This is my Zelda 3 page. Zelda 3 is often better known as The Legend of Zelda - A Link To The Past, but I prefer to call it Zelda 3.
Click here to download my Zelda 3 save files.
The save files include:
Zelda 3.srm - My savegame. Link is completely maxed out: every heart piece, all equipment.
Zelda 3.zst - My ZSNES savestate inside the famous Chris Houlihan room.
- Also, check out this video of me revisiting the Chris Houlihan room along with these wonderful screenshots.
- Finally, you might be interested in my Mario Paint remix of the Zelda theme! MP3 - Music Video
- OST - The original soundtrack has been dumped into SPC files, which you can legally download here among other places.
Small FAQ:
- To gain access to the Chris Houlihan room you must have the speed boots. The first lifting gloves wouldn't hurt either. I have successfully entered the room twice. You must be very fast no matter what method you use to get there.
- The first method I used to get there goes like this: first, I started at the Sanctuary and headed south to the garden, south to the road, east across the road two screens, south to the bridge, east across the bridge, south to the rock flats, west to the castle blocked by big rock, lifted the rock, north to the secret entrence, then into the secret entrence.
- The other method I have used to successfully gain access to the room only requires the speed boots. First, I started at the Sanctuary and headed south to the garden, south to the road, west to the next screen, south into the forest, east into the castle garden, south to the moat, east to the other side of the castle, north to the secret entrence, then into the secret entrence.
- I have never gotten both methods to work 100% of the time. There are some rumors about things you can and cannot do while trying to gain access to the Chris Houlihan room. Some of them are true, some of them are not:
- Rumor that you must not get injured during the attempt is false
- Rumor that you must not kill soldiers during the attempt false
- Rumor that you can sometimes be sent to the room out of nowhere due to game glitches is true.
- In the light world town, if you go inside the house west of the merchent guy who sells you one of your first bottles, pull up the pots, and sprinkle magic powder on the chicken that comes out of one of them, it will turn into a person who seems rather annoyed at you for 1. turning her into a human and 2. pestering all her chicken friends.
- Speaking of chickens, my favorite way to pester them involves having 4 empty bottles, the dash boots, and the bug catching net. Go to the light world town, ram yourself into the southeastern tree, catch 4 bees. Leave town, come back, kill all the soldiers, then ram the tree again and let the swarm of bees follow you to the chickens in the southwestern corner. Release all your bees from your bottles while standing close to the chickens, then start catching/releasing the bees from the swarm that's following you. If done correctly, close to a dozen bees will be rampaging against the chickens and the chicken-army will come to kick your ass in mere seconds. Not very productive use of one's time, but damn funny.