Written on: 2004/01/08.
This is the most impressive crapflood I've seen in a very long time. The only thing that compares is the time when someone flooded an old newsgroup I posted in with thousands of random-text messages.
Looks like someone with hundreds of Slashdot accounts and/or a rotating IP is having some fun with shitstorm.pl
Written on: 2003/12/20.
Best browser on the planet is Firebird 0.7. I've been using Mozilla for a long while now, but since I don't need all the different stuff it comes with, I decided to look into downsizing. Firebird is compact, fast, and has features which the full Mozilla lacks even! Best of all it runs in Windows, Linux, and MacOSX. Everyone should use it.
Edit: the Linux version sucks. I guess I'll stick with the real Mozilla.
I got all excited when I saw Firebird and Thunderbird work so well in Windows but never got around to trying them in Linux until today.
Written on: 2003/08/13.
Behold my experiment on slashdot. Hillarious.
Written on: 2003/06/23.
Hey people, I'm back home in New York! My first vacation back, finally. Been here for a few days now. In fact, just got back from a vacation from my vacation in Canada. Please, do not email me as I will not recieve it until the 18th of July! If you need to contact me, use ICQ. My ICQ number is 39169924. I check it daily/semi daily when I have time.
Written on: 2003/05/19.
I graduated from high school today. (Insert memorable quote here.)
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