Written on: 2006/02/06.
A project I've been working on for a couple months now goes live: GameChew.com. I was hired to do their PHP/MySQL CMS and implement their design. (An artist did the designing, I just translated it into HTML/CSS.) It's been a lot of work, but it was very rewarding. I'm looking forward to continuing to work with the GameChew staff and I wish their site luck as it begins to grow!
Written on: 2006/02/02.
Occurance of profanity and other interesting words in the Linux kernel source with pretty graphs.
Written on: 2006/01/28.
For anyone who gets "fatal error 000004bc" when trying to launch Continuum in WINE, kill processes wine-preloader and wineserver, then launch it again and it should work.
Written on: 2006/01/25.
Continuum 0.38 (formerly Subspace) now finally runs on Linux with WINE thanks to Mine GO BOOM. Read his guide or the WineHQ notes. It works perfectly. Check out this screenshot of me playing in Linux as proof!
This is so amazing. I've been waiting for this for years. Freaking years. Now I don't have a reason to boot Windows anymore... This is so cool!
Also, and this is kind of old news, but Google Talk is now XMPP compatible, meaning it will talk to any Jabber server. I can now officially recommend Google Talk as being a Very Cool Thing (tm) and you should all try it out. And I only see it getting better!
So much good news lately!
Written on: 2005/12/27.
My FF6 page has been updated with a completed savegame.
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