scott Nolan on 2018-10-23 at 12:41pm:
    Sarina is played by columnist and frequent “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me” panelist Faith Salie.

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Star Trek DS9 - 7x06 - Treachery, Faith, and the Great River

Originally Aired: 1998-11-4

Odo is lured to a secret meeting site, where he finds himself face to face with Weyoun, the Vorta leader of the enemy Dominion. [DVD]

My Rating - 9

Fan Rating Average - 4.54

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 102 6 7 0 1 2 5 9 24 43 36

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.


- Weyoun 4 was murdered by his Jem'Hadar first in DS9: To the Death.
- Weyoun 5 died in a "transporter accident." Though whether or not it was an accident is questionable. Damar may have been involved.
- Weyoun 6 killed himself for his betraying the Dominion.
- This is the first episode to feature a Changeling suffering the effects of the disease which threatens their entire population. The female shapeshifter displays symptoms, which Damar points out. Additionally, Weyoun 6 also tells Odo of the sickness that's spread throughout the Great Link.
- This episode establishes that the Vorta sense of taste is extremely limited.

Remarkable Scenes
- The teaser, O'Brien's swamped with repairs and Weyoun is defecting...
- Odo: "Aren't you being a little paranoid?" Weyoun: "Of course I'm paranoid, everyone's trying to kill me."
- Odo: "I'm not sure the universe is ready for two Weyouns."
- Damar convincing Weyoun to attack Odo's Runabout.
- Nog explaining to O'Brien his network of trades.
- Weyoun betraying the Jem'Hadar allowing Odo to destroy one of their ships.
- Weyoun: "The Vorta used to be quite different from what we are today. We were forest dwellers. Small, timid, ape-like creatures living in hollowed out trees." Odo: "Eating nuts and berries..." Weyoun: "And living in fear of the many predators that would hunt us for food. One day, a wounded Changeling came stumbling through the forest fleeing from a mob of angry solids." Odo: "Why were they chasing him?" Weyoun: "What does it matter? Solids have always feared and mistrusted shapeshifters, you know that. Well, a family of Vorta hid the Changeling from his pursuers. And in exchange for saving his life, the Changeling promised the Vorta that one day we would be transformed into powerful beings. That we would become an important part of a great new empire that would stretch across the galaxy."
- Odo's "become the ice" strategy.
- The ice battle.
- Weyoun 6 committing suicide to save Odo.
- O'Brien relieved to see his trust in Nog was not misplaced.
- Rules of Acquisition; 168. Whisper your way to success.

My Review
Another spectacular episode which skillfully merges several plot threads. Weyoun 5 was murdered, Damar may have killed him. Weyoun 6 is defecting, and Damar and Weyoun 7 are trying to kill him. The founders are all dying from a serious illness, and finally we have the story on DS9 in which Nog is attempting to procure replacement parts for O'Brien. The various plot threads are woven together well, providing a more than sufficiently entertaining episode which has just the right mix between humor, action, danger, and drama. Overall, a brilliant outing.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Azduel on 2010-03-31 at 2:16am:
    This is one of my favourite episodes ever. A 10/10! This episode gives an in depth look at the unwavering devotion of the Vorta to the Founders. The meta exploration into the relationship of the Vorta and the Founders is brilliantly conducted through Weyoun's interaction with Odo, where Weyoun's obvious jubilation of simply being in his presence Odo is depicted. This episode further exceeds my expectations with its unorthodox delivery of insight to one of my favourite antagonist powers, the Dominion, and one of my favourite antagonist characters, Weyoun. To top off this 'magnus opus' of DS9 season 7, 'stubborn old Odo' in the end gives Weyoun what he so desperately wants, his blessing. In the end, Odo's blessing of Weyoun 6 brings meaning to his existence. Bravo!
    ...and the side story is entertaining to boot, offering much needed comic relief to the intrigue and intensity of the Odo Weyoun study.
  • From MJ on 2011-03-03 at 6:33pm:
    I enjoyed everything about this episode.

    Jeffrey Combs has the role of a Vorta down so well it makes one wonder if he came up with the concept for the race. The smooth speaking delivery, the cautious, diplomatic language, the ability to feign sincerity in both word and expression, and unflinching devotion to the Founders...he does it all flawlessly.

    This episode was an interesting twist for the Weyoun character, exploring whether his (or rather, Weyoun 6) doubt of the Founders is partly due to a cloning flaw, or if, despite their cloning, the Vorta are capable of questioning their gods. It also was a nice continuation of the very complex relationship Odo has with his people.

    The subplot was a perfect balance to the main plot. Nog's skillful navigation of the "Great River" was hilarious and very...Ferengi-like. I guess there's a little Ferengi in all of us!
  • From hugo on 2013-02-28 at 6:46pm:
    i understand it as all communication through the wormhole is cut off for the dominiom, including reinforcements.

    Then - how do they know that the Great Link is contaminated?

    Otherwise a great ep!
  • From spline on 2013-09-10 at 9:45am:
    Hugo, Wayoun likely got the information from the female changeling that is on Cardassia at this time, who knows of the sickness because she is herself sick, and the extent of it due to information revealed later in the season...
  • From Axel on 2015-05-17 at 7:49am:
    I enjoyed the Nog/O'Brien subplot immensely. Throughout much of TNG and DS9, the Ferengi obsession with profit has been portrayed in a negative light, and given Star Trek values, this is understandable. But here we have a situation where Ferengi skills prove highly useful, and it adds another dimension to their race. It was really imaginative on the part of the writers to add the "Material Continuum" element, giving the Ferengi some cultural depth. And, it's all done in a light and funny way that makes for an enjoyable storyline.

    Alongside this, we get a better glimpse of the Vorta in this episode as well. We find out about their background, about their cloning process, and about their utter reverence for the Founders. Jeffrey Combs, who seems to have been born to play the role of a Vorta, again just nails it in this episode and shows his versatility by acting as both Weyoun clones.
  • From tigertooth on 2017-01-20 at 8:08pm:
    This is another episode where I feel like the average rating is rigged. Most of the user ratings are quite high... except for the fact that there's over 100 zero votes.

    You might think about dumping those zeros since it seems likely somebody spammed the rating.
  • From Kethinov on 2017-01-21 at 7:27pm:
    There is a big update to the site coming in February and I will be doing exactly that among other things.

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Star Trek DS9 - 7x07 - Once More Unto the Breach

Originally Aired: 1998-11-11

Worf is surprised to be paid a visit by Kor, an aging Klingon war hero. [DVD]

My Rating - 10

Fan Rating Average - 5.29

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 63 0 5 2 2 7 7 14 23 29 34

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- This is Kor's final episode and one of the finest episode of all of DS9.


This episode is a candidate for my "Best Episode of DS9 Award."

Remarkable Scenes
- The Davy Crockett conversation.
- Martok's decidedly negative reaction to both paperwork and Worf's mentioning of Kor.
- Martok: "Clear the bridge!!"
- Martok: "I would not give that man the gnawed bones of my last meal!"
- Martok: "You can wound a man without ever seeing his face."
- Martok telling his story explaining why he hates Kor.
- Ezri and Kira discussing Kor.
- Quark drawing the wrong conclusion after partially eavesdropping on Kira's and Ezri's conversation.
- The battle.
- Kor taking command when Worf and Martok fell.
- Kor's poor decisions.
- Quark confronting Ezri.
- Kor: "Savor the fruit of life, my young friends. It has a sweet taste when it is fresh from the vine. But don't live too long. The taste turns bitter after a time."
- Kor going in Worf's place.
- Martok and crew drinking and singing to Kor's success.
- Morn Appearances; 1. Is seen during the Davy Crockett conversation. 2. Seen at the bar after Quark eavesdrops on Kira's and Ezri's conversation. 3. Is in the bar when Quark confronts Ezri.

My Review
A story to wrap up Kor's involvement in DS9. Kor's final cameo couldn't have been done better. It wasn't just the bland and obvious "I want to die an honorable death" story either. It examines real issues with the Klingon aging process, showing us an old Klingon who's losing his memory. The episode has nicely pointed dialog all around, and I'm most fond of Martok in this episode. Despite this episode focusing on Kor, Martok shines. I love watching him go from bitter, to sympathetic, to proud regarding Kor. And I loved watching Kor slowly begin to realize his failings. DS9 proves to us once again that a Klingon centric story taking place on a Klingon ship is a wonderful setting for a story, and this episode reinforces our impression of the deep and honorable culture of the Klingon Empire. Another spectacular episode.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From S. Egil on 2009-08-17 at 12:21am:
    This episode cleverly links the idea of Davy Crockett's heroic death with the lament of Cor, who has been denied such a glorious end. Cor's complaints sound remarkably like those found in the old Norse epics. Some modern viewers reject the warrior ethos entirely, but the episode convincingly expresses and even defends it, ending with the traditional and appropriate violence and sentimentality. As Worf says in the prologue, if you belive in the legend (of Crockett), you will believe he died a hero. Worf and the other Klingons would know that a tribe (or nation) that stops believing in its heores is doomed to extinction: an imbedded message in this episode?
  • From MJ on 2011-08-04 at 8:57pm:
    I think this is the best episode of Season 7, and one of my favorites in all of DS9. It's got everything you could want in an episode: action, drama, conflict, depth of character and meaningful interactions...and they managed to unfold everything perfectly. You really feel for all the main characters here. Martok, whose hard work and family sacrifices were crushed because he wasn't of noble birth, is consumed with bitterness after hearing Kor's first, of course. Worf, who is trying to do a favor to a revered friend. And of course, Kor, who just wants what every Klingon wants: an honorable death in battle. His quote about savoring the fruit of life was quite a powerful moment. I also loved the character of Darok, the old aid to Martok. He had a couple of funny lines, and his conversation with Kor at the end where he reveals Worf's plan knowing that this will be the opportunity Kor has been looking for was a brilliant way to bring about the end drama. I also like when he offers up blood wine on the bridge, perhaps harkening back to the days when Klingon warriors drank whenever they pleased.

    Martok, who is my favorite Klingon character in all of Star Trek, is shown once again why he is a natural leader. He has all the qualities one would want, and most are brought to bear in this episode: a smart plan of attack, fairness in hearing Worf's reasoning and granting his request despite his bitterness toward Kor, and ultimately of course, realizing that seeing Kor a senile old man brings him no real satisfaction, and although he never says it outright, forgives and even honors Kor.

    This was DS9 at its best. A well deserved 10.
  • From Jim Mumford on 2014-01-26 at 2:20pm:
    - Kor: "Saver the fruit of life, my young friends. It has a sweet taste when it is fresh from the vine. But don't live too long. The taste turns bitter after a time."

    Aint dat the truth !
  • From Thavash on 2019-01-06 at 7:48pm:
    Fantastic episode. When Kor delivers his “fruit of life” quote it’s one of the best scenes of the season

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Star Trek DS9 - 7x08 - The Siege of AR-558

Originally Aired: 1998-11-18

A brutal battle on planet AR-558 has far reaching consequences for young Nog. [DVD]

My Rating - 9

Fan Rating Average - 5.44

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 70 8 10 5 8 4 15 9 17 31 66

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.



Remarkable Scenes
- Vic: "Sometimes being a hologram can be a real pain in the asymmetric photons."
- The Defiant taking out a Jem'Hadar fighter.
- Quark: "Let me tell you something about hew-mons, nephew. They're a wonderful, friendly people as long as their bellies are full and their holosuites are working. But take away their creature comforts, deprive them of food, sleep, sonic showers, put their lives in jeopardy over an extended period of time, and those same friendly, intelligent, wonderful people will become as nasty and violent as the most bloodthirsty Klingon." Nog's response: "I feel sorry for the Jem'Hadar."
- Vargas: "McGreevey put this bandage on me. He ripped up his own uniform to make it." Bashir: "He sounds like a good friend." Vargas: "He was a jerk. I couldn't stand the guy. He wouldn't shut up. Yap, yap, yap. He thought he was the world's greatest authority on everything. And now he's dead and I should have more respect. But god I hated him. One minute he's tying this bandage around my arm talking his head off and the next minute he's lying flat on his back with a hole in his chest. And I just sat there and I looked at him. He was so quiet. He was so quiet! One time in his life he's quiet!"
- Kellin: "I'm an engineer, not a magician!" Not exact, but I'll count it. Count 26 for "I'm a doctor, not a (blah)" style lines, which McCoy was famous for.
- The Jem'Hadar attack on the scouting team.
- Dax and Kellin revealing the Houdinis.
- Sisko ordering the Houdinis moved into the ravine so they explode on the Jem'Hadar.
- The mines going off as Vic Fontaine's music plays in the background.
- The battle.
- Rules of Acquisition; 34. War is good for business. 125. You can't make a deal if you're dead.

My Review
An episode in the tradition of DS9: Rocks and Shoals, we get to see brutal ground combat when some of the crew intermix with another group of Federation soldiers in a struggle to hold AR-558, a captured Dominion communications relay. The premise is pretty basic, but it's the execution that shines. The physical and mental struggle of the soldiers portrayed in this episode was well crafted and captivating. This episode really gives you a feel for the horrors of the Dominion war. The only annoying thing about this episode is the immense amount of casualties suffered among non main characters. The worst thing that happened to a main character was Nog losing his leg, and in the 24th century that's not much of a loss, seeing as how they can be replaced. An episode like this would have been a much better fit to kill off Jadzia Dax, if they had done it a bit earlier, and it would have added additional significance to an already incredible story. But Jadzia is already dead. What's done is done and I think they made the most out of this episode; it was most impressive.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From MJ on 2011-02-13 at 12:30pm:
    DS9 was ahead of its time, really. The '90's were a time of peace, so the topics the series grappled with-the horrors and stresses of war, injuries in combat, and losing comrades-were incomprehensible to most Western viewers. Since 9/11 and the Iraq War, these issues have been thrust into public discourse, at least more so than they were in the recent past. This makes it very interesting to go back and watch DS9 episodes like the Siege of AAR-558.

    The episode gets a lot of things right, and is surprisingly realistic given the time period in which it was produced. I agree that Nog's loss of a leg is not the same in the future as it would be today, although I do think the injury is at least more relevant to the viewer this way. The real beauty of this episode is the changing Nog. Nog has always been pretty gung-ho about joining Starfleet, but this will shake him to the core. Nog is actually one of my favorite characters for the same reasons Worf was in TNG: the first of his kind to join Starfleet, somewhat scorned by his people for doing so, and the issues he faces along the way.

    On another note, I really enjoyed the lighting of this episode. I notice things like this because of my profession, and providing lighting in an environment that is supposed to look dark can be challenging, but I really thought they did a great job with this set.

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Star Trek DS9 - 7x09 - Covenant

Originally Aired: 1998-11-25

Dukat returns and he wants Kira to join his cult of Pah-wraith followers. [DVD]

My Rating - 2

Fan Rating Average - 4.02

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 21 10 12 13 13 20 11 11 6 5 5

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

- Again, why is Empok Nor always displayed at a tilted angle?

- Dominion transporters have a range of 3 light years when a transponder is in place.
- Due to the maximum range of the Dominion transporters, Empok Nor can only be at maximum 3 light years away from DS9.

Remarkable Scenes
- Odo: "A glass of Spring Wine." Quark: "Since when do you drink Spring Wine? Or anything else for that matter?" Odo: "It's for Kira."
- Kira: "I've always found that when people try to convince others of their beliefs it's because they're just trying to convince themselves."
- Kira, regarding the religious conflict: "We can't both be right."
- The revelation that the baby is actually Dukat's.
- Kira inciting revolt against Dukat by revealing that he never had any intention of dying with his followers.

My Review
An episode exploring the cult of the Pah-wraiths in detail was a nice idea, but flops here. Dukat loses some of his magic in this episode with his two serious blunders, 1. getting one of his followers pregnant and 2. bringing Kira to Empok Nor. The episode is necessary to in a way to show us what Dukat has been up to since he killed Jadzia, but because of Dukat's absurd behavior, the episode almost contributes negatively to the story. I did enjoy Kira's condescending attitude toward the cult followers, but beyond that the episode is mostly filler and pretty annoying.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Jaap on 2010-11-15 at 7:54pm:
    Why do doorbells on Empok Nor have a Starfleet tone?
  • From Omcn on 2012-01-09 at 10:19am:

    While it is true that this ep. did not fit in a whole lot to the overall storyline of the series (other then a look at what Mr crazy man has been up to since he killed off the last dax). I saw this episode as a social commentary on the dangers of many of the negative aspects of organized religion. Viewing it from that perspective I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  • From Psycroptic on 2012-07-18 at 2:27am:
    I agree with Omcn, definitely not the best episode, but it had a good message.
  • From Harrison on 2012-08-28 at 11:42am:
    I thought it one of the better episodes of the closing season, with particularly strong performances. It was a lucid and memorable commentary on injustice and manipulation.

    Empok Nor is displayed at a slightly evil tilt simply to distinguish it at a glance from DS9.
  • From L on 2013-08-17 at 12:07am:
    The Bajorans are credulous superstitious peasants. How did they ever qualify for membership to the Federation?

    This episode was probably a pretty accurate portrayal of the dynamics within a cult.
    Loved the mural of Dukat.
  • From Alex on 2021-03-22 at 9:33pm:
    Why is it a "problem" every time that Empok Nor is shown at an angle? It's a scenic technique... to signify something that's perhaps odd, irregular, out of "order", broken. In Empok Nor's case, it's an odd/dark counterpart to DS9. So, it's shown at a different angle, it fell out of the normal loop, it's the "wrong" station.

    My 'problem' actually is how Dukat is wearing a snake/alligator skin like coat. Isn't it like... if humans were wearing ape skin coats? Cardassians are reptilian...

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Star Trek DS9 - 7x10 - It's Only a Paper Moon

Originally Aired: 1998-12-30

After losing his leg in battle, a somber Nog returns to the space station to recuperate. [DVD]

My Rating - 3

Fan Rating Average - 5.55

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 48 4 3 6 6 7 11 16 24 30 30

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.



Remarkable Scenes
- The senior staff picking on Julian for his holosuite programs.
- Nog being rude to Jake's girlfriend, then attacking Jake.
- Vic: "She called you a hero? And for that you slugged your best friend? Remind me never to give you a compliment."
- O'Brien: "I'm an engineer, not a philosopher." Not exact, but I'll count it. Count 27 for "I'm a doctor, not a (blah)" style lines, which McCoy was famous for.

My Review
An episode centered around Nog's difficulty in dealing with the loss of his leg is a natural progression of the events from DS9: AR-558. Unfortunately, the episode falls somewhat flat. I was never quite fond of Vic Fontaine, and this episode steals precious time from what could have been another marvelous Ezri counseling session, but nope, it's all about Vic and his trivial holographic life. Not that I'm totally insensitive to the sentient hologram, nor do I not appreciate the theme of the episode that escaping too much into a fantasy world is bad, it's just that a more "real world" setting episode probably would have better suited the episode. We've seen holodiction handled far better with Barclay on TNG.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Benjamin Baxter on 2008-07-15 at 8:18pm:
    Problem: Sometimes when Nog walks, he's limping with the wrong leg. At least, that's what it looks like it.
  • From Remco on 2009-07-25 at 11:13pm:
    I didn't get the impression that this episode was about holodiction. The prolonged holodeck time only had a positive influence on Nog. If we've seen anything before, it's 7 years of counseling sessions with Deanna Troi. I thought this was a fresh spin on both holo-issues and psychological counseling.
  • From S. Egil on 2009-08-20 at 5:32pm:
    Regarding the problem of veterans' post-traumatic stress syndrome, the writers get many things right in this episode. Listen to Nog's breakthrough confession to Vic about his battle revelation that he too, though young and eager, was mortal and vulnerable. Combat veterans will certainly find much truth in this. The play of Nog's mortality against Vic's supposed (hollow)immortality makes for an interesting and subtle story. But why weren't the other crew members, most of whom had seen grueling combat themselves, more skillful and empathetic in helping Nog?
  • From rpeh on 2010-08-04 at 8:18pm:
    One minor problem: in the scene just after Nog moves into the Holosuite, and the staff are discussing Bashir's programs, Ezri's collar insignia changes. It starts as a Lt. JG but with the black pip to the right, then it cuts away to Jake. When it cuts back again, the pips are the right way round.

    Having demonstrated my amazing powers of observation, the episode falls a bit flat. I agree that Ezri would have been a better choice for counsellor, but they did kind of explain that when Nog told her that all he'd done was talk to people about his feelings.

    I'll give it a 4.
  • From Krs321 on 2011-10-04 at 12:22pm:
    Have to disagree with this review and your opinion of Vic in general.

    1. This episode isn't about Vic and his trivial holographic life. It's about PTSD and Nog. The fact that Nog could escape to a literal fantasy world is what makes the episode.

    2. Vic is the, what, 3rd sentient Hologram now? Shouldn't Starfleet be flipping out and studying this phenomenon?

    3. Vic is a better counselor than Ezri. Honestly, they should've introduced Vic a long time ago. He's more interesting than Jadzia or Ezri. They just need to spend less time showing him sing.
  • From Omcn on 2012-01-10 at 12:48pm:

    This is one of my fav. ep. in the season if not the entire series. This is a classic example of how Trek has an excellent way of pointing out the flaws in modern (and apparently for centuries to come) treatment to mental illness. Does Ezri show off her stuff? No. Why not? Cause with a problem like this it needs to be handled in an extreme way and the holosuite is the perfect place with Vic the perfect hollow character. I think that the way Nog reacts to doctors telling him the pain he feels is "all in his head" is very believable. I love that as soon as Nog reacts violently Ezri is ready to end the experiment of allowing Nog to let things run its course in the hollowsuite, that is so realistic. Vic (not a "trained" counselor) knows better and stops her from removing him. A violent outburst is often a show of the road to recovery and modern (as well as in the future) always view violence as a negative progression of mental illness. This ep. rounds out nicely with Nog finding his purpose again, not as a soldier but as a businessmen which again fits in with his character nicely. I love this ep. for the commentary on mental illness and in dealing with physical impairment.
  • From Harrison on 2012-08-29 at 1:58am:
    Watching a self-absorbed depressed Ferengi adolescent mope around a holosuite isn't my idea of good TV drama.

  • From Esper on 2014-04-04 at 7:48pm:
    I think this was a magnificent episode.
    The episode handled PTSD suffering and healing process perfectly and the whole ride made Nog's character more alive and likable persona whom you can relate with.

    I also liked Vic a lot considering he is entirely made by Bashir's genetically enhanced doctor brain, so no wonder he knows a thing or two how to handle PTSD patients.
    All and all I give this episode 9/10. The duo brought both of them both alive, each in unique way.

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Star Trek DS9 - 7x11 - Prodigal Daughter

Originally Aired: 1999-1-6

Ezri Dax returns to her home and family while trying to gather information on the missing Miles O'Brien. [DVD]

My Rating - 4

Fan Rating Average - 3.11

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 71 14 10 8 17 13 10 19 9 7 5

Filler Quotient: 2, filler, but an enjoyable episode nevertheless. You can skip this one, but you'd miss out on some fun.
- This episode is sort of a sequel to DS9: Honor Among Thieves, but the coda was unnecessary, so there's no reason to consider this episode not filler.



Remarkable Scenes
- Ezri describing the various types of Gagh.
- Sisko regarding O'Brien: "He is not a detective, he's an engineer!" Not exact, but I'll count it. Count 28 for "I'm a doctor, not a (blah)" style lines, which McCoy was famous for.
- O'Brien, sarcastically regarding Bilby's wife: "Yeah. She accidentally hit herself in the head and accidentally threw herself in the river."
- Ezri regarding her family business: "I feel like I'm trapped in some sort of Ferengi nightmare."
- The revelation that Norvo Tigan murdered Bilby's wife.

My Review
This episode skillfully combines a sequel to DS9: Honor Among Thieves with an episode centered around Ezri. As it turns out, the murder O'Brien was investigating was committed by Ezri's brother, Norvo. This is, of course, all very convenient from a writing perspective, but it ended up being an interesting and entertaining episode regardless. Unfortunately, most of the episode is character development on Ezri's family, not so much on Ezri herself, and most of the rest is spent on the murder investigation. Nevertheless, it was nice to meet Ezri's family, and it was nice to see her doing her job as a counselor, even if she was just consoling family.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Morax on 2019-04-02 at 7:01pm:
    I really like Ezri way more than Jadzia, but I HAVE to agree with her mother: "I hate your hair!".

    But that's actually the only thing I like more about Jadzia...

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Star Trek DS9 - 7x12 - The Emperor's New Cloak

Originally Aired: 1999-2-3

Grand Nagus Zek is abducted and held hostage by Alliance members from the mirror universe. [DVD]

My Rating - 3

Fan Rating Average - 3.19

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 75 13 12 11 15 16 11 13 14 7 8

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- This is the last mirror universe episode.

- In DS9: Crossover we saw Klingon ships with cloaking devices. So much for this episode's premise...


Remarkable Scenes
- Mirror Ezri attacking Quark.
- Quark and Rom hauling a cloaked cloaking device across the station.
- Mirror Julian shooting and killing Mirror Vic Fontaine. Ah, I love it.
- Rom obsessing over why some things in the mirror universe are opposites and some things aren't.
- Mirror Kira kissing Mirror Ezri...
- Mirror Kira killing Mirror Brunt.
- Quark and Rom making fun of Mirror Garak for not being as good at his job as regular Garak.
- Mirror Ezri killing Mirror Garak.
- The Mirror Defiant attacking the Regent's ship.
- Morn Appearances; 1. Behind Quark, who's complaining about Bashir because he's jealous that he has more of a chance with Ezri than he does.

My Review
The final mirror universe installment on DS9, thankfully. It actually does a great deal to wrap up the whole mirror universe story, too. The Regent is captured, right along with his flagship! Unfortunately, there is much to complain about. The lesbianism in this episode was over the top, the fact that we've already seen cloaking devices in the mirror universe was a drastic oversight, we get another overdose of Ferengi silliness. One thing I did like was Rom's objections about how some things are curiously not mirrored in the mirror universe. Like O'Brien being too nice, or the tube grubs not being poison. His ramblings may have been slightly incoherent, but in a way he's right and his statements kind of exemplify the way in which the DS9 writers have continually misused the mirror universe since day one. I can only pray that if it's ever used again that it be a true homage to TOS, and not this mishmash of silliness and plot device exploitation.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Marie Douceur on 2011-08-19 at 8:10am:
    I'm not to fond of any of the DS9 mirror universe episodes, this one included. However, I disagree with the assertion that the lesbianism here is "over the top". In fact, I found it, well, disappointingly tame. There was a fairly simple kiss between Mirrors Kira and Ezri, a vague show of tenderness between them, and a rather gentle innuendo between Mirrors Ezri and Leeta at the end. Mirror Kira herself was over-the-top, as always, and that was grating. But, as a bi woman, I was hoping for something a little more... sweeping and romantic... or at least, a portrayal as suggestive as hetero romances have gotten. I mean, "Rejoined" was much more "lesbianist" than this episode, and even then, that came with major caveats.

    It's always been pretty disappointing to me that characters with non-hetero sexuality never got much (or really any) showing on Star Trek. I hate to be on a soapbox, but it seems like that would be part of the "enlightened 24th century". It's really too bad for those of us who'd like to see the girl get the girl at the end sometimes.
  • From John on 2011-12-22 at 2:56am:
    I'm not a fan of mirror universe episodes either, and this one is no exception. Personally, I think it's a shame that this is the last "Ferengi" episode, because it's nowhere near as good or entertaining as the others. Granted, we do get a little bit of Ferengi intrigue -- and we get to see Zek again -- at the very end of the series, but this is the last proper Ferengi episode, and it's kind of boring. The only thing "new" here is Mirror Ezri (who, I have to admit, is a total fox).

    But it's still lame, and we still have to deal with Mirror Kira and Mirror Julian, who are somehow even more annoying and than their 'regular' counterparts.

    2 points for Quark and Rom, 2 points for hot Mirror Ezri and 1 point for being the LAST Mirror Universe episode (thank god) = 5/10
  • From Inga on 2013-06-21 at 9:31am:
    I agree with Marie Douceur - the lesbian moments were too tame.
  • From Bronn on 2013-07-26 at 1:30am:
    I actually don't think this one was too bad. The inconsistencies are annoying, but the Ferengi episodes and Mirror Universe episodes are all just there for the sake of fun. It was nice to combine them and get them both out of the way at once to avoid disrupting the overall seriousness of the plotlines in season 7.

  • From L on 2013-08-17 at 4:40am:

    Mirror Worf is the only mirror character I don't hate (apart from Ezri, rowr) - he's very entertaining as a bombastic fool.

    Loved Rom pointing out the logical inconsistencies, very 'meta'.
  • From ChristopherA on 2021-07-31 at 3:28pm:
    I rather like this episode, I thought the exploration of a family with a specific type of dysfunction was a good one and generally made for a good Ezri character episode.

    You are right that the tie-in of this episode to Honor Among Thieves is largely irrelevant. This episode is about Ezri’s family, not the Orion syndicate, and O’Brien is only there to fulfill the mandatory “B Plot” requirement.

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Star Trek DS9 - 7x13 - Field of Fire

Originally Aired: 1999-2-10

Ezri must solve a series of murders by summoning Joran, one of her previous incarnations. [DVD]

My Rating - 10

Fan Rating Average - 4.62

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 121 9 7 8 5 12 13 18 98 23 24

Filler Quotient: 2, filler, but an enjoyable episode nevertheless. You can skip this one, but you'd miss out on some fun.
- One of DS9's best episodes, but nothing here is relevant to the overarching plot.

- Why the hell did O'Brien and Julian reject Ilario's request to join them in the holosuite? They invited Odo to be Santa Anna!
- Why does Odo have to wear goggles during O'Brien's melon demonstration? It's not as if his eyes needed protecting...
- You've got to wonder why the TR-116 with the microtransporter modification isn't something that Starfleet is producing en masse, especially with the war on and all. Maybe the microtransporter is subject to easy jamming.

- This episode is a candidate for my "Best Episode of DS9 Award."
- According to Odo there are over 900 Starfleet officers on the station.
- According to the computer, there are 48 Vulcans on DS9. Well, 47 after this episode.

Remarkable Scenes
- Ilario: "You know something, Lieutenant, you're very beautiful." Ezri: "And you're very drunk." Ilario: "True enough. But in the morning, I'll be sober, and you'll still be beautiful."
- Ezri's dream, featuring a brief piano performance by Joran.
- Bashir and O'Brien discussing weapon fetishes and how some historical men would give female names to their guns changing the relationship from owner and object to something resembling man and woman. O'Brien in response: "Maybe I'll start calling my tricorder Sally."
- O'Brien realizing that the killer is using displaced targeting.
- O'Brien's melon demonstration.
- Ezri summoning Joran.
- Joran: "Handsome weapon." Ezri: "If you say so." Joran: "Come now, even you have to admire the aesthetic qualities inherent in its design, it conveys a sense of danger, of power, just looking from the trigger to the muzzle conjures up images of death. Take it down."
- Ezri using the TR-116 like the killer would, on Joran's advice, attempting to come up with a personality profile of the killer.
- Ezri talking to herself, or rather Joran, in public.
- Joran, regarding Quark: "How I'd love to slip a knife between his ribs."
- Ezri almost killing the man Odo was chasing because of Joran.
- Ezri discovering that the killer is targeting people who have pictures of laughing people in their quarters.
- I love the way onlookers kind of stare at Ezri when she talks to Joran in public, wondering who she's talking to.
- Joran staring into the face of the Vulcan on the turbolift, sure that he'd found the killer.
- Ezri looking up Chu'lak's history, then using the TR-116 to spy on him in his quarters only to discover that he picked her as his next victim!
- Ezri shooting Chu'lak.
- Ezri: "Tell me, why did you do it!" Chu'lak: "Because logic demanded it."
- Morn Appearances; 1. Walks down an empty and dark promenade with a giggling woman. 2. Is seen very briefly when Ezri fights the man Odo was chasing in Quark's.

My Review
Introducing the TR-116 with a microtransporter modification. The perfect assassin's weapon. It's a shame that we didn't get to hear Garak's opinion of the weapon. I think he would have been proud. Half the fun of this episode for me is my fascination over the ingenious weapon design. The other half is the wonderful character development we get for Ezri, finally. Joran was an underused concept when Jadzia was Dax, thankfully he gets another shot here and he excels as the murderous madman we thought he was. This is an episode which gets just about every detail right, Ezri as a psychologist is doing her job assisting Odo in a murder investigation, Ezri as a Trill is using the knowledge of her past lives, including that of Joran, and O'Brien the engineer discovers what the murder weapon must have been and builds a replica. For once, everyone is perfectly in character! The musical score is exceptionally good, better than usual, the overall tenseness of the episode is nicely high, and finally the murderer was a perfect fit. I absolutely loved the idea of a Vulcan that hates emotion and his singular reason for why he was doing this was just the perfect thing to say, "because logic demanded it." Overall, this is Ezri's best episode and one of my all time favorites of the series.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Remco on 2009-07-28 at 8:51pm:
    Did Ron Moore get the idea for a virtual Six in Baltar's head on BSG from this episode?
  • From JR on 2012-07-02 at 2:39am:
    I don't understand how the crew jumped to the conclusion that the tritanium bullet was fired from close range.
    O'brien: " According to these readings, the bullet only traveled 8 or 9 centimeters."
    Sisko: "Then the killer must have fired at point blank range."
    Odo: "I don't think so; there are no powder burns on the body."

    A bit of circular logic there...what exactly is the tricorder detecting to if not powder burns? The bullet's odometer? If that were the case, Obrien would say 8.63 cm, not "8 or 9 cm".

    Taking it one step further, why wouldn't some of the powder be present anyway. If it is as conventional as Sisko claims, there would in fact be hot gases expanding right aside that bullet at the muzzle and they would be transported as well.

    I liked the episode's premise, but between the Xray snooper scope, the false logic, and the very abrupt ending (Joran immediately convincing Ezri that particular Vulcan was the killer out of 28 possible, and actually being correct) I don't think it was particularly well done. I'd give it a 5 or 6.
  • From Lt. Fitz on 2012-07-07 at 10:01pm:
    Not a great episode. It seemed too easy to find the murderer, and Joran annoyed the heck out of me with his weird and creepy muttering. Lots of good bits, but just it didn't fall together for me.
  • From Damien Bradley on 2013-09-25 at 6:32am:
    This was a nice episode, but I'm surprised at its 10 rating here. The suspense was pretty well done, especially right as Ezri sets her sights on the Vulcan setting sights on her.

    Some things didn't work well for me: first, Trek has a penchant for ridiculously powerful weapons. A phaser that can disintegrate a person in one blast is a long-standing staple, and now a gun that can deliver a high-speed bullet anywhere in the surrounding area, complete with a headset that can see anywhere? That's arguably more powerful than a phaser. I'm surprised no one's thought of it yet. Even the headset alone means goodbye to privacy for anyone. But that's one of the unfortunate effects of technology in Trek. So much of it is so over-the-top powerful that the writers haven't really thought through the ramifications of it all.

    I really wanted there to come something after the climax. The Vuclan said "logic demanded it." I wanted to know his reasoning and some kind of epilogue to the whole thing.

    I felt the dynamic between Ezri and Joran was a little cheesy. So the Trill have a ritual they can do to where they can temporarily hallucinate one of their past lives and converse with them? And they have to do another ritual to make it go away? I would have preferred something more subtle. (I don't remember if we've seen this ritual before.) I also would have liked Joran to be a little less one-dimensional.

    Anyway, it's nice we're seeing lots of Ezri. She has a lot of catching up to do in terms of character development (and yes, she's cute as a button, maybe too much sometimes).
  • From Axel on 2015-06-06 at 3:27pm:
    I agree with Damien's point about the Vulcan's motives. I was hoping to know a bit more, aside from the archetypical Vulcan "logic demanded it" response. That's the lazy way to wrap this up. Clearly there was some emotion behind what he was doing stemming from the loss of his companions. The inclusion of Joran was a fantastic story element, but his murderer profile was dragged on at the expense of the Vulcan.

    I do disagree with the point about the high-speed bullet, though. Phasers would have a lot of other advantages over projectile weapons. It's easier to control the intensity, you can charge them rather than continuously load them, and they are no doubt lighter and more wieldy.

    Overall, good Trill episode, good Dax episode, and good suspense. Murder mystery is rare for Trek, but this was done very nicely.
  • From ChristopherA on 2021-06-17 at 4:30pm:
    I thought the episode had pluses and minuses, it had a decent murder mystery flow with good suspense and somewhat interesting acting between Ezri and Joran, but I also thought it was overly contrived attempt to emulate one of those “Silence of the Lambs” stories where the heroes have to work with a killer to catch a killer. The idea that because Joran is a disturbed murderer, he must therefore be an expert homicide detective, is just silly. And there didn’t even seem to be any reason whatsoever to believe that Joran was similar in any way to the mysterious killer.

    I agree with the previous fan commentary about the abrupt ending and the super scope. Think of all the times they were sneaking around looking for the enemy instead of just using the scanner to view the entire station from a safe location and attack without reprisal. I can't be too critical because it is extremely common in Star Trek to invent incredible advanced technologies and completely forget about them later. However, in most cases these inventions are essential to the plot and are sufficiently foreign, experimental, or situationally specific to kind of handwave them away. In this case the superweapon was absolutely not required for the plot, the villain could have used any means to commit murders, so inventing a superweapon to do the job seemed a bit like lazy writing. Still, if you ignore the implications, the idea of two people with ultimate sniper technology trying to hunt each other down, and ultimately firing simultaneously, is an interesting idea that could have made a good science fiction short story.

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Star Trek DS9 - 7x14 - Chimera

Originally Aired: 1999-2-17

Odo returns from a conference with an unexpected guest: a Changeling who tracked and boarded his runabout. [DVD]

My Rating - 3

Fan Rating Average - 4.64

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 43 3 5 13 13 16 13 12 13 14 18

Filler Quotient: 3, bad filler, totally skippable.
- This episode is a fun concept, but they don't really go anywhere with it.


- J. G. Hertzler plays Laas in this episode. He also plays General Martok.

Remarkable Scenes
- The Changeling's appearance.
- Laas: "Odo, we linked. I know the truth. You stayed here because of Kira. If it weren't for her, you would be with our people. War or no war, you would be a founder."
- Laas' rude behavior, insulting humanoids.
- Laas' confrontation with the Klingons.
- Quark advising Odo about Laas.
- Laas: "What higher flattery is there? I who can be anything choose to be like you."
- I love Kira's lie to Sisko about how Laas escaped. "He turned into some kind of plasma energy and force his way through" the forcefield.
- Morn Appearances; 1. Is present when Laas is "being fog" on the promenade.

My Review
An interesting idea for an episode wrecked by filler syndrome. Introducing the Laas character, the second of the hundred for Odo to meet, was long overdue. Unfortunately just as before in DS9: The Begotten, the writers just didn't want to introduce another Changeling character. So we get a disgruntled Laas who hates humanoids and leaves as soon as he gets a chance. To me, this was a wasted chance to do something cool with the character. Imagine how the founders would have reacted to meeting Laas? Or imagine what Starfleet could have done with another allied Changeling? The only interesting thing this episode contributes to the story is the revelation that without Kira, Odo would be a founder regardless of the war. I think that really says something about Odo's character.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From MJ on 2011-08-04 at 5:59pm:
    J.G. Hertzler and Jeffrey Combs...did DS9 strike gold when it hired those two or what? Fantastic, versatile actors.

    I do agree this episode fails to explore some very interesting story arcs. At the very least, Laas could have showed up later in the season having found a couple more Changelings and that could've been worked in somehow...maybe to the sequel instead of wasting it on the ridiculous Pah Wraith/Prophet arc.

    But overall I really like this episode. Laas' behavior is understandable, and gives us some insight into why the Changelings have such a distrust for "solids". It's likely they experienced everything Laas did, and much worse, throughout their history. Laas proposal to form a new link is exactly what I would expect a Changeling in his position to want to do. I do think it was a bit absurd that he kept baiting humanoids, being deliberately confrontational. He had to know by now what the outcome of such behavior would be. More likely he would want to avoid them entirely, but of course that wouldn't have been much of a story.

    I give it a 6.
  • From John on 2011-12-22 at 6:30am:
    You have to love the irony of Laas complaining about how humanoids recklessly "displace all the life forms around them", while his people are trying to take over the entire galaxy and have killed billions of people and destroyed entire planets in the process.

    It seems to me 'the great link' is just the ultimate form of narcissism in the galaxy, and Odo is the only one who can see it for what it is.

    J. G. Hertzler does a fantastic job at portraying the arrogant and incredibly rude Laas here -- that alone makes this episode one of the best of the seventh season.
  • From 0mcn7 on 2012-01-09 at 10:51am:
    I loved Quarks commentary on why humans are so suspicious of anything out of the ordinary and also showed how Quark despite the constant rivalry really does care for Odo.
  • From Chris Wright on 2012-04-30 at 5:26pm:
    I can't believe this episode wasn't rated higher or that anyone on here hasn't pointed out the allegorical representations in the episode. While it has its problems (like why don't jails in the 24th century have surveillence cameras?), this epsiode excelled at beauty. It was beautifully acted, beautiful symbolism, and some of the lines are beautifully quotable. I gave it a 9.
  • From JR on 2012-07-02 at 4:19am:
    This is one of the episodes I remember fairly strongly from the first time I watched the series way back when. I thought it came much sooner though...I was expecting it in season 3 or 4.

    When Laas becomes fog and the Klingons take offense, I could swear that is Rene Auborjonis (Odo) playing the Klingon that Laas stabs in the chest. It greatly resembles what he looked like as a solid turned Klingon by Bashir in an earlier episode. I checked the credits and only one of the two Klingons is listed as a Co-Star.
  • From Bronn on 2013-07-26 at 3:32am:
    I think this was poorly executed. It could have been a good episode, but they missed a lot of things. There's some people acting out of character in order for this story to work. Sisko is out of character-he wouldn't have handed over Laas to the Klingons for a trial that wasn't equitable. It's a callback to the extradition hearing in "Dax,"-he knew there wasn't a fair trial on the other side of it, so he wasn't about to let that trial happen. And while I can understand O'Brien being irritated by some of Laas' baiting, Bashir ends up biting on it too, which is unlike him.

    They also fail to address the obvious issue-people mistrust Laas not because of his inherent nature as a changeling, but because the changelings are leading an oppressive government that has declared war on the entire quadrant. The Klingons are persecuting him in much the way they did Odo during "The Way of the Warrior." They think he's one of the Founders. The fact that's unaffected by a virus which has only been revealed through third-hand sources isn't convincing to them.

    (also, you have to wonder what happens to Laas after this episode-he presumably catches this virus by linking with Odo...then probably dies not long after this)

    Moreover, I wish we'd taken time to explore the moral dilemma that spurs the conflict of this episode-the death of the Klingon. I felt like that could have been a really interesting use for this guest character. The Klingon tried to stab him, but it doesn't affect him much since he has no vital organs to injure, then he kills the other Klingon. Was he reaching for a knife, or for his disruptor? Laas COULD have responded with less than deadly force, as we've seen Odo do countless times-he could have extended his arm and disarmed the Klingon instead of stabbing him. The Klingons attacked, but did they attack with deadly force, and was he justified in responding with deadly force? It's kind of a staple of cop shows, but the dilemma there is always whether the other person had a gun or not. Using a changeling makes you really ponder the question of how imminently he was threatened, even after he'd been stabbed once. That was more mentally engaging to me than the main plot of the episode.
  • From L on 2013-08-17 at 8:28am:
    Wow, a non-lesbian homo-erotic subtext, that's pretty rare.
    Interesting episode.
  • From ChristopherA on 2021-06-20 at 11:04am:
    My main issue with this episode is that it appears to have been written by a Founder as a tract against the solids, with most everyone being written out of character (as Bronn pointed out) so that Laas can make his diatribes without contradiction. The idea that solids are genetically unable to tolerate changelings comes from nowhere, there's never been any sign of that in any previous episode. They just seem to have suddenly thrown that into justify his disdain for coexisting with the solids. The reason changelings are feared has always been that they are incredibly powerful and extremely xenophobic.

    The one part of the episode that did make a lot of sense was that the Klingons would be hostile towards him. That could have been a more interesting episode, contrasting the arrogant disdain of Laal for inferior lifeforms, and his hypocritical demands that they treat him with respect, with the paranoid fear and anger of the Dominion’s victims towards someone who looks and acts exactly like a Founder, but nevertheless isn't one and hasn't ever done anything to harm them. Instead it seemed they were trying to awkwardly shoehorn in an unconvincing allegory of Odo being a persecuted minority who was putting up a false front and afraid to show his true self.
  • From floreign on 2022-09-15 at 6:27am:
    To me this is an episode that outstretches the arc. Like the Voyager "year of hell" episode that could replace a full year of the season, and not as elaborate as TNG's "All Good Things" which stretched in three time periods. I have the distinct impression that at that point it was known that the show will end with the current season.
    Another comparison is Stargate:Un iverse. The first season and half was subpar, but the last half-season was amazing because it had a lot of good material that was added due to the show having been canceled.

    Well, soon the finale (episodes 16-26) starts, so you know I am right. It offers a possible direction for Odo if he were a few centuries out, and left one companion or a few behind (yes, it resembles Highlander here.)

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Star Trek DS9 - 7x15 - Badda-Bing Badda-Bang

Originally Aired: 1999-2-24

Vic's is about to be taken over by the heavy-handed mobster Frankie Eyes. [DVD]

My Rating - 2

Fan Rating Average - 4.58

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 54 15 7 5 8 7 11 21 19 15 24

Filler Quotient: 3, bad filler, totally skippable.
- This episode feels like it was plucked out of season one's roster of filler and dropped here accidentally.



Remarkable Scenes
- Odo stretching out his arm to impress the bar flies.
- I like Bashir's line in which he says he wants his martini "stirred, not shaken," the opposite of what James Bond likes. ;)
- Morn Appearances; 1. Watches as the senior staff enters Quark's to execute their little robbery operation.

My Review
Even worse than DS9: It's Only a Paper Moon, we have another Vic Fontaine episode, but this time there's not even an excuse for Vic's inclusion in the plot. He is the center of the plot. The episode is entertaining, and the light hearted comedy is effective, but the timing is absolutely wrong. An episode like this should have been done in the vast wastelands that were season one, or another one of the seasons filled with filler episodes. The middle of the Dominion war is no time for filler.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Pete Miller on 2006-07-26 at 3:15am:
    I think your dislike for Vic Fontaine is obscuring your judgement here. If the reason for giving this a 1 was that it is filler in the middle of the dominion war, then you should have given "Take Me Out to the Holosuite" a 1 instead of a 10. This episode is extremely entertaining, and is a wonderful use of Vic's character. Obviously they couldn't have done this episode EARLIER because they invented Vic during the Dominion War arc.

    I especially like that this episode demonstrates that the characters still have personal lives amidst all the turmoil, and that they can still have fun. I wouldn't care for episodes 15 and on to be solely dominion war arc episodes. That would be boring, and not Star Trekish enough.

    Sisko's comment about black people in the sixties also shows that this episode isn't just filler. Not only does it make a point about racism in the sixties; it also shows how hypersensitive Sisko is to anything regarding racism. Great character development episode all around, and it's always fun to watch one of these holodeck malfunction episodes. I love them!

    Just because you didn't care for it isn't justification to give it a 1. I mean, come on. It's not THAT bad, even if you hate it.
  • From Kethinov on 2006-07-26 at 6:46am:
    This episode fails to measure up to "Take Me Out to the Holosuite" in a number of ways.

    Firstly, it was redundant. We already have a comedy episode in the holodeck in this season. I forgave it once, and only because "Take Me Out to the Holosuite" was so unusually profound.

    But more importantly, this episode was inferior. The situation in this episode was a result of either holosuite error, or simple diversion, depending on how you look at it. Neither situation is a good premise for the episode. In the middle of the Dominion War, I don't want a "holodeck malfunctions" episode, and I even less want a "let's all go to Risa" episode. This episode was an excuse for slapstick comedy.

    Conversely, the situation in "Take Me Out to the Holosuite" was brought on by an external player (the Vulcan captain) with an arrogance problem. Sisko didn't ask for any of this, he simply faced it. And it taught him a lesson about the value of one's principles, reinforcing his seemingly weaker hand in the entire Dominion war.

    Ignoring the timing of this episode, yes, it deserves a higher rating. But as is so often said, timing is everything. This episode's timing was unforgivable. Such diversions are only acceptable when an episode has something truly profound to say, and guess what, everything it had to say was said better in other episodes!

    You speak of the crew having a personal life. Well, we're made aware of that in "Take Me Out to the Holosuite." We're also made aware of it by Vic's various cameos across the later episodes. You also speak of the episode making a statement about racism. But that was easily done better in "Far Beyond the Stars."

    Fnally, yes, I am fully aware of when Vic's character was created. That doesn't justify the episode's placement in the timeline and certainly doesn't invalidate my criticism that an episode like this was better suited in an early season. The episode had plenty of intrinsic value. Replace Vic with any other hologram, rebrand an early season episode, and not only is it now a good episode, it's better because it's less out of place.

    And that's just how it is. "Badda-Bing Badda-Bang" was filler of the worst kind. It's underserving of a zero solely because it has no technical problems. It sure would have been worth more points in an earlier season, but alas, it's smack dab in the middle of season 7. So there you have it.
  • From Pete Miller on 2006-07-27 at 2:46am:
    I was very pleased that you responded to my commentary, and I'll have to say you cleared it up a bit for me. I will concede that the timing does lower the rating substantially. And you're right, some of the character development-type things are covered in other episodes, so I guess this one is dispensable in that manner as well.

    I still hold that it doesn't deserve a 1, because it isn't as horrible as something like "Move Along Home", but I take back what I said about your rating being based on your dislike for Vic. I see your point about the timing, but I guess it's just a matter of how important that kind of thing is to you. If you hold sequence and timing of episodes in high regards, then I guess a 1 could be appropriate. For me, however, a 5 is more like it.

    But thanks for the response. Always awesome to hear different viewpoints on Star Trek!!!
  • From Kevin on 2009-06-07 at 2:06pm:
    One of my least favourite DS9 episodes for sure. The Vic Fontaine character was a fun novelty for one episode, but has certainly worn his welcome by this point. Now we have a whole episode about him? Also, holodeck malfuntions of any kind are so cliche. Vic Fontaine and holodeck malfunctions... guess the writers were feeling really lazy that week. (Or were simply bad writers)
  • From Remco on 2009-08-01 at 3:43pm:
    I guess your enjoyment of this episode really depends on whether you like Vic. The same was true for "Take Me Out to the Holosuite". To enjoy that episode, you needed to enjoy baseball.

    I absolutely hated "Take Me Out", because I find watching baseball (or watching any sports) utterly boring. I skipped through most of the episode, and I wasn't entertained by all the sports movie cliches. I know that they were deliberately paying homage to such movies, but I just couldn't stand it.

    Because of that experience, I can completely understand your sentiment in giving this a 1 while giving "Take Me Out" a 10, even though they are essentially the same episode. That's an aspect of ratings, which makes averages meaningless. I would give this episode a 7 for being a very entertaining, if not very relevant episode. A rating I would have given "Take Me Out" if I wasn't so completely bored by it.
  • From rpeh on 2010-08-05 at 11:55am:
    I think everyone is being harsh on this episode.

    It's true that the timing isn't ideal, I don't particularly like Vic Fontaine either, and I don't particularly like holodesk episodes, but beyond that it's probably my favourite holodesk episode.

    One thing you all seem to have missed is that it's *not* a holodesk malfunction - we're told that Felix designed the takeover to stop the program from getting boring. The way all the senior staff (bar Worf) get into the spirit of things for a hologram shows their spirit of friendship to great effect, and the way they resolve the situation is well-done and a lot of fun.

    I'm only giving this a 4, but I felt I had to speak up for this episode because of all the vitriol it's received up until now!

    One extra little thing. The "stirred, not shaken" point was picked up in the West Wing too, where the president points out that shaking a martini would chip the ice so Bond was really "ordering a weak martini and being snooty about it". Perhaps Bashir is a *real* man?
  • From Psycroptic on 2012-07-20 at 12:41am:
    The timing was definitely not right, but it was still an extremely entertaining episode.
  • From Bronn on 2013-07-29 at 6:15am:
    I actually really liked this episode. "It's Only a Paper Moon" is a personal favorite of mine because I see a lot of myself in Nog in that episode. He escapes into a fantasy world because the real world is really tough and scary, and he's faced it for the first time. But I like that it's not really a holodeck malfunction episode, because those are tired and stupid. It's just a holodeck story in which they have to solve in a holodeck manner, and nothing is at stake except for Vic Fontaine's program.

    I don't know where else they could have timed it, though. They wanted one last bit of fluff before they got back to the serious war plot to close out the series. The problem is that the war plot has been sitting ignored for too long-the last episode that really dealt with it was "Paper Moon"...which was also the last Vic episode. They wanted to introduce Vic as a recurring character, so it seems like he gets shoved down the audience's throat a bit. And the episode in which he introduced was a fluff episode in which they used musical numbers basically as filler, not a good way to introduce him to the audience.

    This episode had to take place after "Paper Moon," because that's the only episode when the audience really started to care about Vic-if at all. It would have been nice if "Paper Moon" hadn't been so recent, since it was an episode in which two non-regular cast members were at the center of the plot, which might be why some people were irritated about it. What they needed was a good stand-alone episode involving the war plot to air prior to this episode just to let the audience know that they hadn't gotten distracted. We probably could have done with "Prodigal Daughter" or "The Emperor's New Cloak" or "Chimera" and still had a solid season. If it were me, though, I'd have pushed back "Once More Into the Breach," Kor's last episode, and aired it just before this one. That was another one which didn't prominently feature the main cast members, but then you follow with this one, in which most of the main cast gets to operate together. It would have kept the war fresh, and I don't think people would have been as irritated at the war plot settling into the background for just one episode here.
  • From L on 2013-08-18 at 12:16am:
    A pointless novelty episode that made me cringe.
    Not that a 'caper' genre episode was necessarily a bad thing, but I just hated it. Maybe it was just the context of it coming this late in the series, and that the one before it actually explored some interesting issues through science-fiction, as Star Trek should.
    This is just pointless indulgence in bad-taste americana.
  • From spline on 2013-09-14 at 11:17am:
    This ep was great. It wouldnt work in an earlier season because we'd have had no connection to the characters. It's a simply fun ep that allows the cast to show off, combined with great music and great direction. Dont take it so seriously, and just love it for what it is!

    The best is yet to come!
  • From mandeponium on 2014-08-03 at 12:04am:
    This was actually one of my favorites. I watch it as a farewell episode: the last fun holodeck romp before the final episodes running-up to the series finale. The end of this one gives me tingles when they are all alone in the lounge with Vic. They are still dressed up and as the camera pans over them Sisko sings "The Best Is Yet to Come."

    The viewer knows DS9 is almost over. This is such a hopeful episode and the second half of the season does not disappoint. They even copy the lounge scene in the last episode doing it all over again with Vic and the final farewell.
  • From Axel on 2015-06-07 at 10:54pm:
    I don't see the appeal of Vic Fontaine. He was okay in "It's Only a Paper Moon" because that story served a purpose: Nog's post-injury recovery. But he's overused to the point of being annoying. It gets really bad in the finale when he takes up a ridiculous portion of the episode.

    This one, though, is bad for several reasons. They already had a wonderful holodeck episode in "Mr Bashir, I Presume?" So that angle's been done. The timing in the story arc is also poor as pointed out. Not everything has to be about the Dominion War, but this is just too silly. Finally, it doesn't even really feel like Star Trek. From a purely entertainment point of view, I guess it works but it's hard to ignore the context of the episode, which you have to do to enjoy it IMO.

    I'd give it a 2 for the acting, but it's by far the worst overall episode of the season.
  • From ChristopherA on 2021-06-13 at 4:35pm:
    I really didn't much like watching this episode, and I wasn't quite sure why. There have been holosuite episodes I've liked in the past, the caper itself really isn't bad. I agree with others that the timing of the episode just didn't seem very good, while watching the series in order I was really feeling like it was time to return to the Dominion war, not to have yet another offbeat standalone episode.

    I agree with Axel that the episode really doesn't seem connected to Star Trek, and the episode doesn't compare that well to “Mr. Bashir, I Presume”. Somehow that episode felt like the homage was more fun, and felt like you were exploring the Star Trek characters placed in an unusual environment. Whereas this episode felt more like you were watching an ordinary miniature heist movie that just happened to feature the Star Trek actors, but could have been put on with any actors and it wouldn't have been any different. The only attempt to tie it to DS9 at all was the idea that they were coming together to do it for their friend Vic, which really didn't come across as a very dramatically interesting reason, especially since Vic is kind of a questionable character to begin with, and because the show seems unable to clearly confront the question about whether Vic is a sentient being or not. If he is sentient why are the characters so unable to perceive or acknowledge it, and if he is not sentient then the justification for the episode is pretty silly.

    Also, in all of the better Vic Fontaine episodes he is being used to significantly change the lives of the DS9 characters by offering them good advice or a different perspective. In this episode he seems totally pointless, he doesn't have any purpose other than to act as a MacGuffin to get the characters into a heist movie.

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Star Trek DS9 - 7x16 - Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Originally Aired: 1999-3-3

On the eve of Dr. Bashir's departure for a conference on the Romulan homeworld, he's visited by Sloan, the director of Section 31, a secret and unsanctioned extremist entity within Starfleet Intelligence. [DVD]

My Rating - 5

Fan Rating Average - 6.27

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 35 4 2 0 1 17 23 14 31 35 32

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- This episode picks up on the Section 31 plot line established last season.


- The episode's title is latin for, "in time of war, the law falls silent."
- The Intrepid class ship, named Bellerophon, was registry: NCC 74705.

Remarkable Scenes
- Bashir and Garak discussing Romulus.
- Sloan predicting that in the aftermath of the Dominion war, the Romulans and the Federation will be the only major powers left.
- An Intrepid class ship! A nice way to cut down on sets and ship models, just reuse Voyager's sets. :) A nice homage too.
- Bashir's meeting with Koval.
- Bashir discovering what's really going on.

My Review
Dr. Bashir has really bad luck with medical conferences. He was captured by the Dominion on his way to one, he was captured by Sloan on his way to one, and now he is duped into participating in a spy mission on Romulus while on his way to one. So Section 31 finally has an assignment for Julian. I was wondering when the writers would revisit this. It's the usual complicated mess of politics one would expect from an organization like Section 31. Unfortunately, the actual story used by the set up in this episode isn't very good. There are interesting tidbits, such as seeing another Intrepid class ship, and seeing lots of nice shots of Romulus, and the political intrigue is even mildly interesting. But when you add it all up, you get something that barely measures up to average. I expected something more profound from Section 31. Not routine political meddling.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Pete Miller on 2006-07-26 at 4:08am:
    I really enjoyed this episode, and I enjoy every aspect of section 31. I love how the theme of "the universe isn't pure and happy the way you'd like it to be" is visited by Garak at the beginning and by Sloan at the end. Kind of sums up Deep Space Nine. I LOVED Bashir lecturing Admiral Ross. The Cicero quote was extremely cool, and the fact that Admiral Ross had that on the tip of his tongue just ready to spit out as a justification shows what an asshole he is.

    I loved Sloan complimenting Bashir at the end. I loved seeing Bashir at work as a spy, especially when he wasn't fooled by the "evaporation" of Sloan.

    But above all, I loved Bashir calling security at the end, only to say "never mind. my mistake". HAHAHAHA!!! I give this episode a 9. One of my favorites.
  • From MJ on 2011-03-11 at 8:19pm:
    A deeply troubling episode to be sure.

    The tragic character here, of course, is Senator Chretak. In the first viewing, I thought she might have been involved in the Section 31 plot, and that Bashir, by approaching her, was playing right into their hands. Instead, she was the victim of the plot; removing her from the Senate ensures the Federation's unlikely ally will both head the Tal Shiar and enter the Romulan Continuing Committee unopposed, thus guaranteeing the Romulan war effort.

    One can't help but feel uneasy after this episode. The Federation's...or rather, Section 31's ploy here is so very...Romulan. It's troubling that a Starfleet admiral would be so willing to enact a plan that puts an innocent woman in prison, or possibly to death. But, the episode demonstrates these are desperate times and the Federation cannot afford to lose the Romulans as an ally. Playing dirty politics and spy games to ensure Romulan support is apparently part of Section 31's game plan.

    Overall, I found the episode very well acted...and I have yet to encounter a Star Trek Romulan episode that wasn't gripping. Still, I tend to avoid viewing this episode as it somewhat shatters the view of the Federation as the "good guys".
  • From Bronn on 2013-07-26 at 11:42pm:
    Loved this episode. The scene between Bashir and Ross was beautiful acted, demonstrating Alexander Siddig at the absolute top of his craft. The twist was well executed-even a smart viewer isn't entirely sure what's going on. It appeared to me, also, that Section 31 had crippled Ross on purpose to force Bashir to work with Cretak, who was going to be their secret operative. And having the head of the Tal-Shiar explain that Sloan had single-handedly invented Section 31 told the viewers, and Bashir, something they wanted to hear: that the Federation really wasn't betraying its ideals. It was enough to make you wonder what it would be.

    Unfortunately, after an episode that was brilliant up until the end, the coda is weak. I'd give it a ten, but the conversations between Bashir and Sloan at the end didn't really wrap this up for me. Bashir's attempt to contact security and then deciding not to falls a little flat, since he'd already attempt to futilely chase down Sloan at the beginning. It's too much an echo of that to really convey the message that Bashir is slightly sympathetic to Section 31, which is what the writers had hoped for.

    What works for me is the consistency of character, though. Bashir really does like to get up on his moral highground. It's basically a trait all the doctors in the various series share. But Sloon is also spot on about Bashir loving secrets, it's entirely consistent with how he relates to Garak, and the fact that he has his own secret agent holosuite program. He's also easily the most gossipy character on the show, generally curious about what his friends are talking about.

    I give it a nine, but that's with an extra point for a smart reference to Cicero. I'm a sucker for a good reference to Roman history.
  • From Axel on 2015-07-01 at 3:24am:
    This episode made me wish there had been another episode dealing with the back story on Koval. How the hell did the chairman of the Tal Shiar become a Federation informant? Was he working with the Federation before or after he came to that position? It would be an interesting storyline on its own. It hardly seems believable to me. After all, it would've been nearly impossible for the KGB or CIA to have a mole at the other's highest level. But then, maybe that's why it would be a good episode!

    Overall, a decent next chapter of the Section 31/Sloan-Bashir arc. The Federation has really dirtied its hands during this whole effort to get and keep the Romulans in the war. But Bashir is the perfect character to involve in this whole thing. More than anyone, he represents the most principled, decent aspects of the Federation. We see throughout the series his idealism chipped away. It happens a little in his dealings with Garak, but mostly it happens in the dealings with Sloan and Section 31.

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Star Trek DS9 - 7x17 - Penumbra

Originally Aired: 1999-4-7

Worf is missing in action and Ezri takes it upon herself to find him. [DVD]

My Rating - 6

Fan Rating Average - 3.31

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 64 11 8 2 1 4 16 13 15 7 6

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.



Remarkable Scenes
- Ezri talking about Captain Boday, a Gallamite with a transparent skull. Bashir: "Personally, I don't know what Jadzia ever saw in the man." O'Brien: "Well, his brains."
- Weyoun and Damar discussing a Ketracel White facility being run by the Son'a. A nice reference to Star Trek IX: Insurrection.
- I also like the nice reference to DS9: Treachery, Faith, and the Great River regarding the founder's illness and her order to drop the temperature in their primary military facility. It's fitting that Damar, a Cardassian, because Cardassians love the heat would complain.
- Ezri's explanation for why she came to rescue Worf: "You're a fellow officer. I would have done the same for Kira or Julian." A nice reference to the line Worf used on Ezri in DS9: Field of Fire.
- Jake: "Best man, huh? That means I get to plan the bachelor party!"
- Ezri's and Worf's Runabout being attacked and destroyed by Jem'Hadar fighters and their subsequent escape onto a nearby planet.
- Ezri and Worf arguing over hunting, Jadzia, and Boday.
- The sight of a Breen ship. Cool!
- Morn Appearances; 1. Sits next to Ezri in the bar.

My Review
Sisko decides he wants to marry Kassidy (though his mother doesn't want him to), and Ezri and Worf finally confront their feelings for each other. And we get to see a Breen ship. ;) Okay, well maybe the Breen didn't play such a major role, but with the cliffhanger at the end of this episode, I'm sure they will in the next one. This episode is remarkable in that it feels as though the writers are finally beginning to get to the point, ending the constant supply of relatively filler episodes we've had recently. Even though a few of the previous filler type episodes were quite good, DS9: Field of Fire especially, I'm still glad to be getting back to the war. Something big is brewing in the Dominion. The disease continues to wreak havoc on the founders and the female Changeling wanted a subspace communicator installed in her quarters. I smell desperation.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From 0mcn on 2012-01-12 at 7:25am:

    Ok, can we remember that when Worf and the "other" Dax first had some hanky panky they both were injured... severely, broken ribs etc. Take a look at Worf standing next to Ezri. Ummm it is not believable that she would have been only slightly injured, she would have been totally crushed... I am just saying...

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Star Trek DS9 - 7x18 - 'Til Death Do Us Part

Originally Aired: 1999-4-14

Sisko and Kasidy plan to marry, but circumstances are not in their favor. Meanwhile, Dukat returns posing as a simple farmer. [DVD]

My Rating - 5

Fan Rating Average - 3.25

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 68 6 2 4 19 6 13 12 11 7 6

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.



Remarkable Scenes
- Kai Winn's vision from the "prophets."
- Ezri: "I wonder what the Breen look like under those helmets." Worf: "They say no one has ever seen one and lived to speak of it." Ezri: "Maybe they're all furry. It's supposed to be very cold on Breen."
- Worf regarding the Breen: "They do not tolerate incursions into their space. During the second empire, Chancellor Mow'ga sent a fleet of Klingon ships to conquer their homeworld and were never heard from again."
- Weyoun waking up a hung over Damar.
- The Breen beaming to the Jem'Hadar ship bearing "gifts."

My Review
This episode is most slow in its pacing. A lot of time is spent on Dukat seducing Winn, Sisko wrestling with whether or not to marry Kassidy and ignore his mother's advice or be a good little Emisssary, and the general buildup with the Jem'Hadar ship and the Breen ship traveling to meet one another for the cliffhanger. The slow pacing lends poorly to the episode's overall quality, but it works well as a transitional episode in the growing arc. Now we know what Dukat was up to in the previous episode. He is working for the Pah-wraiths still, up to some evil scheme again. We also know what the big Dominion secret is and what the Breen are doing... the Breen have formed an alliance with the Dominion!

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Tallifer on 2011-04-30 at 10:27am:
    The overall story is good but there are several bad moments:

    Dukat and Winn kiss. Shudder.
    Ezri and Worf have lovers' quarrels. Blech.
    Sisko is an indecisive dork.

    I hope the Breen plot twist will play out better than in these past two episodes.

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Star Trek DS9 - 7x19 - Strange Bedfellows

Originally Aired: 1999-4-21

Kasidy must adjust to her new role in life, while new Dominion alliances are formed. [DVD]

My Rating - 6

Fan Rating Average - 3.42

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 85 6 5 4 3 9 8 18 14 15 10

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.



Remarkable Scenes
- The female shapeshifter meeting with the Breen.
- Martok telling Sisko the story of his pet Targ.
- Ezri, whilst hanging upside down as a prisoner on a Jem'Hadar ship: "I hate to say it, but this is doing wonders for my back." Worf: "I doubt that is what our captors had in mind."
- Ezri: "You have the biggest ego of any man I have ever known!" Worf: "Considering how many men you have known, that is quite a statement!"
- Worf killing Weyoun 7. I love Damar's reaction.
- Kai Winn's vision from the Pah-wraiths.
- Damar's reaction to meeting Weyoun 8.
- Bashir, somewhat speechless about Ezri in Quark's.
- Dukat revealing to Winn that he is working with the Pah-wraiths.
- Damar getting pissed at Weyoun for letting the Klingons wipe out 500,000 Cardassian troops.
- Worf and Ezri finally working out their problems.
- Damar, regarding Weyoun being pessimistic about being summoned to see the founder: "Oh, I'm sure she'll understand. But if she doesn't, I'll look forward to meeting Weyoun 9!"
- Winn describing her doubts about her faith to Dukat.

My Review
Damar throws his Kanar at the mirror and helps Worf and Ezri to escape Cardassia. Not only is he shedding his alcoholism, but he's shedding his desire for power and conquest so that he may save his people. Rarely do we see such profound character evolution. The "strange bedfellows" described in the episode title are of course Dukat and Winn; it also describes the alliance between the Dominion and the Breen. And with some loose interpretation it could describe Damar and the Federation, for it seems now he's committed to undermining the Dominion. While the episode pacing has picked up slightly, it's still a bit slow; it seems clear now that the writers are building up to quite a climax in this ever growing and ever complex plot arc.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Psycroptic on 2012-07-20 at 10:22pm:
    This is probably my favourite arc on DS9, so much going on and so much great character development. A bit too much time spent on Ezri and Worf's bickering though.
  • From Bronn on 2013-07-28 at 10:32pm:
    I loved Martok telling the proud warrior story of a proud warrior's wife and his proud warrior, honorable targ...that's basically the tale of a door being left open so the dog gets away. It's amusing the way Klingons put their stories into a framework. J. G. Hertzler gives such a great Klingon performance.
  • From L on 2013-08-18 at 8:13pm:
    Kai Winn and Dukat making pillow talk in bed together is the single most disturbing thing I've ever seen in Star Trek; because they've been so well-written as characters over the series we know how truly ruthless they really are and that together they will be a major force of evil.

    I continue to hate the religious messages as the show still seems to be tacitly approving them, rather than showing how stupid blind obedience to authority is and how contrary to notions of humanity's freedom to choose their own destiny within the larger universe, but it's still a very compelling dramatic build-up to the final conflict.

    I don't know how but Ezri seems to get cuter every episode.
  • From Scott Nolan on 2018-11-18 at 6:49am:
    I’m surprised that no one has mentioned the excellent acting of Louise Fletcher (Kai Winn) in this episode.She was brilliant in 5he scene where she was begging the Prophets to speak to her. She thinks she’s being religious, but she’s really being self-absorbed.

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Star Trek DS9 - 7x20 - The Changing Face of Evil

Originally Aired: 1999-4-28

The crew's relief at Worf and Ezri's safe return is tempered by reports that the Breen have attacked Starfleet Headquarters on Earth. [DVD]

My Rating - 9

Fan Rating Average - 5.16

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 52 3 3 3 4 6 2 7 12 32 27

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.


- According to Weyoun, the climate on the Breen homeworld is quite comfortable, which calls into question why they wear the refrigeration suits.

Remarkable Scenes
- The sight of the destroyed Starfleet Headquarters.
- Bashir and O'Brien playing with an Alamo model.
- Worf making fun of Bashir: "He gets excited playing with toys!"
- Ezri: "You're a good friend, Worf." Worf: "I know."
- Worf criticizing O'Brien's and Bashir's Alamo strategy despite having criticized them for "playing with toys." ;)
- The Defiant prepping for battle.
- The Dominion with the Breen's help destroying the Defiant and winning the battle.
- Damar's resistance speech.
- Weyoun: "I could be the last Weyoun. That's why he picked that target."
- Morn Appearances; 1. Not shown, but is mentioned to have won the betting pool predicting when Worf and Ezri would return.

My Review
Wow. The first attack on Earth in a very long time, another spectacular space battle, the destruction of the Defiant, and the Cardassians are rebelling against the Dominion. This arc is really starting to heat up! Kai Winn has finally discovered she's been working with Dukat all this time, curiously she seems willing to accept that, she has even committed murder to cover up her alliance with him. The Breen energy dampening weapon is amazingly powerful, the Defiant is a tough ship to destroy, I would imagine the Federation, Klingons, and Romulans lost a great deal of ships in that battle, a devastating blow to be sure. This episode was a real thriller.

No fan commentary yet.

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Star Trek DS9 - 7x21 - When It Rains...

Originally Aired: 1999-5-5

Kai Winn discovers how to unleash evil, while Damar's rebel movement gains ground. [DVD]

My Rating - 5

Fan Rating Average - 4.66

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 43 3 5 2 2 8 8 23 14 13 11

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.


- 311 ships lost power in the last episode's battle, presumedly all destroyed.
- The Romulan fleet commander says that 1500 Klingon ships fighting the Dominion alone are outnumbered 20 to 1. This means the combined Dominion, Cardassian, and Breen fleet must be comprised of 30,000 ships!
- Garak's 34th episode.
- Odo became infected on Stardate 49419. This places the infection date to be somewhere around when he visited Earth. He would have infected the founders when he linked with them in the season finale, when they turned him into a human.

Remarkable Scenes
- Sisko asking Kira to go behind enemy lines and teach a bunch of Cardassians how to be resistance fighters. Ah the irony.
- Bashir asking Odo for a "cup of goo."
- Bashir jumping to conclusions about Ezri's relationship with Worf, then discovering Odo has the disease the founders have.
- Gowron assuming command of the Klingon fleet, much to Martok's discontent.
- Bashir getting the runaround trying to get Odo's medical scan from Starfleet headquarters.
- Kira, Odo, and Garak arriving at the headquarters for the Cardassian resistance and offering advice.
- Bashir discovering that he was sent a fake medical file of Odo, after Sisko used his intelligence clearance to get him the file he was previously denied.
- Bashir discovering that Section 31 infected Odo with the virus so that he would pass it onto the founders and infect them too.

My Review
So Odo has had the founders' disease for a while. He must have infected Laas when he linked with him. Well. Poor Laas. So much for him and the new great link he wanted to form! This episode is another transitional episode in the long arc that's been developing. We get to see Kira, Odo, and Garak begin assist the Cardassian rebellion. Some of the Cardassians, as predicted, hate their new allies. Gowron assumes direct control over the Klingon fleet and begins making tactical errors, jeopardizing the entire war, Winn and Dukat are still attempting to free the Pah-wraiths, and Bashir is unable to realize Ezri's feelings for him because he's too busy dealing with Odo's infection. The complex story moves along nicely; there's nothing spectacular about this episode, though nothing wrong with it either. Pretty average stuff. But as I said before, this arc is setting up for a huge climax, and I'm sure Odo's illness will play a major role.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Bronn on 2013-07-29 at 12:03am:
    One thing that might count as a small problem is Sisko telling Kira that Garak still has contacts back on Cardassia. In that episode, he claimed to have burned them all attempting to obtain proof that the Dominion was planning to attack Romulus. He told Sisko that every single person he spoke he was dead. They did need to bring Garak into this story, but they probably could have found another way.
  • From Armsauce on 2017-07-09 at 12:26am:
    I've noticed we haven't seen much of Sisko during this arc. I suppose there's just too much going on with all the other characters but I would have loved to see more of his reaction to how everything has unfolded.

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Star Trek DS9 - 7x22 - Tacking Into the Wind

Originally Aired: 1999-5-12

Bashir works on a cure for Odo's debilitating illness, while Martok assumes power following the death of Gowron. [DVD]

My Rating - 9

Fan Rating Average - 4.48

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 90 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 11 30 41

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.


- Garak's 35th episode.

Remarkable Scenes
- Kira, Garak, et al analyzing the aftermath of the sabotage of a Jem'Hadar ship.
- Garak stumbling on a deteriorating Odo.
- Female shapeshifter: "If our cloning facilities were operational, I would eliminate this Weyoun immediately."
- Sisko ordering Worf to do something about Gowron squandering resources over his petty political vendetta.
- Rusot provoking Kira again.
- Damar: "What kind of state tolerates the murder of innocent women and children? What kind of people give those orders?" Kira: "Yeah, Damar, what kind of people give those orders?" A nice reference to Ziyal's death.
- Worf: "You are still a member of the house of Martok." Ezri: "This is the first that I've heard of it." Worf: "The general and I talked about it weeks ago. He likes you and considers you an honorable woman. A worthy successor to Jadzia. And so do I." Ezri: "That is very sweet of him." Worf: "Sweet?" Ezri, realizing her faux pas: "Not a very Klingon word, is it?" Worf shakes his head and says: "No." Ezri: "It's very... honorable." Worf: "Better, albeit a little obvious."
- Worf regarding the Gowron situation: "Tell me what you think." Ezri: "Okay, but I'm not sure you're going to like it." Worf: "Tell me." Ezri: "I think the situation with Gowron is a symptom of a bigger problem. The Klingon Empire is dying. And I think it deserves to die." Worf: "You were right. I do not like it." Ezri: "Don't get me wrong. I'm very touched that you still consider me to be a member of the house of Martok. But I tend to look at the empire with a little more skepticism than Curzon or Jadzia did. I see a society that is in deep denial about itself. We're talking about a warrior culture that prides itself on maintaining centuries old traditions of honor and integrity but in reality is willing accept corruption at the highest levels." Worf: "You are overstating your case." Ezri: "Am I? Who was the last leader of the high council that you respected? Has there even been one? And how many times have you had to cover up the crimes of Klingon leaders because you were told it was for the good of the empire? I know this sounds harsh but the truth is you have been willing to accept a government that you know is corrupt. Gowron's just the latest example. Worf, you are the most honorable and decent man that I have ever met. And if you're willing to tolerate men like Gowron, then what hope is there for the empire?"
- Kira, Odo, Garak, Damar, and Rusot arriving at the Cardassian shipyards.
- Luaran: "What's this?" Garak: "We have a prisoner." Luaran: "I can see that. Why are you bringing her to me?"
- Odo posing as the female shapeshifter.
- Garak killing the entire bridge crew of the Jem'Hadar ship.
- Worf standing up to Gowron.
- Worf killing Gowron.
- Worf: "Kahless said, great men do not seek power. They have power thrust upon them."
- Worf declaring Martok the leader of the Klingon Empire.
- Damar killing Rusot.
- Kira, Odo, Damar, and Garak stealing a Jem'Hadar ship, equipped with the Breen weapon.

My Review
Some more big events. Odo's disease is killing him faster now that he's been changing shape all the time, Worf kills Gowron and declares Martok the new leader of the Klingon Empire, and Damar kills one of his best friends, Rusot, to prove to Kira his newfound devotion to defeating the Dominion, changing his ways, and changing the ways of Cardassia is sincere. I continue to be extremely impressed with the changes in Damar's character. I was also impressed with Worf's decision to kill Gowron. It's remarkable to note how Sisko told Worf to stop at nothing to eliminate Gowron's threat, similar the devotion he expressed to Garak regarding getting the Romulans in on the war in DS9: In The Pale Moonlight. I also enjoyed Ezri's opinions on the Klingon Empire. I think it really opened up Worf's eyes, and the eyes of many viewers too! Overall, another highly exciting installment of the current arc.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Rob on 2008-04-27 at 1:46am:
    I love how Ezri's analysis takes in all of Worf's history and, in effect, all of the history of the Klingon Empire. Not in only DS9, but all the way back to the third season of TNG and Duras' involvement in the High Council. Fantastic long-term continuity...!

  • From Pemmer Harge on 2010-03-22 at 11:56pm:
    The best episode of the Final Chapter by quite some distance. Most of the others are at least good, but this one is just better written and more intelligent.

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Star Trek DS9 - 7x23 - Extreme Measures

Originally Aired: 1999-5-19

Bashir gets inside the mind of Section 31's Sloan in an attempt to find a cure for the Founder's disease. [DVD]

My Rating - 6

Fan Rating Average - 3.39

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 102 3 1 4 5 6 18 13 18 13 14

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.


- Garak's 36th episode.

Remarkable Scenes
- Julian and O'Brien telling Sisko of their plan for a cure.
- Bashir capturing Sloan.
- Sloan telling Bashir a garbled sequence for the cure.
- The scene of friendship and camaraderie after Bashir and O'Brien got shot in Sloan's mind.
- Sloan enticing Julian at the end.
- Bashir, regarding the bottle of the "good stuff": "This is older than I am!" O'Brien: "What? I'm drinking with a child!"

My Review
Another illusions plot and the first bit of real filler in a while. The whole Section 31 attempting to commit genocide on the founders thing is the best use of Section 31 ever done though, and the plot of this episode, while a bit slow, is enticing. We get great character development for Bashir and O'Brien and the way Sloan met his death is just the kind of thing we've come to expect from Section 31. Bashir manages to cure Odo, but if it weren't for O'Brien, Bashir would have fallen for Sloan's trap and died with him. So in the end, it's O'Brien's friendship with Julian that saves his life and in a way this entire episode celebrates their friendship over the course of DS9's run. So ultimately, it's hard to rate and review this episode. It lacks the expected Dominion war plot, aside from the necessary curing of Odo, but as a substitute it offers something very touching.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Benjamin Baxter on 2008-07-16 at 5:43am:
    Problem: Julian's comment that the lock to Quark's isn't that complex, contradicting a scene from an earlier episode that involves a very complex lock created by Rom. Ironically, that's a lock that Julian and O'Brien tried to pick in that episode, if my memory serves.
  • From MJ on 2011-01-29 at 1:56pm:
    On it's own, I like this episode a lot. But the way this whole thing gets swept under the rug is a bit too much for me to give it a full 10. Bashir lures a member of Section 31 to the station, kidnaps the guy, tries to use an illegal device to scan his memory, keeps him alive for the sole purpose of scanning his memories, and then eventually the guy dies in what could only be considered murder...or at the very least, manslaughter. And not only does nothing ever happen to Bashir, but it isn't even mentioned. Ever again.

    At first I thought it might be because Section 31 is secretive and also frowned on by the Federation. But secret or not, it seems to hard to believe they wouldn't send their own people after Bashir having so closely guarded the cure to the changeling virus for so long. And as we find out in the next episode (spoiler alert), the Federation Council apparently approved the changeling virus anyway, so clearly Section 31 has plenty of sympathizers that they could use to help stop Bashir.

    That aside, I like the episode. The Odo scenes are nicely done, and it was good to see Bashir and O'Brien have one last adventure together before the series ended.
  • From Gaius Gracchus on 2021-12-25 at 7:41pm:
    This is a nice episode - a light comedic break in this final nine-episode arc. Has heart, giving us some more of that bromance between O'Brien/Bashir, and doesn't take itself too seriously - the writing as the two are about to enter Sloan's mind is just so deadpan about a very silly premise. Simultaneously, it builds towards the conclusion, curing the morphogenic virus and tying up that loose end of Section 31. Not a great standalone episode, but at this place in the story it is most welcome.

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Star Trek DS9 - 7x24 - The Dogs of War

Originally Aired: 1999-5-26

Bashir and Ezri's feelings for each other increase, as do the consequences of the Dominion war. [DVD]

My Rating - 9

Fan Rating Average - 4.68

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 48 5 1 2 5 3 5 12 18 23 11

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.

- Weyoun claims that "the Dominion has never surrendered in battle since its founding 10,000 years ago." But in DS9: To the Death, Weyoun said: "The Dominion has endured for 2000 years and will continue to endure long after the Federation has crumbled into dust." These statements would seem to contradict each other.

- The USS Sao Paulo: NCC 75633, named for the people of Brazil. The dedication plaque had the names of various people involved in the development of DS9, as well as the creation of Star Trek, including Gene Roddenberry's name.
- Garak's 37th episode.
- Jeffrey Combs plays two characters in this episode. Both Weyoun and Brunt.
- Mila's second appearance.
- The footage of the Dominion eliminating rebel bases in Weyoun's address to the Cardassian people were *all* actually just recycled visual effects scenes taken from earlier in the show.
- When Quark declares that his bar will be "the last outpost of what made Ferenginar great," the line oddly parallels the Ferengi's fist appearance in the coincidentally named episode TNG: The Last Output. At the end of that episode, Riker suggested the Ferengi would evolve into exactly the more benevolent society that Quark is so eager to resist.

Remarkable Scenes
- Sisko getting another Defiant class starship.
- Bashir regarding the Sao Paulo: "I hate the carpet."
- Admiral Ross pointing out the special dispensation from the chief of Starfleet operations to change the name of USS Sao Paulo to USS Defiant.
- The commandeered Jem'Hadar ship being destroyed.
- Bashir informing Odo that he infected the founders.
- Zek's conversation with Quark, with the nicely timed distortions. ;)
- Weyoun's address to the people of Cardassia announcing that the rebellion has been completely crushed.
- Quark's reaction to the socialist programs being introduced on Ferenginar. My favorite of his quotes while he complained: "What's the point of being in business if you can't corner the market and gouge your customers?"
- Quark: "The line has to be drawn here! This far and no further!" Nice reference to Star Trek VIII: First Contact.
- Ezri and Bashir finally falling for one another.
- Zek declaring Rom the new Grand Nagus.
- Kassidy declaring she's pregnant.
- Morn Appearances; 1. At the bar when Brunt arrives. 2. Is present when Zek and Ishka arrive at the bar to declare Rom the Grand Nagus.

My Review
And so the series begins to wrap up. Loose threads are being tied up left and right. Sisko got a new Defiant, Odo is fully cured, Zek is stepping down as Nagus, Rom is to become the new Grand Nagus, Damar is inciting revolution among the common people of Cardassia, Ferenginar is becoming more socialist, more like a Federation world, Ezri and Bashir have finally gotten together, Kassidy is pregnant, and the Allies are about to mount their D-Day invasion. This episode was both great fun to watch because of the unusually large set of guest characters and running plot threads, but at the same time was obviously setting up for a real thriller of a finale. Though one wonders how long this new Ferengi government will last. Perhaps "Ferengi civil war" will be the title of the next series. Quark mounts a strike against the evil Communist Grand Nagus Rom! The line must be drawn here! This far, no further! ;)

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Hugo on 2013-05-03 at 6:12am:
    So the Dominion is retreating into Cardassian space - what about the Breen - couldn't the Federation et al attack Breen space (or is it too far away?)
  • From Damien Bradley on 2013-09-28 at 7:55am:
    A minor problem: When Kasidy reveals she's pregnant, they say something about one of them forgetting an injection, presumably the modern method of birth control for men and women. Sisko admits it must have been him. But both partners have to be taking an injection for it to work? That doesn't make sense. If both partners were on it, it would serve as redundant protection in case one person forgets. Even now, we have methods that work for months or years at a time; wouldn't they have permanent reversible birth control for both sexes by the 24th century?

    Otherwise, I'm really enjoying the suspense leading up to the finale! I've been making my way through DS9 (with breaks here and there) for a few years now. Enough time to start the series over again! This time leaving out the bad filler (so thanks for your filler quotient ratings!).
  • From ChristopherA on 2021-08-26 at 2:36am:
    The story of the Cardassian rebels continues to be exciting and well done.

    They are starting to wrap up the series, starting with the Ferengi, but I don't really see why they thought it was necessary to wrap up the Ferengi at all. It was a good idea to complete the “women’s liberation” storyline because the idea of naked Ferengi females is basically of an awkward legacy of the silly cartoonish TNG-style Ferengi. It was really inconvenient that you could not film Ferengi females because they were naked and thus could barely have female Ferengi at all. And the whole idea didn't seem to fit well at all with the DS9 recharacterization of the Ferengi. Their purpose was to be absurdly ruthless businessmen, having them be misogynists didn't add anything interesting to this and was mostly just annoying. So it made a lot of sense to just wrap this up and get rid of it.

    But having Ishka completely transform the whole society and political system in, apparently, a year or two just seemed trite and hard to believe and entirely unnecessary, it only seems to weaken the usefulness of the Ferengi as an element in future stories. And making Rom the Grand Nagus is, again, overly trite. Sure, it does cap off the long running storyline that Rom starts as the dumb subservient brother and grows into the smarter, more dynamic brother. But it has been well established this is partly because Rom’s genius lies in engineering rather than business. And while he has been shown to have grown courage at standing up to his brother to promote social causes, he is still an engineer with self-confidence, not a politician. It would be more believable to assume that Moogie is now the real Grand Nagus behind the scenes, with Rom as her nepotism puppet.

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Star Trek DS9 - 7x25 - What You Leave Behind, Part I

Originally Aired: 1999-6-2

As Cardassians revolt against the Dominion, the Federation and its allies start to get an upper hand in the war. Meanwhile evil brews from another front. [DVD]

My Rating - 10

Fan Rating Average - 4.83

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Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 106 7 5 2 2 2 4 4 6 17 88

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.


- This episode is a candidate for my "Best Episode of DS9 Award".
- Garak's 38th episode.
- Mila's third appearance.
- The plaque on the Sao Paulo's wall has been changed to reflect the ship's name change to the Defiant. The physical markings on the ship were also changed back as well as the registry.
- Some of the battle footage used in this episode was taken from previous battles. A few ship internal scenes were even taken from the destruction of the Duras sisters' ship in Star Trek VII: Generations.

Remarkable Scenes
- The sight of the massive fleet mounting to attack Cardassia.
- Kira in a Breen refrigeration suit.
- Worf regarding Ezri's relationship with Bashir: "I am happy for you." Ezri: "That's a relief." Worf: "But, I am going to kill him." Ezri: "You're kidding, right?" Worf: "And Jadzia said I did not have a sense of humor."
- Quark realizing Vic Fontaine cheated when they played Go Fish.
- Weyoun announcing that Lacarian city on Cardassia has been leveled in response to the terrorist attacks, killing two million people.
- The beginning of the battle.
- Mila's sarcastic(?) crush on Damar.
- Mila's death. Poor woman. She didn't deserve that.
- O'Brien telling Julian that he's leaving DS9 and moving back to Earth.
- The Cardassian fleet joining the fight against the Dominion.
- Female shapeshifter: "I want the Cardassians exterminated." Weyoun: "Which ones?" Female shapeshifter: "All of them. The entire population."
- Garak: "My Cardassia is gone." Kira: "Then fight for a new Cardassia." Garak: "I have an even better reason, commander. Revenge." Kira: "That works too."
- The sight of the Dominion defense perimeter in orbit of Cardassia Prime.

My Review
Here we go, the final battle. The fighting displayed its usual awesomeness, and we got a few new plot twists as well. In response to the terrorism committed by Kira, Garak, and Damar, the female shapeshifter has begun leveling Cardassian cities. In response to the destruction of Cardassian cities, the Cardassian fleet has switched sides and has begun fighting for the Federation. And as a result of these events, the allied fleet has driven the Dominion all the way back to Cardassia Prime. Seeing as how the planet is surrounded and the population of the planet is revolting, looks like the Dominion's gonna lose. On other fronts, we get an update as to what Winn and Dukat are doing after one episode of silence. We finally get to see the fire caves, which is cool. The Federation and its allies are about to fight a major battle and it looks as though that Prophets and the Pah-wraiths are about to fight one too.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Tallifer on 2011-05-01 at 12:20pm:
    How do some people rate this zero or one? Do they simply hate Star Trek and stumbled onto the wrong website in their search for Jersey Shore?

    This final story was amazing. Space battles. Intrigue and rebellion. The final battle between the pah-wraiths and the prophets.

    And I must confess that the extended epilogue detailing everyone's final fate brought tears to my eyes.
  • From Inga on 2013-07-06 at 3:37pm:
    The last two episodes were indeed marvelous, but the pah wraith battle was pretty silly and banal (a tired concept of good vs evil).

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Star Trek DS9 - 7x26 - What You Leave Behind, Part II

Originally Aired: 1999-6-2

The confrontation with the Dominion comes to a climax, as does Sisko's fate. [DVD]

My Rating - 10

Fan Rating Average - 4.94

Rate episode?

Rating: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# Votes: 103 5 4 3 6 7 3 6 10 15 88

Filler Quotient: 0, not filler, do not skip this episode.
- Numerous major long term plot threads are serviced here.


- This episode is a candidate for my "Best Episode of DS9 Award."
- Garak's 39th episode.
- Well in excess of 800 million were killed on Cardassia Prime during the founder's genocidal campaign.
- One of the punches Sisko throws at Dukat actually landed. Marc Alaimo ended up going to the hospital still in full Cardassian make up to be treated.

Remarkable Scenes
- Female shapeshifter: "My loyal Weyoun. The only solid I have ever trusted."
- Damar and his group charging into the Cardassian Central Command building.
- Garak murdering Weyoun.
- Winn poisoning Dukat.
- Seeing Cardassia Prime completely destroyed in an external shot.
- Odo meeting with the female shapeshifter.
- Odo linking with the female shapeshifter, curing her, and making her finally understand the solids the way Odo does.
- Martok: "This is a moment worth savoring. To victory! Hard fought and well earned." Martok kept the promise he made at this time last year. Martok, Sisko, and Ross shared blood wine on Cardassia Prime.
- Martok, regarding the dead Cardassians: "Bajorans would call this poetic justice."
- Bashir and Garak discussing the aftermath of the war for Cardassia.
- The female shapeshifter officially surrendering aboard DS9.
- Ross: "Today the guns are silent. The great tragedy has ended. We have known the bitterness of defeat and the exhortation of triumph. From both we have learned there can be no going back. We must move forward to preserve in peace what we've won in war."
- Worf becoming Federation ambassador to the Klingon Empire.
- Sisko confronting Dukat.
- Sisko to Dukat: "First the Dominion, now the Pah-wraith. You have a talent for picking the losing sides!"
- Dukat killing Kai Winn.
- Sisko plunging himself and Dukat into the Pah-wraith's fire.
- Sisko's meeting with Kassidy in the Celestial Temple, declaring that his life isn't linear, that he could be back at any time, future or past, and that he *will* be back, for the prophets still have much for him to do.
- Chief O'Brien finding the little toy soldier he thought Julian lost.
- The flashbacks.
- Quark's last scene with Odo.
- Odo curing his people and rejoining the Great Link.
- Lieutenant Nog. Cool!
- Kira examining Sisko's baseball. He left it... he'll be back...
- Quark, after being accosted by Kira for setting up gambling pools on who's going to be the next Kai: "The more things change, the more they stay the same." These were the last words spoken on DS9.
- Jake and Kira observing the wormhole as the camera zooms away from the station...
- Morn Appearances; 1. Is shown during the flashback to DS9: Badda-Bing Badda-Bang. 2. Sells Morn a compound that's "guaranteed to grow hair within a week." 3. Quark's last line, the final words spoken on DS9, were addressed to Morn.

My Review
Even when the founder is captured, the war is still not over, for the Jem'Hadar and the Breen will fight to the last man. She was so bitter, she was willing to let the war drag on until every one of her soldiers were killed before she surrendered. But Odo, in his everlasting forgiveness for his people, was able to finally make the female shapeshifter understand solids as he does when he linked with her and cured her. And so ends the Dominion war. The war was wrapped up early on, which I liked. It gave the episode time to wrap up the Prophets vs. Pah-wraith conflict that's been building as well; Dukat and Sisko duke it out one last time. As a result, Dukat burns in "hell" with the Pah-wraiths for eternity and Sisko is elevated to "heaven" in the Celestial Temple. I like how the writers left the "fate" of his character relatively open ended. He may, no, he *will* return! Worf leaves the station too, going to the Klingon Empire to spend some time with Martok as the Federation ambassador to Kronos. And O'Brien leaves as well, returning to Earth to become a professor at Starfleet academy, I'm sure much to Keiko's delight. She never liked DS9. The finale seems to capture everything that made DS9 so great over the years. The attention to detail in the various send offs for the characters was great; I must say I truly feel more satisfied with this finale than I have with any other before. Even if we never see a DS9 movie, or more episodes depicting the station, I'll be happy with how the show ended. This episode gives us real closure for the first time ever in Star Trek. And so ends Star Trek Deep Space Nine, which is in my opinion the greatest Star Trek series ever done.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Pete Miller on 2006-07-29 at 6:29am:
    This finale makes "All Good Things..." look like an article of trash. DS9 stayed true to itself down to the bitter end. Everyone doesn't live happily ever after and stay together on the station for a set of new movies. No, DS9 is a very human show, a very realistic one. Though I've heard the writers and producers say that DS9 contains so many shades of gray, the finale was very clear cut. When the founder ordered the eradication of the Cardassians, you could see pure evil in her face. On the same token, Sisko made the ultimate sacrifice for Good in the end.

    The finale captured everything DS9 was about, as well. It had awesome action sequences, political intrigue, ethereal matters, and of course emotional and moral matters. Towards the end, when Sisko sacrificed himself, I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. When he kissed Kassidy in the celestial temple and she realized what he had done, I absolutely burst into tears. I'm a grown man, and there are very few things that make me cry. The conclusion was truly powerful, and it is something I will never forget.

    In the end, the show is about people. It's about the imperfection of humanity, something not covered in other Star Trek series. However, contrary to many critics' opinions, DS9 shows the most optimistic picture of the future of any of the Star Trek series. It shows that, even with our faults, humans will make the right decisions and contribute positively to the universe in the future when all is said and done. For every man like Sloan or the Female Shapeshifter, there is a greater man like Sisko or O'brien. I wholeheartedly agree with Eric when I say that DS9 is, without question, FAR superior to every other Star Trek series.

    Finally I know it's kind of corny to award this to the finale, but I am absolutely compelled to award "Best Episode of DS9" to "What You Leave Behind". It simply embodies everything DS9 is about; all the things I mentioned above. If I had to take an episode of DS9 to someone and say "this episode is what DS9 is", then this is the one. It is indescribably powerful and moving, especially if you have seen all 7 seasons culminate up to that point. It may very well be the best episode of Star Trek period, but I haven't seen all of Voyager or Enterprise yet, so I can't pass judgement.

    All I can say is "Deep Space Nine, you will be missed."
  • From rpeh on 2010-08-05 at 10:05pm:
    A good finale; nay, a great one - but not without its flaws. The flashbacks were mawkish and sentimental, and I have a feeling that the war was over a bit too quickly.

    There's also a sense of an attempt to seal the fates of several characters - and the DVD extras even have Ira Behr saying that was the intent. Resolving O'Brien and Worf looks to me like an attempt to give closure to TNG more than DS9, but what's next for Kira, Dax, and Bashir?

    Turning the battle between the Prophets and the Pah-wraiths into a christian-like Heaven vs Hell struggle didn't sit well with me either.

    DS9 set new heights for Star Trek. I think two or three TNG episodes were better than anything the series had to offer, entirely because Patrick Stewart was the best actor ever to grace the Trek franchise, but there can't be any doubt that the average on DS9 was higher than anywhere else, and it had its own fair share of hits.

    The only problem is that by wrapping up some characters and not others, the writers essentially ruined any chance of a film being made.

    This episode gets an 8 for being too sentimental, but the series gets a full 10.
  • From MJ on 2011-01-29 at 6:00pm:
    Decent finale. But not great. DS9 bit off more than it could chew in this final episode. In TNG, they focused the entire two-part ending on the one problem and involved the entire crew coming together to solve it, while also being able to reflect back on earlier themes throughout the show. In DS9, they tried to wrap up the Dominion War, the Prophets/Pah-Wraith thing, and also send the individual characters on their separate paths all in one two-parter. And it didn’t go well in my view.

    The Dominion War ended very suddenly. This was DS9’s greatest contribution to Star Trek, and while the final battle was spectacular, there are just so many unanswered questions. Most of the episode should have been focused on the war and its aftermath, and maybe Section 31 which is a potentially huge subplot. Instead, a lot of time is spent wrapping up this Pah-Wraith struggle, which is probably DS9’s worst contribution to Star Trek and I think damages the show’s credibility somewhat. Not only that, but we have to endure one final scene of Vic Fontaine’s singing rather than actual plot. What a waste of time.

    Then we have a series of scenes that try to clarify what will happen to each person. It’s an odd transition between the Dominion War struggle and the Pah-Wraith fight. It slows things down and gets you ready for the end, but then suddenly Sisko goes back to fight a possessed Dukat and "dies" in an apocalyptic battle that also ends very suddenly. Following this is a quick attempt to focus on how this impacts Yates and Jake, and then a series of flashbacks of everyone's fondest memories.

    The whole thing was fast, and seemed a very forced attempt to end so many themes and plots that it really didn’t give me the same sense of finale that I had after viewing “All Good Things”. I agree that DS9’s average episodes were more exciting than TNG’s average episodes, and that DS9 had just as many ethical, political, and social messages as TNG. But as finales go, I think TNG outshines this one just a bit. But even if you’re not into the whole comparison thing, it’s just a weird way to end a spectacular saga.

    The flashback moments were touching, and Odo’s rejoining the Great Link was a nicely done scene. I didn’t like Odo and Quark’s parting; DS9 has done some awkward goodbyes (like Picard and O’Brien at the opener) and this one was no different.

    But overall I’d give part 1 a 9, and part 2 a 6.
  • From PaulBW on 2012-05-26 at 6:51am:
    Underwhelming as a follow up to the excellent part one. Gul Dukat's 15 minutes as a super-villian felt unnessary, especially for all the tedious build-up we had to endure to get to that point. Though I did get sentimental towards the end of the episode when the characters met their final conclusions in the series.

    After Quark says, "hasn't there been enough change around here already." I felt like it would of been a perfect moment for Morn to say a word or too. A simple "ya" would have been hilarious. It would play into the times-are-changin theme they got going on this second half.
  • From L on 2013-08-19 at 10:07am:
    Then I guess everything's wrapped up in a neat little package.

    Awesome battle scenes.

    I think what made this show great was the writing and development of the villains, which was made possible by doing the larger arcs, and also that they were able to make them complex and sympathetic with shades of grey well as all-out evil. The acting of the Cardassians, Vorta, Jem-Hadaar and the Ferengi eclipses everyone else's (all the 'nice' races) performance for some reason, or they're just more compelling to me.
    The exploration of darker and heavier themes was also to its merit.
    The development of the Ferenghi culture over TNG was very welcome and priceless.

    I wasn't particularly moved by the wrap-up however - I think the only flashback that touched me was that showing the relationship of Jake and Sisko, truly one of the greatest father/son relationships ever portrayed on television.

    I feel a bit let down by the fact that I didn't really care in the end about the fate of the characters - possibly it's the 'spiritual' ridiculousness of Sisko's fate that poured cold water on it for me, plus the farewell party in the Vegas holosuite seemed pointless and cheesy, as that whole Vic/smooth jazzclub sub-plot always did.
    The best flashback to me was the one showing a lanky Bashir in a lycra body-suit playing whatever that squash game was with O'Brien.

    This just did not have the same impact as TNG for me, that felt so much more of a family and had a really positive feeling. Perhaps it's the lack of optimism in this ending, as lots of heavy stuff has been going on - we've all lost our Star Trek innocence and future idealism now.

    My lack of emotional investment started half-way through the last season with my resistance to the Bajoran culture and religion and the blind faith being advocated, so I'm just glad to have got through it.

    I can see why it's praised. Definitely some fantastic moments.
    Now onto Voyager.
  • From Rob UK on 2013-12-01 at 6:23pm:
    I will write something more on this episode at some point as in regards to the ending of a Star Trek season i think it is the best, sidetracked.

    My reason for writing now is Major Kira who seems to have turned into first a Sith lord (see previous episode as she lurks all cloaked up conducting the dissent on Kardasia) an then in this episode she goes all Princess Leah invading Jabba's Palace with the captured Chewbacca and the thermal detonator as she is dressed as the Breen to save Garrick and co, if she had just said "Someone who loves you" in response to someone asking "Who are you?" from under the Breen helmet we were complete in the homage.

    I know Star Wars and Star Trek comparatives i have probably broken all the rules of fandom, anyone sitting there melting at their computer at my foibles please forgive, count to ten and breath deep, no offense was ever intended as i am a fan of it all
  • From Alex on 2014-05-19 at 11:08pm:
    I`ll be honest,i personally thought DS9 was the most overrated steaming heap of manure ever to masquerade as anything to be connected with star trek.The star trek ethos is meant to be to boldly go and explore,not to bore everyone whitless about the inane goings on (and lets face it,for the first 2 series the SCI-FI CONTENT was negligible)at a second rate Babylon 5 effort.The only thing that made it bearable was the introduction of Worf,the Defiant(something to get off that bloody station)and the Dominion story arc which at times was brilliant,especially the episode Rocks And Shoals.To finish this is not a series i will miss in anyway,good riddance
  • From mandeponium on 2014-08-03 at 12:39am:
    This is the episode I've been waiting for since Episode 1 and the start of the Dominion War. It all finally culminates here with the fight that means everything but also changes everything.

    It's the last task to save the thing that you love the most. But in doing so, the fighting changes the thing and you can't go back to it. You can't go back to the way things were. You've saved it but it's different now than when you left it. Garak lost 800 million countrymen. He can never go back to the Cardassia he knew. Even if the thing hadn't changed, you still couldn't go back because now you're different. The struggle changed you. Sisko now lives with the prophets.

    It reminded me a lot of the end of Lord of the Rings. Maybe DS9 copied it or maybe they both copied the broader archetype: the struggle to save followed by loss.
    "We set out to save the Shire, Sam and it has been saved - but not for me," says Frodo as he makes way to the ships that will take him to the White Shores.
  • From RichD on 2016-09-29 at 9:26pm:
    A great finale for a great series. I recently re-watched the entire series on Netflix. DS9 gets my vote as the best ST series. TOS was the 1st so it must be respected. TNG had the master thespian. ENT and VOY had their moments, but DS9 was much more complex and diverse. It told so many different stories, and it told them well. I loved the series when I first watched it, and I love it even more now after watching it again. I'm almost a little misty that's over, ha!

    My top ten episodes:

    In the Pale Moonlight
    The Visitor
    The Die is Cast
    By Inferno's Light
    The Siege of AR-558
    In Purgatory's Shadow
    The Way of the Warrior
    Trials and Tribble-ations
    A time to Stand

  • From ChristopherA on 2021-09-13 at 3:06am:
    I like that DS9 has a proper finale to wrap things up. The timing of network television made it hard for many series to have satisfactory finales (look at how poor Babylon 5 went through the ringer), so it is great that the series had a proper finale, though it really varies how well each storyline was wrapped up.

    The conclusion to the Dominion war was really the long-awaited part and I thought the finale was really quite an excellent ending to the war, with the Dominion turning on Cardassia, Cardassia turning on the Dominion, and the female shapeshifter fighting to the bitter end until Odo links with her and brings peace by rejoining the Great Link. My only complaint is not with the finale itself, but rather that it seems like there was something rushed in the episodes leading up to this. After the war going on and on seemingly indefinitely throughout the show, with our heroes just able to hold their own, suddenly the Breen appear and turn the tides against the Allies, but shortly after that the heroes turn around and start doing better than ever, despite the presence of the Breen. Maybe the Breen are actually a rather weak military power and became largely insignificant after the special energy damping weapon was nullified? But as early as episode 5 of this very season a big point was made that the power of the Dominion was so overwhelming that their victory was inevitable, and that was before the Breen joined the war. Suddenly, after the Breen are neutralized, the Dominion are outright losing and forced to retreat. What happened? There were a few little things that helped the Federation Alliance, like the Cardassian rebels and the Changeling disease interfering with shapeshifting, but none of it seemed to clearly explain the incredible turnaround. Feels like there were some episodes missing from the middle of the season to explain this.

    It is nice that they had the time to wrap up the pah-wraiths storyline, rather than just leave it hanging, but boy did it feel rushed. All that elaborate build up for multiple episodes only to suddenly end without very much happening. Also, I am really starting to agree with some of the other commentators that the religious mysticism is getting out of hand. Originally the idea was that the Prophets really were super powerful wormhole aliens living outside of linear time, and the religious aspects were created by the Bajorans, and by the way that contacting the prophets feels like a religious experience due to the weird and confusing effects of primitive humanoid brains trying to communicate with beings on another plane of existence. Part of what made them interesting was that every experience with them could either be looked at through a religious Bajoran viewpoint, or through a scientific Federation viewpoint. But the Pah-Wraiths just seemed to be inserted from a fantasy novel – reading spells from a mystic tome to unleash the demons from their mystic prison, hand to hand combat between the chosen ones with the fate of good versus evil hanging in the balance. What’s up with that? It just seems out of place.

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